The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There are similarities between the urantia papers and Scientology! Both are
fantasy writings, and both were created in the 20th century! Also, both attract
those who are willing to forfeit logic and common sense, for imaginary writings!


New member
Jesus was almost thirty-one and one-half years old when he was baptized.

This is the kind of divergence from the NT that I was talking about.

Now Jesus Himself began His ministry at about thirty years of age... (Luke 3:23)​


This is the kind of divergence from the NT that I was talking about.

Now Jesus Himself began His ministry at about thirty years of age... (Luke 3:23)​

Yes, the celestials that were present on the earth with Christ have the accurate records.


Eclectic Theosophist
What the papers teach.............

What the papers teach.............

Yes, I saw that but it does say specifically that Jesus is equal with the Spirit, which we know from Luke is Jesus' father.

If your referring to a traditional-orthodox Christian interpretation of Jesus being 'God the Son' within 'The Trinity' (as they conceive or define such),...then yes....Jesus would somehow be 'equal' to the Holy Spirit within that 'Godhead'.

The UB teaches differently regarding the status of Jesus our Creator-Son, who is NOT the Original Eternal Son within the 'Paradise Trinity', but one of many Creator-Sons that spring forth from the union of the Universal Father and that Original Eternal Son. The revelators say this was a mistake of orthodox Christian theology, to 'assume' that Jesus is the Original Eternal Son (within the 'Trinity'), they not having the knowledge or revelation of the celestial hierarchy hitherto revealed in the papers.

The UB's conception of the 'Paradise Trinity' is quite wonderful, explained in depth and precision, as the 'Trinity' itself is its own 'entity' as it were, even though each within the Trinity has its own unique and special 'personality', 'character' and 'function'. 'God' however is always eternally/infinitely ONE, no matter what differentials appear in his Self-distributing nature thru-out creation.

Again a careful reading of the first 12 papers (for starters) would be essential to grasping its 'theology', as such is the 'foundation'. The video-audio versions have also been shared here up to Paper 7 so far.



TOL Subscriber
There are similarities between the urantia papers and Scientology! Both are
fantasy writings, and both were created in the 20th century! Also, both attract
those who are willing to forfeit logic and common sense, for imaginary writings!

The Urantia Book is exponentially more insidious than the silliness of Scientology, though. Scientology is glorified psychology regression therapy with a sci-fi backdrop and overlay.

The UB seeks to be absolute historical revision of every foundation of spiritual truth, including the Christian faith. It usurps and hijacks everything that is holy to turn it into a fantasy of humanism, and the detail is alarming.

Nothing is a threat to the truth, but the UB has potential for great niche influence as one part of the great apostasy. Caino is deluded, but he is quite serious and is literally a zealot for a cause. He and his ilk would love nothing more than to see Christianity purged from the face of the earth.

As funny as it is to joke about the absurdity of it all, they aren't playing in the least. They have a serious agenda, and Caino's self-stated purpose was to use TOL as a platform to influence others with UB disinformation.

It's worth including in fervent prayer along with other false belief systems seeking to establish themselves and displace the true Christian faith.


Eclectic Theosophist
One Ocean, many streams.......

One Ocean, many streams.......

There are similarities between the urantia papers and Scientology!

Okay smartie pants, to share those similarities? Be specific.

Help links:

Urantia Book Fellowship

Is Urantia a New Religion?


Compare with -

Church of Scientology

Also, both attract
those who are willing to forfeit logic and common sense, for imaginary writings!

This could apply to any religious cult, community or school out there, some being more 'eccentric' than others. The Bible and other religious writings out there could be deemed 'non-sensical', 'imaginary' and 'religious-fictions' to one degree or another, so it looks like we're looking at different fishes in the same sea.

Don't forget your scuba gear.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Urantia Book is exponentially more insidious than the silliness of Scientology, though. Scientology is glorified psychology regression therapy with a sci-fi backdrop and overlay.

The UB seeks to be absolute historical revision of every foundation of spiritual truth, including the Christian faith. It usurps and hijacks everything that is holy to turn it into a fantasy of humanism, and the detail is alarming.

