The ambiguity in Libertarianism as a political ideology now in 2019 comes from the fact that the present state of the Democratic Party is more extreme than the Left was for example in the sixties and seventies of the 20th century. The Marxist Democratic party is now aligned with the major universities, the ruling elite, the Internet giant monopolies, the Deep State bureaucracy and maybe even the Red Chinese totalitarians.
Where does Libertarianism stand in relation to these power bases, all of which can be called the Left?
I am not sure what I am saying about the problems with describing Christian morality as being Judeo-Christian is being understood here.
But this is a very interesting issue. And it does deal with the issue of an "All Israel is elect" versus The Remnant of Israel, which shows up strongly in Romans 11: 1-5, and the line of thought that entry into that remnant - all the elect - is by faith and not by genetics in Romans 11: 17-24, and supported by the whole argument in Galatians 3.
The elect is the remnant, not the multitude of Old Covenant Israel, a doctrine that might seem to go contrary to dispensationalism, depending on what is focused upon in dispensationalism, and what is considered in dispensationalism to be new revelation that changes Paul's doctrines concerning the remnant and the multitude and election by grace through faith alone.