The Good that Child Protective Services Does


If the father was indeed a neo-Nazi/white supremacist,
that is a valid reason for removing the little girl from that environment.

You think that it is good for the State to take away children from their parents because of a false accusation of "wrongthink", but that makes you a Fascist.

If the accusations were proven false, the child wouldn't be taken away. Based on your post I can't help but believe that you think it's ok for children to be raised in a culture of hate.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If the father was indeed a neo-Nazi/white supremacist, that is a valid reason for removing the little girl from that environment.

can you cite the pertinent law supporting that belief?

(1) "Abuse or neglect" means sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, or injury of a child by any person under circumstances which cause harm to the child's health, welfare, or safety, excluding conduct permitted under RCW 9A.16.100; or the negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child by a person responsible for or providing care to the child. An abused child is a child who has been subjected to child abuse or neglect as defined in this section.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If the accusations were proven false, the child wouldn't be taken away.

Now social services has a time machine where they can go back and NOT take the child away?

As we learned in earlier posts, CPS does a thorough investigation before a child is removed from his parent(s) or guardian.


New member
If the accusations were proven false, the child wouldn't be taken away.
Wrong, the child was taken away first, then there was no supporting evidence to show that the alleged event ever happened.

You should pull your head out of the ground.
I can't help but believe that you think it's ok for children to be raised in a culture of hate.
Your home is a culture of hate, do you want children banished from your home because of your beliefs?


New member
"Fascists love to create a narrative that the object of their unwarranted hatred is something vile."

"If the father was indeed a neo-Nazi/white supremacist, that is a valid reason for removing the little girl from that environment."

Who did the original members of the Frankfurt School identity as the number one enemy of their Transformational Marxism?

The main Frankfurt School leaders, such as Theodore W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse and Max Horkheim started from their ideas on Anti-Semitism. But they linked Anti-Semiticism with what Adorno called the Authoritarian Personality in his 1950 book. They were interested in discrediting Fascism and in The Authoritarian Personality Adorno used paper and pencil questionnaires - the F Scale and the E Scale - claiming to measure predisposition to Fascism. Many university professors and graduate students in personality and social psychology back in the fifties tried to help Adorno show that there is an Authoritarian Personality as viewed by the Left, that is by the Marxists. Then a few social-personality psychologists became "whistle-blowers" on Adorno and pointed toward his whole work in the Authoritarian Personality as being biased toward the Left and opposing all critics of the Left. Milton Rokeach, among them, created his Dogmatism Scale, which measured - by paper and pencil questionnaires - Dogmatism of the Left or Right, or Authoritarianism by Marxists and Conservatives.

Adorno said "And since from the start the
research was guided by the hypotheses stated above, it was
supposed (1) that anti-Semitism probably is not a specific or
isolated phenomenon but a part of a broader ideological
framework, and (2) that an individual's susceptibility to this
ideology depends primarily upon his psychological needs. "

In his 1950 book, written while a professor at Berkeley, Adorno claimed to have shown by use of paper and pencil questionnaires that anti-Semitism is "...intimately associated with certain character structures, such as blind submission to authority, violent aggressive attitude toward the “other,” and rigid stereotypical thinking."

Although Adorno and other Frankfurters in the U.S. at the time talked about "Critical Theory" and pretended their theory on the cause of fascism and the Authoritarian Personality being centered around anti-semiticism and rigidity as being real social science, what they were creating was more of a strategy for political propaganda purposes to change the American Culture - and, as it worked out, through the Universities.

And so, since the Fascist and the personality traits that lead to Fascism are identified by the Marxists as being unacceptable and a big cause of conflict and war, be careful now, in 2019, when Fascists and "neo-Nazi/white supremacist" ideology are mentioned. There is no doubt that German fascism led to the largest part of World War II, the German-Russian war, just as much as Russian Bolshevism, But there is no group with such a Fascist Ideology now threatening to take over the U.S. as there is a Leftist threat of takeover.
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For every CPS case where the public doesn't know the full details of why a child(ren) is taken from the custody of his or her parent(s) or guardian because privacy laws don't allow the public to know, there are hundreds of cases where the news media lets the public know why CPS was called in.

Here's just one of them:


New member
For every CPS case where the public doesn't know the full details of why a child(ren) is taken from the custody of his or her parent(s) or guardian because privacy laws don't allow the public to know, there are hundreds of cases where the news media lets the public know why CPS was called in.
You have it backwards.
It is not 1:300 (one in secret for each three hundred publicized).
The news media may report on the few hundreds of cases, but there are hundreds of thousands of cases where CPS destroys the lives of children in secret.
That makes it 2000:1 (two thousand in secret for each one publicized).


If you talk to L/libertarians, and according to their doctrine, parents and private property owners have some kind of "right" to abuse their children (see my earlier post on Murray Rothbard and Walter Block) and use their property as they please (even living in filthy/fire hazardous conditions). It goes with that "It's MY body/property and I can do with it as I please!" mentality, even when helpless children are involved.

Thank goodness for Christianity and organizations such as CPS that say differently.

Dirty, injured boy asks neighbor for food; parents charged with child abuse

August 24, 2017

WASHINGTON — The parents of a 10-year-old boy face felony charges after their son knocked on a neighbor’s door to ask for food in Prince William County.
The boy was injured and was wearing dirty clothes, police said.
The neighbor, who lives on Aden Road in Nokesville, called police Tuesday afternoon. Officers determined that the boy had left his home more than a mile away earlier in the day, Prince William County Police Officer Nathan Probus said.
The parents are accused of forcing their son to kneel on sharp objects for long periods of time and burning his hands on a hot stove as a way to punish him.
The boy was taken to a hospital, and was in the custody of Child Protective Services.


