The Good that Child Protective Services Does


Now, bring in the data on Child Protective Services being used in Child Sex Trafficking and see where this is greater, in large urban centers and in states of the East and West Coast?

Have the Governors and the Attorney Generals of these States been notified with some evidence to back these serious (and if not backed with hard evidence, libelous) allegations?

Certainly if you're interested in the welfare of children you're doing something to stop these alleged child rapists.


You know that CPS refuses any requests for documentation that would show their abuses.

According to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, that's not the case:

How do I make a complaint?
First, you should talk to your DFPS investigator or her or his supervisor.
If you think DFPS is handling your case improperly, and you can't resolve the issue with your investigator, caseworker, or supervisor, you can contact the Office of Consumer Relations by calling 1-800-720-7777 or by email at .

What can I do if I disagree with the conduct or findings of the DFPS investigation?
Speak to your investigator. An open discussion may settle the matter. If you can't resolve your concerns with the investigator, discuss them with the supervisor. If DFPS thinks that you were responsible for child abuse or neglect and you disagree, you can request an administrative review of the investigation, unless a court has upheld the findings. DFPS will give you instructions on how to request this review in the letter it sends when it closes the investigation.
You may also contact the DFPS Office of Consumer Relations:
Online: question and complaint form
Phone: 1-800-720-7777 (toll-free)
Fax: (512) 339-5892
Email: OCR @


New member


We must ask the question that gets to the root of the problem: where are these victims coming from?

Here's the ugly truth: most Americans who are victims of sex trafficking come from our nation's own foster care system. It's a deeply broken system that leaves thousands vulnerable to pimps as children and grooms them for the illegal sex trade as young adults.

We have failed our children by not fixing the systemic failures that have allowed this to happen for decades.

Most people don't know about our nation's foster care to sex trafficking pipeline, but the facts are sobering. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) found that "of the more than 18,500 endangered runaways reported to NCMEC in 2016, one in six were likely victims of child sex trafficking. Of those, 86 percent were in the care of social services when they went missing."

The outcomes of law enforcement efforts against sex traffickers repeatedly support the NCMEC estimate. In a 2013 FBI 70-city nationwide raid, 60 percent of the victims came from foster care or group homes. In 2014, New York authorities estimated that 85 percent of sex trafficking victims were previously in the child welfare system.

In 2012, Connecticut police rescued 88 children from sex trafficking; 86 were from the child welfare system. And even more alarming: the FBI discovered in a 2014 nationwide raid that many foster children rescued from sex traffickers, including children as young as 11, were never reported missing by child welfare authorities.

The essential failure is how we care for these children. As NCMEC's CEO told Congress in 2013, "Children in foster care are easy targets for pimps … [they] are the most susceptible to the manipulation and false promises that traffickers use to secure their trust and dependency. These children have fractured safety nets and few alternatives."




Again: America has to get rid of this deadly libertarian mentality and return to Judeo-Christian values. Perverts and drug addicts are raising children and when they're justifiably taken away from them by CPS, in some cases that abused child goes to the home of another abuser.

It's a vicious cycle, and as I've shown throughout this thread and others: The things that libertarians say are "victimless crimes" aren't so victimless.


Please show me the verses that say you must take your neighbor's children away from them whenever you suspect that the children are in danger.

Here, let me fix that sentence for you:

Please show me the verses that say you must take your neighbor's children away from them whenever you suspect when there is strong evidence that the child(ren) are in danger.

There, that's better.

How about we start with the biblical role of civil government?

Romans 13:4

Then there's Matthew 19:14 and one of my favorites:

Mark 9:42.


New member
What is a "deadly libertarian mentality ?"

"Libertarian" is an ambiguous term for a political ideology at this point in history. "Right Wing Libertarianism" could refer to John Locke'secularization of the ideas of Christian Reformers - John Knox and Samuel Rutherford - and Jefferson's use of Locke to briefly describe an American political ideology in the Declaration of Independence. But "Left Wing Libertarianism" might describe Socialism, as an ideology under influence from Marx. And the Frankfurt School Marxists were deceptive in their change of focus from Economics to Culture and their use of psychoanalysis and later of theories in American personality and social psychology - Kurt Lewin, A.H. Maslow, and Carl Rogers, for example, to psychologize Marxism.

Also, "Judeo-Christian values" is unclear in meaning. "Biblical Values and Biblical Morality" might be better. Much of what became Christian Values and Christian Morality applied to politics and everyday life came out of Old Testament Scripture. But this may not be the meaning of "Judeo." Here again, is the problem of "All Israel," meaning all physical Israel in a genetic sense. There is also an Israel after the flesh - I Corinthians 10: 18. The New Testament teaches in Romans 11: 1-5 that a remnant of Old Covenant Israel was elected by God, and that those who did not believe Christ and his Gospel were broken off (Romans 11: 17, 22)


When I talk about Libertarianism, I usually use a big L because the doctrine for Libertarianism is found in the Libertarian Party Platform, which was written by the leaders of the Libertarian movement.

"As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty: a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and are not forced to sacrifice their values for the benefit of others".

Child Protective Services deals with people who don't "sacrifice their values" (getting drunk, getting high on drugs, sexual exploitation, etc.) for the benefit of the children in their custody.