Nothing is a threat to the truth, but the UB has potential for great niche influence as one part of the great apostasy. Caino is deluded, but he is quite serious and is literally a zealot for a cause. He and his ilk would love nothing more than to see Christianity purged from the face of the earth.

As funny as it is to joke about the absurdity of it all, they aren't playing in the least. They have a serious agenda, and Caino's self-stated purpose was to use TOL as a platform to influence others with UB disinformation.

It's worth including in fervent prayer along with other false belief systems seeking to establish themselves and displace the true Christian faith.

Excellent post!


Okay smartie pants, to share those similarities? Be specific.

Help links:

Urantia Book Fellowship

Is Urantia a New Religion?


Compare with -

Church of Scientology

This could apply to any religious cult, community or school out there, some being more 'eccentric' than others. The Bible and other religious writings out there could be deemed 'non-sensical', 'imaginary' and 'religious-fictions' to one degree or another, so it looks like we're looking at different fishes in the same sea.

Don't forget your scuba gear.


The same kind of dishonest religious kooks hated Jesus as well for all the same reasons. The medieval church won't go without a fight.:eek:linger:

Remember when Jesus was in Rome?

7. Trips About Rome

(1466.1) 132:7.1 Jesus, Gonod, and Ganid made five trips away from Rome to points of interest in the surrounding territory. On their visit to the northern Italian lakes Jesus had the long talk with Ganid concerning the impossibility of teaching a man about God if the man does not desire to know God. They had casually met a thoughtless pagan while on their journey up to the lakes, and Ganid was surprised that Jesus did not follow out his usual practice of enlisting the man in conversation which would naturally lead up to the discussion of spiritual questions. When Ganid asked his teacher why he evinced so little interest in this pagan, Jesus answered:

(1466.2) 132:7.2 “Ganid, the man was not hungry for truth. He was not dissatisfied with himself. He was not ready to ask for help, and the eyes of his mind were not open to receive light for the soul. That man was not ripe for the harvest of salvation; he must be allowed more time for the trials and difficulties of life to prepare him for the reception of wisdom and higher learning. Or, if we could have him live with us, we might by our lives show him the Father in heaven, and thus would he become so attracted by our lives as sons of God that he would be constrained to inquire about our Father. You cannot reveal God to those who do not seek for him; you cannot lead unwilling souls into the joys of salvation. Man must become hungry for truth as a result of the experiences of living, or he must desire to know God as the result of contact with the lives of those who are acquainted with the divine Father before another human being can act as the means of leading such a fellow mortal to the Father in heaven. If we know God, our real business on earth is so to live as to permit the Father to reveal himself in our lives, and thus will all God-seeking persons see the Father and ask for our help in finding out more about the God who in this manner finds expression in our lives.”



Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The same kind of dishonest religious kooks hated Jesus as well for all the same reasons. The medieval church won't go without a fight.:eek:linger:

Remember when Jesus was in Rome?

7. Trips About Rome

(1466.1) 132:7.1 Jesus, Gonod, and Ganid made five trips away from Rome to points of interest in the surrounding territory. On their visit to the northern Italian lakes Jesus had the long talk with Ganid concerning the impossibility of teaching a man about God if the man does not desire to know God. They had casually met a thoughtless pagan while on their journey up to the lakes, and Ganid was surprised that Jesus did not follow out his usual practice of enlisting the man in conversation which would naturally lead up to the discussion of spiritual questions. When Ganid asked his teacher why he evinced so little interest in this pagan, Jesus answered:

(1466.2) 132:7.2 “Ganid, the man was not hungry for truth. He was not dissatisfied with himself. He was not ready to ask for help, and the eyes of his mind were not open to receive light for the soul. That man was not ripe for the harvest of salvation; he must be allowed more time for the trials and difficulties of life to prepare him for the reception of wisdom and higher learning. Or, if we could have him live with us, we might by our lives show him the Father in heaven, and thus would he become so attracted by our lives as sons of God that he would be constrained to inquire about our Father. You cannot reveal God to those who do not seek for him; you cannot lead unwilling souls into the joys of salvation. Man must become hungry for truth as a result of the experiences of living, or he must desire to know God as the result of contact with the lives of those who are acquainted with the divine Father before another human being can act as the means of leading such a fellow mortal to the Father in heaven. If we know God, our real business on earth is so to live as to permit the Father to reveal himself in our lives, and thus will all God-seeking persons see the Father and ask for our help in finding out more about the God who in this manner finds expression in our lives.”

