The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Actually, one is. Since men sin, God, Who is holy, cannot accept men (sinners). The only way out of sin is the middle man: Christ Jesus. Your god: Jebus, who claims you don't need to be cleansed of your sin is a liar, just like you are, when you speak his words (the UB). The Holy Spirit cannot abide along with sin. No one can fellowship with God because He is holy, unless they are made holy. The only One Who can do that is Jesus. He came to seek and to save that which was lost in the garden: relationship. Because of His Blood we can once again have a relationship with God. Without His Blood you have NO LIFE in you. None.

John 6:53
Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.

Until you get His Blood you are dead in your trespasses and sins. Try as you might, you cannot erase this from Scripture. You might follow your god Jebus, but he's leading you to his home: hell. We'll just keep following The Only One Who leads us to His Home in Heaven. Thanks anyway.

Street preacher types of religious fanatics have vivid imaginations, they just make this stuff up as they go along. Know your own bible:

Ezekiel 36:26

…26"Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 27"I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances.​

A fragment of God lives in all mortal sons and daughters of sound mind, that's where we get the guidance of Gods will.:dunce:


Seeing that it is pointless to continue on with the swine who ignore education and enlightenment and are unwilling to be honest about biblical flaws, it's best to put the thread trolls back on the ignore list. :wave:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Seeing that it is pointless to continue on with the swine who ignore education and enlightenment and are unwilling to be honest about biblical flaws, it's best to put the thread trolls back on the ignore list. :wave:

These urantia guys sure do a lot of name calling!


One of the trolls did raised a common misconception about the Persian theory of "original sin."

*The Urantia revelation does reveal that their was an Adam and Eve pair, incarnate celestial beings 38,000+ but that they arrived for service on a 4.8 billion year old evolved world that had already fallen as our resident Planitary a Prince had fallen into sin in the Lucifer rebellion.

* In the garbled remnants of the creation story of Genesis we can see a number of interesting facts that are inconsistent with the commonly retold story of history within Christendom. The crafty beast is already fallen, he knows Gods will for A&E and is trying to cause them to sin (do their will against the will of God). Eve did sin. The crafty beasts plot was to convince Eve that by directly mating with a mortal (Cains real Father) the infusion of her superior genetic material would greatly accelerate the quality of the human race as the fall of Lucifer had caused great damage to world development. [the crafty beast was far above the league of A&E, he knew what would happen, he played upon Eves relative ignorance and her impatience.]

*Eve found the superior leader of the Nodite tribe to be "pleasing to the eye". She partook of the forbidden fruit figuratively speaking.

*Eves sin caused child birth pains for her progeny.

* Once the other tribes, that were loyal to Adam and Eve, discovered what had happened, war broke out, Cains father was killed and the original garden was overrun.

* In garden 2 life was not happy for Cain as he was a constant reminder of the default. His half brother Abel (who was a legitimate son of A&E) taunted Cain constantly about who he was as well as his choice to farm while Able was a herder. Cain finally had enough, he killed Able.

* While Cain would repent of his sin and become born of the spirit (God put a mark on him) it was decided that it was best for him to go in search of his fathers people the Nodites, in the land of Nod where he would find a wife and build a great city.

* As for Adam and Eve, they would become like one of us, they would follow the path of evolutionary mortal man, they would surely die. They could not longer rely on their duel circulatory systems and live indefinitely by partaking of god special energy from the leaves from "the tree if life"

* Sin is a choice, not an inheritance. Even if this world (one of many inhabited worlds in the universe) had not been betrayed by Lucifer, men would still be capable of imperfection, evil and even sin. Eves sin was not original and death is a normal part of life for mortal man, that's why the earth has layer upon layer of age upon age of death. The dirt we know walk on was once alive.


Well-known member
Not at all. The Israelites were commanded to wipe out the other nations and their blasphemous evil practices and worship of men and idols.

Your message is the exact opposite of the Bible.

