Interesting, Graham's God put a lying, philandering, bankruptcy happy, elite into the White House. You can keep them both.
You have sold him short
Clogs up court with frivolous lawsuits
Believes the last thing he heard or read - ping ball wizard
Thinks being President is piece of cake until he became president
Thinks saber rattling is better diplomacy until now
May fumble us into the next WW
Prefers dictatorship over democracy
Only cares about ratings
Never wrong even when wrong
Flip-flopper royale
Long on promises, short on delivery
What he condemns in others he does himself without shame
Extremely self-centered
Snake oil salesman
Doesn't want to expand his base. 'not my people'
It is better to look good than be good
Doesn't care if his actions hurt his base as long as they blindly support him
Acts like a child
Thin skinned
Loves the perks but hates the job. Wants his old life back.
Short sighted
One thing about his first 100 days is we know more about his character than any other president at this same time.