And, yet more!


TOL Subscriber

Serenity is having the trolls on ignore and a good cup of coffee.

The height, depth, and breadth of arrogance, ignorance, and irony is when idiot Esotericists come to a Christian forum and insist Christians are trolls for opposing their loads of drivelous and monumental sphincter-spewing feces passed off as alien-induced factoid.

You provoke the responses, and it's part of your overall agenda. Moron.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The height, depth, and breadth of arrogance, ignorance, and irony is when idiot Esotericists come to a Christian forum and insist Christians are trolls for opposing their loads of drivelous and monumental sphincter-spewing feces passed off as alien-induced factoid.

You provoke the responses, and it's part of your overall agenda. Moron.

Good post!


Eclectic Theosophist
Educate yourself, then you can properly 'relate'........

Educate yourself, then you can properly 'relate'........

And, yet more!

Can you share what in that quote of Jesus explanation is unreasonable about some souls having no desire for God or not being ready to hear about the gospel? Read it over and show where there is a falsehood or deception being spoken of in the discourse. A sane person judges a dissertation by its content (not his preconceived assumptions). What do you agree with and/or disagree with?

There is a fine line of presumption, willful ignorance and subtle profanity concerning a subject, and a line where one has to choose where its worth the time and effort to engage an actual 'dialogue' with someone who is not meeting the qualifications to critique the material due to lack of study. If you just have exclamatory pot-shots and ad hoc-mokery to dish out, and have not read the material or bothered to 'search out' the resource-articles and information provided, then there can be no 'dialogue'.

Until you've read at least the first 12 papers (video-audio versions supplied), and availed yourself to learn the foundational cosmological background, structure and context of the papers, which expounds its "theology" (remember this is a 'theology' forum), then you cant really engage an intelligent discussion.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Can you share what in that quote of Jesus explanation is unreasonable about some souls having no desire for God or not being ready to hear about the gospel? Read it over and show where there is a falsehood or deception being spoken of in the discourse. A sane person judges a dissertation by its content (not his preconceived assumptions). What do you agree with and/or disagree with?

There is a fine line of presumption, willful ignorance and subtle profanity concerning a subject, and a line where one has to choose where its worth the time and effort to engage an actual 'dialogue' with someone who is not meeting the qualifications to critique the material due to lack of study. If you just have exclamatory pot-shots and ad hoc-mokery to dish out, and have not read the material or bothered to 'search out' the resource-articles and information provided, then there can be no 'dialogue'.

Until you've read at least the first 12 papers (video-audio versions supplied), and availed yourself to learn the foundational cosmological background, structure and context of the papers, which expounds its "theology" (remember this is a 'theology' forum), then you cant really engage an intelligent discussion.


It's more difficult for a cult to pull the wool over people's eyes
today! The reason? All one has to do is Google any given subject,
and a wealth of information is at their disposal! Obviously, your
particular cult attracts certain individuals who are prone to be
interested in 'UFOs, and supposed alien beings from other

Scientology is based on such! The transportation of an alien
being from one place to another, and the volcano non-sense!
I've perused information about your cult and its suggestion
that, it's some kind of 'addition' to the Bible! The Kellogg
connection, etc.! Anyone interested in finding out about this
cult, need only Google, urantia papers, urantia, urantia cult,
and they'll find enough information to know that, urantia
(another name for earth) is just another cult!

The Bible is our ONLY word of God (In print) Not, the book of
Mormon, not Scientology writings, and certainly not the urantia
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