Your borg assimilation leaves you a wishy washy limp-wristed brain-dead dupe.

Proverbs 14:12; 16:25
There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.

John 14:6 Jesus said to him [Caino], “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one [not even Caino] comes to the Father except through me.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
One of the trolls did raised a common misconception about the Persian theory of "original sin."

*The Urantia revelation does reveal that their was an Adam and Eve pair, incarnate celestial beings 38,000+ but that they arrived for service on a 4.8 billion year old evolved world that had already fallen as our resident Planitary a Prince had fallen into sin in the Lucifer rebellion.

* In the garbled remnants of the creation story of Genesis we can see a number of interesting facts that are inconsistent with the commonly retold story of history within Christendom. The crafty beast is already fallen, he knows Gods will for A&E and is trying to cause them to sin (do their will against the will of God). Eve did sin. The crafty beasts plot was to convince Eve that by directly mating with a mortal (Cains real Father) the infusion of her superior genetic material would greatly accelerate the quality of the human race as the fall of Lucifer had caused great damage to world development. [the crafty beast was far above the league of A&E, he knew what would happen, he played upon Eves relative ignorance and her impatience.]

*Eve found the superior leader of the Nodite tribe to be "pleasing to the eye". She partook of the forbidden fruit figuratively speaking.

*Eves sin caused child birth pains for her progeny.

* Once the other tribes, that were loyal to Adam and Eve, discovered what had happened, war broke out, Cains father was killed and the original garden was overrun.

* In garden 2 life was not happy for Cain as he was a constant reminder of the default. His half brother Abel (who was a legitimate son of A&E) taunted Cain constantly about who he was as well as his choice to farm while Able was a herder. Cain finally had enough, he killed Able.

* While Cain would repent of his sin and become born of the spirit (God put a mark on him) it was decided that it was best for him to go in search of his fathers people the Nodites, in the land of Nod where he would find a wife and build a great city.

* As for Adam and Eve, they would become like one of us, they would follow the path of evolutionary mortal man, they would surely die. They could not longer rely on their duel circulatory systems and live indefinitely by partaking of god special energy from the leaves from "the tree if life"

* Sin is a choice, not an inheritance. Even if this world (one of many inhabited worlds in the universe) had not been betrayed by Lucifer, men would still be capable of imperfection, evil and even sin. Eves sin was not original and death is a normal part of life for mortal man, that's why the earth has layer upon layer of age upon age of death. The dirt we know walk on was once alive.

Garbage, pure, and simple! Caino/Freelight have one too many UFOs
floating around in their heads!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Not at all. The Israelites were commanded to wipe out the other nations and their blasphemous evil practices and worship of men and idols.

Your message is the exact opposite of the Bible.

Your borg assimilation leaves you a wishy washy limp-wristed brain-dead dupe.

Proverbs 14:12; 16:25
There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.

John 14:6 Jesus said to him [Caino], “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one [not even Caino] comes to the Father except through me.



Not at all. The Israelites were commanded to wipe out the other nations and their blasphemous evil practices and worship of men and idols.

Your message is the exact opposite of the Bible.

Your borg assimilation leaves you a wishy washy limp-wristed brain-dead dupe.

Proverbs 14:12; 16:25
There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.

John 14:6 Jesus said to him [Caino], “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one [not even Caino] comes to the Father except through me.

*When the Hebrew priest rewrote their scripture and destroyed (ok, lost) their secular history books while in Babylon, they portrayed their own atrocities as commanded by God. That's what happens when the victors get to write their own history. God never commanded any such thing, that way if thinking is like the justification of Islamic terrorism, it is you Lon who have been duped into rationalizing barbarism as Gods will. That is the worst form of blasphemy.

* Each time the OT records were rewritten the web of redactions was tangled by leaving parts of the original record there.

