The Left has become dangerously unhinged.


Well-known member
That goes for you too...

Do not do evil that good may come.

Establishing socialist programs (which inherently violate God's enduring command, "thou shall not steal"), even to abolish abortion, is wrong.

The abolition of abortion is non-negotiable, and making compromises to accomplish it only leads to more problems.

That member's compromise was to support free welfare, education and healthcare for disabled persons for whole-life. A program payed for by taxation is hardly theft.

In any event, the poor-laws in the Old Testament would no doubt support such a plan.

You do seem to cherry-pick at the bible's laws ....


Well, no matter what your achievements might have been, he certainly eclipsed anything you ever did, for sure.
Some imbecile!

Could I ask, 'What do you do for a living?'

Sure. I went from skid row in Los Angeles as a teen, sleeping in an abandoned building on 4th and Spring to becoming a self made millionaire owning property in Hawaii, I’m a husband and a dad. I seriously doubt that that idiot could have done what I have with my challenges.

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Taxes aren't theft or evil. Unless a person is forced to remain here then they are free to make the decision to participate in this republic and to pay the lawful freight for it or they can go elsewhere.

Calling taxes theft is both contrary to scripture and irrational else. Socialism is no more antithetical to Christianity than capitalism is endorsed. Given my druthers I'll take the latter with intelligent regulation to maintain a moral backbone, but only because I believe it does a better job, as a general economic principle, in guiding people to sustained prosperity.

You're not addressing my argument.

I said socialist programs inherently violate God's enduring command, "thou shall not steal."

In order to claim that socialism is not antithetical to Christianity, you need to explain how forcibly (in other words, you'll be punished if you don't comply) taking money from one person and giving it to another is not theft.

I am not against taxation. I am against OVER-taxation.

But that's not OT law, is it.....

Please be more specific, I'm not sure what you're referring to.

Or would you please quote which Laws of Moses support your claim?
After all....... you quote from the OT laws.

How about what the Bible says:

The exclusions of rape, risk to Mother and extreme disability are just sad decisions which have to be addressed, imo.
When countries like the Republic of Ireland changes such policies then this is surely indicative of this?
It's not for me, but for specialists to decide when a mother's life is at risk from her pregnancy.

That's a cop-out, Eider.

Tell me one (or even multiple, if you feel one isn't representative enough of the rest) situation(s) where it would be "ok" to stop and kill the baby to save the mother's life? I'm asking for a hypothetical.

That member's compromise was to support free welfare, education and healthcare for disabled persons for whole-life. A program payed for by taxation is hardly theft.

Forcibly taking money from someone is called theft. Add on top of that giving it to someone who did not earn that money makes it worse.

If you want people to take care of each other, don't make it so that family or friends will abandon each other due to them coming to rely on the government stepping in and "helping."

Do not do evil that good may come.

In any event, the poor-laws in the Old Testament would no doubt support such a plan.

You do seem to cherry-pick at the bible's laws ....

I use moral laws, which are absolute. It's always wrong to steal. It's always wrong to murder. It's always wrong to rape, or to kidnap, or to have incest, or to commit adultery. It's always wrong to bear false witness. It's always wrong to kill a baby, even in the womb, because it's a baby, an innocent human being made in the image of God.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You're not addressing my argument.

I said socialist programs inherently violate God's enduring command, "thou shall not steal."
I directly addressed you belief. It isn't an argument. Theft is an operation of law, not some Amish guy shaking his fist at taxes that pay for a tank.

In order to claim that socialism is not antithetical to Christianity, you need to explain how forcibly (in other words, you'll be punished if you don't comply) taking money from one person and giving it to another is not theft.
Ask Caesar, or better yet, look at Christ's command to give him his due and then try to tell me that Jews were paying their taxes because they really, really wanted to.

I am not against taxation. I am against OVER-taxation.
That's like beauty. Some people will tell you any tax is over taxation. But that's not what makes it so. We have a system in place. No one is forced to remain a part of it and everyone is subject to its laws.


Hall of Fame
The exclusions of rape, risk to Mother and extreme disability are just sad decisions which have to be addressed, imo.
When countries like the Republic of Ireland changes such policies then this is surely indicative of this?

My question to you would be ... how are unborn babies produced via rape less worthy of life than all other unborn babies? They are innocent. Insofar as extreme disability, yes, it's a hardship ... on the parents. Does that make the child less worthy of life?