That selfish attitude also involves property rights as well. Libertarians are against things like zoning laws, believing that because they are the owner of property, they should be able to open up a nightclub in a residential neighborhood, or open a pornography store or a marijuana store next to a school, not caring how disruptive those would be to the residents/students of that neighborhood.

The term "Judaeo-Christian doctrine" is well known by those who read the Bible, because in most Bibles you'll find the Old and New Testaments side by side. Much of our nations laws and culture came from the Old Testament and when it comes to this thread, you'll see throughout the Old and New Testaments that the protection/well-being of children is stressed.
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Gary K

New member

Have the Governors and the Attorney Generals of these States been notified with some evidence to back these serious (and if not backed with hard evidence, libelous) allegations?

Certainly if you're interested in the welfare of children you're doing something to stop these alleged child rapists.

You've been told all child abuse and neglect cases are sealed. No part of the public has any access to any of them. You repeatedly ignore the facts and keep on insisting for court records. Your repeated ignoring of fact is why I have stopped interacting with you. You're a broken record that has the needle running back over the same groove every time. The lack of honesty is incredible.

Also, as you insist CPS is Judeo-Christian in concept and execution then lgbtq is Christian in your eyes for CPS accepts it as a valid cohabitation/marriage relationship and places children in those homes.

Your circular arguments get ridiculous as you just cycle them over and over again against all evidence you have been shown.



New member
The ambiguity in Libertarianism as a political ideology now in 2019 comes from the fact that the present state of the Democratic Party is more extreme than the Left was for example in the sixties and seventies of the 20th century. The Marxist Democratic party is now aligned with the major universities, the ruling elite, the Internet giant monopolies, the Deep State bureaucracy and maybe even the Red Chinese totalitarians.

Where does Libertarianism stand in relation to these power bases, all of which can be called the Left?

I am not sure what I am saying about the problems with describing Christian morality as being Judeo-Christian is being understood here.

But this is a very interesting issue. And it does deal with the issue of an "All Israel is elect" versus The Remnant of Israel, which shows up strongly in Romans 11: 1-5, and the line of thought that entry into that remnant - all the elect - is by faith and not by genetics in Romans 11: 17-24, and supported by the whole argument in Galatians 3.

The elect is the remnant, not the multitude of Old Covenant Israel, a doctrine that might seem to go contrary to dispensationalism, depending on what is focused upon in dispensationalism, and what is considered in dispensationalism to be new revelation that changes Paul's doctrines concerning the remnant and the multitude and election by grace through faith alone.


You've been told all child abuse and neglect cases are sealed. No part of the public has any access to any of them...

3 Ways to Obtain CPS Records

March 29, 2019

Federal law requires state child protective services (CPS) agencies to maintain records of all reports and cases they process.[1] Whether you can access these records depends generally on who you are and why you need them. If you were in foster care or were the subject of a CPS investigation, you have the right to get your own records. If you're seeking someone else's records, you may need to get a court order for those records to be released. Due to law requirements for confidentiality, usually you must have been involved directly with the case and the case must be closed.

Read more:

Right to privacy laws have been around for at least a couple of decades now.

Also, as you insist CPS is Judeo-Christian in concept

Protecting children from harm and promoting their well-being is part of Judeo-Christian doctrine. Each respective State has child protective services that does that.


Well-known member
3 Ways to Obtain CPS Records

March 29, 2019

Federal law requires state child protective services (CPS) agencies to maintain records of all reports and cases they process.[1] Whether you can access these records depends generally on who you are and why you need them. If you were in foster care or were the subject of a CPS investigation, you have the right to get your own records. If you're seeking someone else's records, you may need to get a court order for those records to be released. Due to law requirements for confidentiality, usually you must have been involved directly with the case and the case must be closed.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! Which is exactly what Freeloader said.....How about you take your sorry butt down to the judge and tell him you need to see CPS documents....


LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! Which is exactly what Freeloader said.....How about you take your sorry butt down to the judge and tell him you need to see CPS documents....

I suppose we could talk about why right to privacy laws exist and why certain measures are to be followed to obtain personal information on people.

Do you want the thread to go in that direction now?

If so, this information is a good starting point:


New member
Please show me the verses that say you must take your neighbor's children away from them whenever you suspect that the children are in danger.
Here, let me fix that sentence for you:
No, just answer the question, since it is the proper question to ask about CPS.
How about we start with the biblical role of civil government?

Romans 13:4
The civil government is to execute wrath on people that have been proven to have committed a crime.

CPS takes children away from their parents and guardians on mere suspicions and gossip, many of which are proven to be false.
That is contrary to scriptural commands.

Exodus 23:1
23 Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness.​

Leviticus 19:16
16 Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour; I am the Lord.​



The civil government is to execute wrath on people that have been proven to have committed a crime.

The Bible that you're reading from must say something different than mine:

"4For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer."

Investigating the scalding of a baby with boiling water because daddy was high on drugs and baby wouldn't stop crying (they like to be fed now and again) is something that falls under the jurisdiction of government per Romans 13.

Sounds like right to privacy laws exist to protect CPS, not the children.

As I've shown, access to information from CPS investigations is available to various parties and after that investigation is closed.
That being said: please give an example why anyone should be able to access all information on a case during an open law enforcement investigation.