(1071.6) 97:9.1 There never were twelve tribes of the Israelites — only three or four tribes settled in Palestine. The Hebrew nation came into being as the result of the union of the so-called Israelites and the Canaanites. “And the children of Israel dwelt among the Canaanites. And they took their daughters to be their wives and gave their daughters to the sons of the Canaanites.” The Hebrews never drove the Canaanites out of Palestine, notwithstanding that the priests’ record of these things unhesitatingly declared that they did.​

Lon implies the message of Jesus was "limp-wristed". Jesus answers this accusation:

(1607.2) 143:0.2 The people of southern Samaria heard Jesus gladly, and the apostles, with the exception of Judas Iscariot, succeeded in overcoming much of their prejudice against the Samaritans. It was very difficult for Judas to love these Samaritans. The last week of July Jesus and his associates made ready to depart for the new Greek cities of Phasaelis and Archelais near the Jordan.

1. Preaching at Archelais

(1607.3) 143:1.1 The first half of the month of August the apostolic party made its headquarters at the Greek cities of Archelais and Phasaelis, where they had their first experience preaching to well-nigh exclusive gatherings of gentiles — Greeks, Romans, and Syrians — for few Jews dwelt in these two Greek towns. In contacting with these Roman citizens, the apostles encountered new difficulties in the proclamation of the message of the coming kingdom, and they met with new objections to the teachings of Jesus. At one of the many evening conferences with his apostles, Jesus listened attentively to these objections to the gospel of the kingdom as the twelve repeated their experiences with the subjects of their personal labors.

(1607.4) 143:1.2 A question asked by Philip was typical of their difficulties. Said Philip: “Master, these Greeks and Romans make light of our message, saying that such teachings are fit for only weaklings and slaves. They assert that the religion of the heathen is superior to our teaching because it inspires to the acquirement of a strong, robust, and aggressive character. They affirm that we would convert all men into enfeebled specimens of passive nonresisters who would soon perish from the face of the earth. They like you, Master, and freely admit that your teaching is heavenly and ideal, but they will not take us seriously. They assert that your religion is not for this world; that men cannot live as you teach. And now, Master, what shall we say to these gentiles?”

(1607.5) 143:1.3 After Jesus had heard similar objections to the gospel of the kingdom presented by Thomas, Nathaniel, Simon Zelotes, and Matthew, he said to the twelve:

(1608.1) 143:1.4 “I have come into this world to do the will of my Father and to reveal his loving character to all mankind. That, my brethren, is my mission. And this one thing I will do, regardless of the misunderstanding of my teachings by Jews or gentiles of this day or of another generation. But you should not overlook the fact that even divine love has its severe disciplines. A father’s love for his son oftentimes impels the father to restrain the unwise acts of his thoughtless offspring. The child does not always comprehend the wise and loving motives of the father’s restraining discipline. But I declare to you that my Father in Paradise does rule a universe of universes by the compelling power of his love. Love is the greatest of all spirit realities. Truth is a liberating revelation, but love is the supreme relationship. And no matter what blunders your fellow men make in their world management of today, in an age to come the gospel which I declare to you will rule this very world. The ultimate goal of human progress is the reverent recognition of the fatherhood of God and the loving materialization of the brotherhood of man.

(1608.2) 143:1.5 “But who told you that my gospel was intended only for slaves and weaklings? Do you, my chosen apostles, resemble weaklings? Did John look like a weakling? Do you observe that I am enslaved by fear? True, the poor and oppressed of this generation have the gospel preached to them. The religions of this world have neglected the poor, but my Father is no respecter of persons. Besides, the poor of this day are the first to heed the call to repentance and acceptance of sonship. The gospel of the kingdom is to be preached to all men — Jew and gentile, Greek and Roman, rich and poor, free and bond — and equally to young and old, male and female.

