The Left has become dangerously unhinged.


New member
That goes for you too...

Do not do evil that good may come.

Establishing socialist programs (which inherently violate God's enduring command, "thou shall not steal"), even to abolish abortion, is wrong.

The abolition of abortion is non-negotiable, and making compromises to accomplish it only leads to more problems.

1. I was calling [MENTION=17915]eider[/MENTION]'s bluff. Just as I suspected his premise was a red herring as he didn't want to criminalize abortion anyway just as I predicted.

2. It's not socialist. It's welfare capitalism.

3. Wouldn't your 5% tax rate ^ be enough to cover these programs? :chuckle: It's funny that you actually find the 'stealing' OK (taxation) just as long as it's only stealing an amount to your liking. It's where the money is spent that then makes you label the taxation as theft. If your neighbor robs you, is it only theft if he spends your money in a way you don't approve? :think:


Well-known member
I asked you to provide a way for the government to fund itself, You said tariffs, and I then provided you with reasons why we shouldn't use tariffs at all.

I said tariffs? I don't see any post of mine where I said tariffs. True, tariffs were some of it, but it surely wasn't all.

God also requires governments to be responsible, and that includes with their finances.


Could you please provide the other types of funding the government used?

They sold land, they had user fees, they got paid by states for services. Not just tariffs, which I am not a big proponent of that anyway.

Contract? What for?

What for? It's my just cant come and take it :duh:


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1. I was calling [MENTION=17915]eider[/MENTION]'s bluff. Just as I suspected his premise was a red herring as he didn't want to criminalize abortion anyway just as I predicted.

Very well.

2. It's not socialist. It's welfare capitalism.

Welfare programs are inherently socialist. They are redistributions of wealth.

3. Wouldn't your 5% tax rate ^ be enough to cover these programs?

No. Because the government shouldn't be doing anything other than what God gave it to do, and that is infrastructure and criminal (both foreign and domestic) justice. Nothing else.

With a 5% cap, a variable but flat tax is not confiscatory, yet gives the government leadership even in taxation. The interest on a 7-year surplus, plus a 1% tax, would fund the government indefinitely. Averaged over time this provision would let the market seek its own, optimal, non*arbitrary tax rate.

:chuckle: It's funny that you actually find the 'stealing' OK (taxation)

So you think that all taxation is wrong?

If so, please provide a way for the government to fund itself.

just as long as it's only stealing an amount to your liking.

Not my liking. It's to what is just.

God instituted a 10% tax for the Israelite priests. He also said anything greater than 10% tax is tyranny. A 5% income tax (and no other forms of taxation or tolling) would be enough to fund the government (as I said above) indefinitely, so long as it sticks to its intended responsibilities.

It's where the money is spent that then makes you label the taxation as theft.

Government established welfare programs make its citizens co-conspirators to theft through theft-by-receiving. Welfare checks replace fathers. Food stamps replace neighbors. When the government meets emergency needs, families and friends do not. It is easier to live with a welfare check than with a man. Many welfare recipients, like prostitutes, get paid for having sex outside of wedlock. An ungrateful recipient of charity is destroyed by welfare, which encourages them to remain as they are instead of bettering themselves.

If your neighbor robs you, is it only theft if he spends your money in a way you don't approve? :think:

If my neighbor robs me, it's theft regardless of what he does with what he stole. If the government robs me, it's theft regardless of what he does with what it stole.


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I said tariffs? I don't see any post of mine where I said tariffs. True, tariffs were some of it, but it surely wasn't all.

Perhaps I misread your comment.


They sold land,

Which it has the authority to do, as well as to buy land, all for infrastructure purposes.

they had user fees,

Could you explain what that means, please?

they got paid by states for services.

Such as?

Not just tariffs, which I am not a big proponent of that anyway.

I'm glad.

What for? It's my just cant come and take it :duh:

Everything belongs to God, and he says render to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's.

He didn't condemn taxation. He reinforced it.


New member


Well-known member
Perhaps I misread your comment.



Which it has the authority to do, as well as to buy land, all for infrastructure purposes.

Yes, provided it acquired said land lawfully.

Could you explain what that means, please?

Explain what exactly, what user fees are? Like in the Gulf of Mexico, a oil drilling company wants to drill and they pay a user fee to do it? Make sense?

National Guard?

I'm glad.


Everything belongs to God, and he says render to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's.

He didn't condemn taxation. He reinforced it.

Ah, here is the crux of your belief right there. Perhaps the most misunderstood verse in the whole of scripture.


New member
Welfare programs are inherently socialist. They are redistributions of wealth.

No. Because the government shouldn't be doing anything other than what God gave it to do, and that is infrastructure and criminal (both foreign and domestic) justice. Nothing else.

If the government taxes us and then builds roads, is this an example of socialism? Why or why not?

With a 5% cap, a variable but flat tax is not confiscatory, yet gives the government leadership even in taxation. The interest on a 7-year surplus, plus a 1% tax, would fund the government indefinitely. Averaged over time this provision would let the market seek its own, optimal, non*arbitrary tax rate.

I wonder how WWII would have turned out with the above in place.

Sprechen sie Deutsch? :think:

So you think that all taxation is wrong?

No, I understand that it is necessary. Spending is the problem currently.

God instituted a 10% tax for the Israelite priests. He also said anything greater than 10% tax is tyranny. A 5% income tax (and no other forms of taxation or tolling) would be enough to fund the government (as I said above) indefinitely, so long as it sticks to its intended responsibilities.

Does the United States spend too much on military and defense?

Government established welfare programs make its citizens co-conspirators to theft through theft-by-receiving. Welfare checks replace fathers. Food stamps replace neighbors. When the government meets emergency needs, families and friends do not. It is easier to live with a welfare check than with a man. Many welfare recipients, like prostitutes, get paid for having sex outside of wedlock. An ungrateful recipient of charity is destroyed by welfare, which encourages them to remain as they are instead of bettering themselves.

Well said :thumb:


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If the government taxes us and then builds roads, is this an example of socialism? Why or why not?


Because building roads is part of infrastructure.

Socialism is legalized plunder. It destroys the rule of law by sanctioning theft.
- Socialism: cattle rustlers get elected to the city council and decriminalized wealth redistribution.
- A socialist will give you the shirt off of another man’s back.
- Socialism makes conspirators of the public as it convicts them of theft*-by*-receiving.

I wonder how WWII would have turned out with the above in place.

Sprechen sie Deutsch? :think:

We would have had a far superior military than we did, because all the money we used for things other than criminal justice and infrastructure would have been used for both (CJ includes the armed forces).

No, I understand that it is necessary. Spending is the problem currently.

I asked if it was right or wrong, not if it was necessary.

Is it wrong for the government to tax its citizens?

Does the United States spend too much on military and defense?

As far as I'm concerned, America's government can never spend too much on military and defense, so long as it doesn't affect the quality of infrastructure, and vice versa.

Well said :thumb:

Credit to Bob.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Let me be clear here...A government can tax its' citizens if it is agreed by all parties involved.
Not sure what "agreed by all parties" means in this context. Are you suggesting that we only pay, individually, the taxes we agree are reasonable. Or do you mean we agree to collectively?