Translation, where the scripture is flawed crafty apologist have used mind bending patches and Band-Aids of "priest craft" that appear to fix the problem to a gazing, uneasy crowd. When people call them on the charade they claim a lack of special spiritual insight like the snake oil salesmen of old.
The olden prophets were always taking these shamans to task; the Grosnicks and Aimiels would treat them badly for it.
"This Isaiah was followed by Micah and Obadiah, who confirmed and embellished his soul-satisfying gospel. And these two brave messengers boldly denounced the priest-ridden ritual of the Hebrews and fearlessly attacked the whole sacrificial system.
Micah denounced “the rulers who judge for reward and the priests who teach for hire and the prophets who divine for money.” He taught of a day of freedom from superstition and priestcraft, saying: “But every man shall sit under his own vine, and no one shall make him afraid, for all people will live, each one according to his understanding of God.”
Ever the burden of Micah’s message was: “Shall I come before God with burnt offerings? Will the Lord be pleased with a thousand rams or with ten thousand rivers of oil? Shall I give my first-born for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He has shown me, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
The world has had enough of your Halloween doctrines of death and blood, the train left the station and
we aren’t going back to the dark ages of church-anity.