(1608.3) 143:1.6 “Because my Father is a God of love and delights in the practice of mercy, do not imbibe the idea that the service of the kingdom is to be one of monotonous ease. The Paradise ascent is the supreme adventure of all time, the rugged achievement of eternity. The service of the kingdom on earth will call for all the courageous manhood that you and your coworkers can muster. Many of you will be put to death for your loyalty to the gospel of this kingdom. It is easy to die in the line of physical battle when your courage is strengthened by the presence of your fighting comrades, but it requires a higher and more profound form of human courage and devotion calmly and all alone to lay down your life for the love of a truth enshrined in your mortal heart.

(1608.4) 143:1.7 “Today, the unbelievers may taunt you with preaching a gospel of nonresistance and with living lives of nonviolence, but you are the first volunteers of a long line of sincere believers in the gospel of this kingdom who will astonish all mankind by their heroic devotion to these teachings. No armies of the world have ever displayed more courage and bravery than will be portrayed by you and your loyal successors who shall go forth to all the world proclaiming the good news — the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of men. The courage of the flesh is the lowest form of bravery. Mind bravery is a higher type of human courage, but the highest and supreme is uncompromising loyalty to the enlightened convictions of profound spiritual realities. And such courage constitutes the heroism of the God-knowing man. And you are all God-knowing men; you are in very truth the personal associates of the Son of Man.”

(1608.5) 143:1.8 This was not all that Jesus said on that occasion, but it is the introduction of his address, and he went on at great length in amplification and in illustration of this pronouncement. This was one of the most impassioned addresses which Jesus ever delivered to the twelve. Seldom did the Master speak to his apostles with evident strong feeling, but this was one of those few occasions when he spoke with manifest earnestness, accompanied by marked emotion.

(1609.1) 143:1.9 The result upon the public preaching and personal ministry of the apostles was immediate; from that very day their message took on a new note of courageous dominance. The twelve continued to acquire the spirit of positive aggression in the new gospel of the kingdom. From this day forward they did not occupy themselves so much with the preaching of the negative virtues and the passive injunctions of their Master’s many-sided teaching.

It is true what you say, Jesus is the only way, the creator Son has always been the way to the Father. Jesus is not a new way, he just made the way more clear. When the Catholic Church created the bible fetish or idol, they reduced the denture thing to a legalistic, theological matter.


(1141.4) 103:9.6 When theology masters religion, religion dies; it becomes a doctrine instead of a life. The mission of theology is merely to facilitate the self-consciousness of personal spiritual experience. Theology constitutes the religious effort to define, clarify, expound, and justify the experiential claims of religion, which, in the last analysis, can be validated only by living faith. In the higher philosophy of the universe, wisdom, like reason, becomes allied to faith. Reason, wisdom, and faith are man’s highest human attainments. Reason introduces man to the world of facts, to things; wisdom introduces him to a world of truth, to relationships; faith initiates him into a world of divinity, spiritual experience.


Well-known member
Breaking TOL rules:
TOL is a biased forum, leaning very far to the Christian right, and therefore we interpret our rules from OUR perspective. There are many dissenting voices on TOL who have been debating us and fellowshipping with us for years, but those voices understand whose house party they are at and are respectful of that.

1. Thou SHALL NOT use Crass potty humor here at TOL.

Grosnick, have you tried Viagra? Maybe that would help your unhappy disposition and obsession with this thread?
3. Thou SHALL NOT be intentionally blasphemous
You idiots think it was a good thing for Jesus to be rejected and killed!.....albeit, Jesus used the occasion his death for a good purpose, and those who did it were then left to destruction! What fools you are!
And many other instances of blasphemy against our God and Jesus Christ.
4. Thou SHALL NOT call other TOL members names without cause.