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I directly addressed you belief. It isn't an argument. Theft is an operation of law, not some Amish guy shaking his fist at taxes that pay for a tank.

Theft: the action or crime of stealing.

Steal: take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.

The government does not have the legal right to fund socialist programs. Therefore, any money that they take to fund such programs is theft.

Ask Caesar, or better yet, look at Christ's command to give him his due and then try to tell me that Jews were paying their taxes because they really, really wanted to.

I have already said there is nothing inherently wrong with taxation. There is a limit to taxation, and God did not contradict Himself when He said a 10% tax is wicked, by saying "render to Ceasar what is Ceasar's."

That's like beauty. Some people will tell you any tax is over taxation. But that's not what makes it so.

No, it's not like beauty. Beauty is based on subjective opinion. God says anything above a 10% tax is tyrannical. That's fact, not opinion.

We have a system in place.

A wicked system that puts a burden on the people who are under it.

No one is forced to remain a part of it

Have you ever tried to avoid paying some or all of your taxes? What happens?

and everyone is subject to its laws.



Well-known member
Taxes aren't theft or evil. Unless a person is forced to remain here then they are free to make the decision to participate in this republic and to pay the lawful freight for it or they can go elsewhere.

Calling taxes theft is both contrary to scripture and irrational else. Socialism is no more antithetical to Christianity than capitalism is endorsed. Given my druthers I'll take the latter with intelligent regulation to maintain a moral backbone, but only because I believe it does a better job, as a general economic principle, in guiding people to sustained prosperity.

Are taxes voluntary?

The Barbarian

Ask Caesar, or better yet, look at Christ's command to give him his due and then try to tell me that Jews were paying their taxes because they really, really wanted to.

It's not often that a foolish assertion is so deftly and completely debunked. Well done.

Whether or not government and taxation should exist is perhaps debatable. Whether or not it's theft, or contrary to scripture, that is not debatable.


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It's not often that a foolish assertion is so deftly and completely debunked. Well done.

What exactly was debunked?

Whether or not government and taxation should exist is perhaps debatable. Whether or not it's theft, or contrary to scripture, that is not debatable.

Does God ever regulate sin anywhere in the Bible?


Well-known member
I directly addressed you belief. It isn't an argument. Theft is an operation of law, not some Amish guy shaking his fist at taxes that pay for a tank.

Ask Caesar, or better yet, look at Christ's command to give him his due and then try to tell me that Jews were paying their taxes because they really, really wanted to.

That's like beauty. Some people will tell you any tax is over taxation. But that's not what makes it so. We have a system in place. No one is forced to remain a part of it and everyone is subject to its laws.

This should determine just how brainwashed you are for such a smart guy!

If I earn a dollar, how much of it am I entitled to keep?



Happy Mother’s Day!

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This should determine just how brainwashed you are for such a smart guy!


If I earn a dollar, how much of it am I entitled to keep?

A flat 5% or lower increase (income) tax is equitable, and not burdensome.
- All earners in America have an equal responsibility to calculate and render taxes.
- Minimizes the motivation of others including strangers to encourage tax evasion.
- Simple to compute; minimizes accounting burden; low cost of implementation to taxpayer.
- No need for IRS*-like tax collectors. Judges should handle tax evasion as they would any other theft.


Staff member
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Gold Subscriber
This should determine just how brainwashed you are for such a smart guy!

If I earn a dollar, how much of it am I entitled to keep?

A flat 5% or lower increase (income) tax is equitable, and not burdensome.
- All earners in America have an equal responsibility to calculate and render taxes.
- Minimizes the motivation of others including strangers to encourage tax evasion.
- Simple to compute; minimizes accounting burden; low cost of implementation to taxpayer.
- No need for IRS*-like tax collectors. Judges should handle tax evasion as they would any other theft.
So, to answer you question: at least 95% of it should remain yours, the rest goes to fund the government.


Well-known member

A flat 5% or lower increase (income) tax is equitable, and not burdensome.
- All earners in America have an equal responsibility to calculate and render taxes.
- Minimizes the motivation of others including strangers to encourage tax evasion.
- Simple to compute; minimizes accounting burden; low cost of implementation to taxpayer.
- No need for IRS*-like tax collectors. Judges should handle tax evasion as they would any other theft.

The correct answer to the question If I earn a dollar, how much of it am I entitled to keep? is all of it. :up: