The Gospel Verses Predestination


Well-known member
The reason that Jesus commanded the apostles to go into all of world and preach the Gospel is so that everyone that wants to be saved, can be saved, by doing nothing more than calling on the name of the Lord,

"For whosoever (all, anyone, everyone) that shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" Romans 10:13.

The Lord wants us to come willingly. If we have to be forced to come to him against our will, chances are we will not persevere to the end.
You don't believe the blood of Christ saved them it was shed for which is unbelief.

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Well-known member
The reason that Jesus commanded the apostles to go into all of world and preach the Gospel is so that everyone that wants to be saved, can be saved, by doing nothing more than calling on the name of the Lord,

"For whosoever (all, anyone, everyone) that shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" Romans 10:13.

The Lord wants us to come willingly. If we have to be forced to come to him against our will, chances are we will not persevere to the end.

Dear Robert: Have no fear; every last knee bows, every last mouth confesses IN/EN the Name of all names>>>"You are Lord!

But wait, there is more

In every dimension of the heavens, the earth, and the underworld.

Still more

The worship by every being, in every dimension of Abba's world responding IN Jesus Name by the drawing power of the Almighty One. Such worship is NOT by perfunctory genuflections! NOT!


Well-known member
Since you teach that sinners Christ tasted death for are still lost, you dont preach the Gospel !

No beloved57 he does not preach "your gospel"!!! Jesus Christ is the hilasmos of the holos! When you can demonstrate otherwise please post it.

"From Him, by Him, for Him."


Well-known member
Don't pay any attention to B57. He thinks that John Calvin is God.

Dear Robert: beloved57 lives within a scope that excludes anything that even hints of the Gospel exceeding his "limited" view of "the gospel" he expresses. I do appreciate what he thinks and will continue to challenge him at every convenience. He will seldom ever responds but I will join those who watch his antics. LOL

God's Truth

New member
Your "answers" to my specific question:

Concluding "that is the way it is" is not an answer. It is an equivocation, Robert.

Again, Robert, how do you explain your choice to believe and your neighbor's choice to not believe? Were you more willing? If so, why? Did God make you more willing than your neighbor?

Simple questions that do not need equivocation.

My answer:
God did it. He made me able to be be willing to believe by the quickening of the Holy Spirit via efficacious grace, such that I could not not believe.



That is NOT how it happens, AMR.

God does not save you first to have you believe and obey.

The truth is that God saves those who first believe and obey.

Your neighbor might not want to believe in Jesus---for the reason the Bible says they don't want to believe in Him!

They don't want to for the reasons the Bible says!

Do you know what the Bible says as to WHY people do not want to believe in Jesus?

I would love to tell you why; and, the reason why has NOTHING to do with God not saving them first, as the Calvinists preach.

God's Truth

New member
Your "answers" to my specific question:

Concluding "that is the way it is" is not an answer. It is an equivocation, Robert.

Again, Robert, how do you explain your choice to believe and your neighbor's choice to not believe? Were you more willing? If so, why? Did God make you more willing than your neighbor?

Simple questions that do not need equivocation.

My answer:
God did it. He made me able to be be willing to believe by the quickening of the Holy Spirit via efficacious grace, such that I could not not believe.



Go on and ask me, Chicken.
For years I have tried to get you to discuss this more with me instead of you calling my questions to your public posts 'stalking'. (Yes, people reading, yes, he really did say that to me publicly. He really did report me for replying to his posts as 'stalking' him.)

I have tried for years to get you to discuss Calvinism with me, but you always ran or just tried to silence me by having me banned. (Yes, he really did have me banned for a time, and more than once, just for my posting about my beliefs.)


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That is NOT how it happens, AMR.

God does not save you first to have you believe and obey.

The truth is that God saves those who first believe and obey.

Your neighbor might not want to believe in Jesus---for the reason the Bible says they don't want to believe in Him!

They don't want to for the reasons the Bible says!

Do you know what the Bible says as to WHY people do not want to believe in Jesus?

I would love to tell you why; and, the reason why has NOTHING to do with God not saving them first, as the Calvinists preach.

Romans 10:9 says:

that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. - Romans 10:9

God saves those who confess that Jesus is Lord and that God raised Him from the dead.

That's it. Nothing more. Nothing less.

God's Truth

New member
You want a complicated answer. Religious people like yourself like complicated theology. I don't know why some people accept Christ and some don't, nobody knows the answer to that question. One thing for sure is that I am not going to make God responsible for people going to hell.

Robert Pate, you don't answer because you don't know the answer.
You are going against false beliefs with false beliefs.


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Doing ANYTHING is a 'work'.

We have to obey.

Now address what the scripture says.


Is confessing doing SOMETHING?

How much doing is saying "I do" to your spouse?


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So now you want to go off the scriptures to your own analogies. Okay, let's try that.

Tell me did you already have to be obeying your wife


BEFORE you were chosen to be married?

Chosen to be married? Huh?

When the pastor asks the man if he takes the woman as his wife, does the man have to do anything at all to accept her as his wife? No, he just says "I do."

When a family member gets you a gift for Christmas, did you have to do anything to earn it? Or is it a gift, and all you need to do is take it?
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God's Truth

New member
No? No you didn't do ANYTHING right before your wife and you decided to marry each other? Neither one of you did ANYTHING right?
Even in an arranged marriage the people chosen have to be doing something right.
Chosen to be married? Huh?
You didn't 'choose' you wife?
When the pastor asks the man if he takes the woman as his wife, does the man have to do anything at all to accept her as his wife? No, he just says "I do."
You will do yourself great honor if you think about that more.
The pastor announcing or pronouncing you both as husband and wife---he dd NOT pick your wife for you, and vice versa.
When a family member gets you a gift for Christmas, did you have to do anything to earn it?
Of course you had to do something, unless the gift is some kind of token gift given unwillingly.
God's gift of the Holy Spirit to us is with conditions.
First you have to be a family member! And God tells us HOW to be in His family.

Or is it a gift, and all you need to do is take it?

No. Please, discuss this more with me. I always want to go beyond the surface of what it seems like.

God's Truth

New member
God gives His gift to His children.

What is the gift, do you even know?

Do you know how to become a child of God in order to receive the gift?

God's Truth

New member
Back to human analogies... When a man chooses a woman he wants to marry, did she do ANYTHING that he liked in order for him to choose her, and vice versa?