The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Lon look up how many times these trolls have called our religion garbage, UFO, comic book, demonically inspired, satanic, cultic, moronic etc. but I don't think you sincerely care. Blasphamy is true slander against the real word of God, not the mere writings of holy men. When challenged the corrupt church often used trumped up charges like heresy or blasphemy. They did the same thing to Jesus, and they also had no sincere interest in his message, they were just trying to find an excuse to get rid of him.

Garbage, UFO, comic book, demonically inspired, satanic,
cultic, moronic, yeah, that about covers it!!


New member
Garbage, UFO, comic book, demonically inspired, satanic,
cultic, moronic, yeah, that about covers it!!

Yes, but you forgot blasphemous. This thread is really a violation of MOST of TOL's rules. Lon listed quite a few. Personally, I'm most upset about those seeking Christ or babes in Christ being exposed to this garbage on a Christian forum.


Yes, but you forgot blasphemous. This thread is really a violation of MOST of TOL's rules. Lon listed quite a few. Personally, I'm most upset about those seeking Christ or babes in Christ being exposed to this garbage on a Christian forum.

The early Christians faced the same persecutions from the Jews and the Pagan world, same silly fears.

Maybe your real fear is the competition between messages, you have a thousand other threads on TOL where you can fight about the thousands of differing doctrines all claiming a biblical foundation. People may fear a great and terrible God, but they will only truly love a good God. Your message is loosing its appeal to people of a moral conscience.


Well-known member
A fragment of God lives in all mortal sons and daughters of sound mind, that's where we get the guidance of Gods will.
No... His Will and Testament you have rejected and mock. He sent His Only Son to testify to you and you ignore Him because you love Jebus... your false god of the UB who doesn't even exist.

Posted from the TOL App!


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Different sets of rules for different people. Honestly I've always seen TOL as a general theology forum, is it becoming more conservative? There are tons of atheist here.

Mocking those who speak against the Bible as the Word of God has never been against the rules at TOL


Well-known member
No... His Will and Testament you have rejected and mock. He sent His Only Son to testify to you and you ignore Him because you love Jebus... your false god of the UB who doesn't even exist.

Posted from the TOL App!

The concept of the inner kingdom had been taught long before Jesus was introduced into the mix, the motif was among the sages and spiritualist of the past, the Oracles of the biblical text was around and taught in diverse manners through the seasons of the universe, to think it just happened two thousands years ago is narrow minded brain washing that the western mind set has been programmed to except hook line and sinker.

False Gods is anything you except outside yourself, not some ego driven hate theology that makes you feel superior to others because you know the big guy in the sky and they don't.

Take your last name for one, you can't even grasp with the rest of western patriot indoctrinated christian world that it is the mark.


Luke 9:50

…49John answered and said, "Master, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name; and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow along with us." 50But Jesus said to him, "Do not hinder him; for he who is not against you is for you."


Eclectic Theosophist
universe broadcasts............

universe broadcasts............

Hello all,

Using my new Kindle Fire HD for a few days while on a's a bit harder to compose posts being a smaller device (still learning too), so just chiming in to wish everyone well.

Tuning in my 'thought adjuster' for some more wonderful commentaries to come :)

"Stay tuned"



Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Luke 9:50

…49John answered and said, "Master, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name; and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow along with us." 50But Jesus said to him, "Do not hinder him; for he who is not against you is for you."

The four Gospels were pertaining to the House of Israel! I'll
bet you didn't realize that! The Bible must be "rightly divided!"

The point you made in your post is of no consequence! Try
as you may, you will continue to hit a dead end! Why, because,
you don't have the Holy Spirit in your life to teach, and guide you!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Hello all,

Using my new Kindle Fire HD for a few days while on a's a bit harder to compose posts being a smaller device (still learning too), so just chiming in to wish everyone well.

Tuning in my 'thought adjuster' for some more wonderful commentaries to come :)

"Stay tuned"



Everyone would appreciate if you would delete the
urantia book from your dialog! Except for Caino! He
loves the falsity of it all!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The concept of the inner kingdom had been taught long before Jesus was introduced into the mix, the motif was among the sages and spiritualist of the past, the Oracles of the biblical text was around and taught in diverse manners through the seasons of the universe, to think it just happened two thousands years ago is narrow minded brain washing that the western mind set has been programmed to except hook line and sinker.

False Gods is anything you except outside yourself, not some ego driven hate theology that makes you feel superior to others because you know the big guy in the sky and they don't.

Take your last name for one, you can't even grasp with the rest of western patriot indoctrinated christian world that it is the mark.

The "true believer" is ONLY interested in the inspired, written
word of God! (The Bible) The spiritualists of the past can
hardly compare to the truth of God's Word! Don't you think?


Where did the "crafty beast" come from?

Gen 3:3
"Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made."