You idiots think it was a good thing for Jesus to be rejected and killed!.....albeit, Jesus used the occasion his death for a good purpose, and those who did it were then left to destruction! What fools you are!
... swine who ignore education and enlightenment and are unwilling to be honest about biblical flaws. :wave:
6. Thou SHALL NOT post copyrighted material on our website (without prior approval). Plagiarism is also a bannable offense
(1141.4) 103:9.6 When theology masters religion, religion dies; it becomes a doctrine instead of a life. The mission of theology is merely to facilitate the self-consciousness of personal spiritual experience. Theology constitutes the religious effort to define, clarify, expound, and justify the experiential claims of religion, which, in the last analysis, can be validated only by living faith. In the higher philosophy of the universe, wisdom, like reason, becomes allied to faith. Reason, wisdom, and faith are man’s highest human attainments. Reason introduces man to the world of facts, to things; wisdom introduces him to a world of truth, to relationships; faith initiates him into a world of divinity, spiritual experience.
7. Thou SHALL NOT troll our forums. If you are here to make outlandish, crazy statements merely to get a rise out of the membership and cause trouble, please save yourself the time and leave.
This whole thread.
8. Thou SHALL NOT attempt to redirect members to another forum, website, or blog. (Profile and signature links may be allowed with administrator approval.)
This whole thread
9. Thou SHALL NOT disrespect TOL moderators and admins

You idiots think it was a good thing for Jesus to be rejected and killed!.....albeit, Jesus used the occasion his death for a good purpose, and those who did it were then left to destruction! What fools you are!

... the swine who ignore education and enlightenment and are unwilling to be honest about biblical flaws... :wave:

Other things to avoid... These items may or may not cause TOL banishment.
Please do not make posts that are extremely long. Anything over 6 short paragraphs may be considered too long. Don't attempt to make your whole argument in one post.
Yep here here here. Infraction after infraction in the entire thread.
Please do not copy and paste your previous papers and writings (like high school or college papers) without prior approval. TheologyOnLine is for dialogue.
Yep, the entire thread.



Breaking TOL rules:

And many other instances of blasphemy against our God and Jesus Christ.

This whole thread.
This whole thread

Yep here here here. Infraction after infraction in the entire thread.

Yep, the entire thread.

Your bias is duly noted, Grossnick and Aimiel have been provoking these responses for a year, you are just incapable of providing answers to the challenge to your claims. Spare me the pitty pot and stay off this thread if you can't handle it.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Your bias is duly noted, Grossnick and Aimiel have been provoking these responses for a year, you are just incapable of providing answers to the challenge to your claims. Spare me the pitty pot and stay off this thread if you can't handle it.

You don't make the rules Caino!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Caino and Freelight should realize that, when they come
on a Christian sight, and spew "UnChristian" junk, they're
gonna face a lot of opposition! Are they so naive to believe
they'll be welcomed with open arms? You guys, blasphemy,
present fictional additions to the Bible, call names, etc., and
expect not to be harassed? Not gonna happen! If ya can't
take the heat, get outta Dodge, and go to a "Wacko forum!"


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Your bias is duly noted, Grossnick and Aimiel have been provoking these responses for a year, you are just incapable of providing answers to the challenge to your claims. Spare me the pitty pot and stay off this thread if you can't handle it.

I guess I figure if we are going to allow you to spread this stuff at a Bible believing Christian forum, the least we could do is allow people to mock you for spreading it.


Lon look up how many times these trolls have called our religion garbage, UFO, comic book, demonically inspired, satanic, cultic, moronic etc. but I don't think you sincerely care. Blasphamy is true slander against the real word of God, not the mere writings of holy men. When challenged the corrupt church often used trumped up charges like heresy or blasphemy. They did the same thing to Jesus, and they also had no sincere interest in his message, they were just trying to find an excuse to get rid of him.


I guess I figure if we are going to allow you to spread this stuff at a Bible believing Christian forum, the least we could do is allow people to mock you for spreading it.

Different sets of rules for different people. Honestly I've always seen TOL as a general theology forum, is it becoming more conservative? There are tons of atheist here.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Different sets of rules for different people. Honestly I've always seen TOL as a general theology forum, is it becoming more conservative? There are tons of atheist here.

There's NO difference between an Atheist, and what you guys
try to spread! In fact, you guys are worse!
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