The Urantia revelation fills in lost gaps of ancient history. Some of the remnants of the stories survived in the oral traditions used by the Hebrews to write their history in Babylon.

The Planetary Prince of Urantia

(741.1) 66:0.1 "THE advent of a Lanonandek Son on an average world signifies that will, the ability to choose the path of eternal survival, has developed in the mind of primitive man. But on Urantia the Planetary Prince arrived almost half a million years after the appearance of human will.

(741.2) 66:0.2 About five hundred thousand years ago and concurrent with the appearance of the six colored or Sangik races, Caligastia, the Planetary Prince, arrived on Urantia. There were almost one-half billion primitive human beings on earth at the time of the Prince’s arrival, and they were well scattered over Europe, Asia, and Africa. The Prince’s headquarters, established in Mesopotamia, was at about the center of world population."

This section of the UB was written by a Melchizedek who are an order of celestial beings on high. After the default of Lucifer and Prince Caligastia, our world was in effect placed in receivership with the Melchizedeks until the arrival of our creator Son "Christ Michael" aka Jesus.

A Melchizedek:

(741.7) 66:1.5 "I was present on Jerusem when the brilliant Caligastia departed from the system capital. No prince of the planets ever embarked upon a career of world rulership with a richer preparatory experience or with better prospects than did Caligastia on that eventful day one-half million years ago. One thing is certain: As I executed my assignment of putting the narrative of that event on the broadcasts of the local universe, I never for one moment entertained even in the slightest degree any idea that this noble Lanonandek would so shortly betray his sacred trust of planetary custody and so horribly stain the fair name of his exalted order of universe sonship. I really regarded Urantia as being among the five or six most fortunate planets in all Satania in that it was to have such an experienced, brilliant, and original mind at the helm of world affairs. I did not then comprehend that Caligastia was insidiously falling in love with himself; I did not then so fully understand the subtleties of personality pride."​


The fragment of the "Sons of God who came down and mated with the daughters of men" is from those times long ago. Theses 100 sons who came with the prince were ascendant mortals from other worlds who had volunteered for service with our Prince

After the fall roughly 1/2 rebelled, loosening the use of "the tree of life." In an attempt to perpetuate their genetic superiority they mated with the daughters of men. This gave rise to Greek Mythology, Gods coming down from heaven


Well-known member
The "true believer" is ONLY interested in the inspired, written
word of God! (The Bible) The spiritualists of the past can
hardly compare to the truth of God's Word! Don't you think?

The written word is a starting point, to stay within that boundary is to pervert the intent of it.

Can't you trust your own instincts within when the contradictions in the written word can't be excepted as literal facts? The kingdom within is where the word resides not on paper sporting legalized dogmas that imprison your mind.

Try not using that legal name for one month. Those type of actions speak louder than mere written words that rule your re-ality, actuality is spiritually better and can't be named because it is all things.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Where did the "crafty beast" come from?

Gen 3:3
"Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made."

The Urantia revelation fills in lost gaps of ancient history.

You mean, the urantia book "fictionalizes" what actually
happened during gaps in ancient history!


The written word is a starting point, to stay within that boundary is to pervert the intent of it.

Can't you trust your own instincts within when the contradictions in the written word can't be excepted as literal facts? The kingdom within is where the word resides not on paper sporting legalized dogmas that imprison your mind.

Try not using that legal name for one month. Those type of actions speak louder than mere written words that rule your re-ality, actuality is spiritually better and can't be named because it is all things.

That's what the Jews did, the OT didn't have a Son of God incarnate in the flesh. So they also hid behind the "scripture" in rejecting Jesus. Same stuff, different day.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The fragment of the "Sons of God who came down and mated with the daughters of men" is from those times long ago. Theses 100 sons who came with the prince were ascendant mortals from other worlds who had volunteered for service with our Prince

After the fall roughly 1/2 rebelled, loosening the use of "the tree of life." In an attempt to perpetuate their genetic superiority they mated with the daughters of men. This gave rise to Greek Mythology, Gods coming down from heaven

Where does the Bible offer this explanation? Chapter, and verses? If
this "explanation" is coming from the urantia book then, it has
absolutely NO validity!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The written word is a starting point, to stay within that boundary is to pervert the intent of it.

Can't you trust your own instincts within when the contradictions in the written word can't be excepted as literal facts? The kingdom within is where the word resides not on paper sporting legalized dogmas that imprison your mind.

Try not using that legal name for one month. Those type of actions speak louder than mere written words that rule your re-ality, actuality is spiritually better and can't be named because it is all things.

Some "unbelievers" see contradictions in the Bible! The problem is,
the Bible must be rightly divided! There are no true contradictions!
The Bible is a Spiritual book, and in order to understand, and have
faith in its truths, one needs the Holy Spirit in ones life! You're
not a 'true believer' therefore, you see contradictions, and error in
the Bible!
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