New member

"Parents to Protest Alleged Injustices of Child Protective Services
By Patrick Howley
September 3, 2019 Updated: September 4, 2019"

"I started protesting after I got my son back,” Adolfo Gonzalez, the rally’s chief organizer, told The Epoch Times, saying that “CPS conspired with the mother and the police department to take my son.”

“I expect thousands” of parents at the event, Gonzalez said.

“Right now, we are at 35 groups and growing. So many people want to come from L.A., San Diego, Fresno. I have so many strong advocates flying in,” including a documentary crew."

"“CPS is legally kidnapping children,” Toni Triano of Boise, Idaho, told The Epoch Times, noting that she’s flying to Sacramento for the Oct. 4 rally. “It’s picking up momentum with advocates and victims across the country. People are saying enough is enough.

“There’s so much corruption and people are tired of it. I think CPS needs to be shut down.”

Many parents express contempt for the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA), signed by President Bill Clinton in 1997, which mandates that states terminate most parents’ rights after their children spend 15 months in foster care. Activists also bristle at the lucrative opportunities available for foster parents, courtesy of the states, and at family court mandates that parents must cover their court costs throughout their custody battles.

“They tried to get me to pay a professional to talk to my daughter,” Barry White, a military veteran who is attending the rally, told The Epoch Times, adding that he has not seen his daughter in four years and that he’s reaching out to the NAACP for help with his case. “My daughter said several times she wants to come home, but they said I couldn’t record that or show anybody that.”

The U.S. State Department stated in its 2019 report on human trafficking that “recent reports have consistently indicated that a large number of victims of child sex trafficking were at one time in the foster care system,” which has increased parents’ fears about the system."

"“Why isn’t anyone in Congress bringing this up? I took in six families for a meeting with (Democrat congressman) Jimmy Panetta. He said he would get back to me. He never has, but he’s doing work on behalf of illegal immigrant families.

“I keep writing [Sen.] Kamala Harris. I keep writing [Sen.] Dianne Feinstein.”

“Every single parent that I have worked with who has a viable case ends up having a gag order placed on them,” Breeauna Sagdal, a regional director of the parental rights advocacy group Punished 4 Protecting and a speaker at the event, told The Epoch Times.

“When it is abundantly clear the state has made a mistake, the judge will admonish the court and prevent any further disclosure even if any identifying information is removed. The story itself is still considered a breach of privacy, and so really what the court is doing is covering for Child Protective Services. I think my biggest concern in all of this is we’re seeing a breakdown of trust in our justice system and our government in general with the general public.

“Children are put on multiple psychotropic anti-psychotic drugs. When children come into this system with any kind of behavioral thing, they are pumped full of meds.”

"Under Bill Clinton's Administration he signed a law which gave cash incentives to CPS for every child taken from their parents and placed up for adoption. Clinton's law gives CPS $4,000 per child with an additional $2,000 added for special needs children that are taken from their parents and put up for adoption.

On November 19, 1997 President Bill Clinton signed the law - The Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA, Public Law 105-89) after having been approved by the United States Congress in early November of 1997.

Adoptions and Safe Families Act of 1997 (H.R. 867)
Public Law 105-89​

December 1997


The Adoptions and Safe Families Act of 1997 (P.L. 105-89) was signed into law by President Clinton on November 19, 1997. The new law, which amends the 1980 Child Welfare Act (P.L. 96-272), clarifies that the health and safety of children served by child welfare agencies must be their paramount concern and aims to move children in foster care more quickly into permanent homes.

Among the new law’s provisions:

shortens the time-frame for a child’s first permanency hearing;
offers states financial incentives for increasing the number of adoptions;
sets new requirements for states to petition for termination of parental rights;
reauthorizes the Family Preservation and Support Program.

Adoptions and Safe Families Act of 1997 (H.R. 867)
Of particular interest is the financial incentives given to CPS for taking children from their parents and putting them up for adoption.This was the amount paid in 1997 for each child put up for adoption, according to the document below.


Adoption Incentive Payments. The Secretary of HHS is required to make adoption incentive payments to states in which adoptions of foster children in FY 1998 exceed the average number during FY 1995-FY 1997 or, in FY 1999 and subsequent years, in which adoptions of foster children are higher than in any previous fiscal year after FY 1996.

Adoption incentive payments are $4,000 for each adoption of a foster child above the base number, plus an additional $2,000 for a total of $6,000 per special needs adoption. For these incentive payments, $20 million is authorized for each of FYs 1999-2003"

"Legally Kidnapped: The Case Against Child Protective Services

Government Racketeering Child Protective Services, DHS, Judges Involved: Our Children Were Kidnapped and Now Sold

Legally Kidnapped By CPS (child protective services)

IP Blocked

Social Workers getting paid extra per child taken from parents and placed into adoption be in part motivation for the FLDS raid?

CPS makes money from removing children from homes | How Child Protection Services Buys and Sells Our Children

Nancy Schaeffer on CPS Fraud-Corruption - THE PUBLIC COURT

The Criminal CPS Child Trafficking Empire – Ga Senator Nancy Schaefer

Senator Nancy Schaefer: Did her Fight Against CPS Child Kidnapping Cause her Murder?

Oddities in the Nancy Schaefer “Suicide” Case"

"In the eyes of the dialectical philosophy, nothing is established for
all time, nothing is absolute or sacred." (Karl Marx)

"Once the earthly family is discovered to be the secret of the
heavenly family, the former must be destroyed (annihilated), in theory
and in practice." Karl Marx, Feuerbach Thesis #4

Theodore Adorno in The Authoritarian Personality, 1950, says that the family is a source of fascism and must be abolished. And so Bill Clintom signed a bill promoting the taking of children from their parents by CPS.


Oh the scum that Child Protective Services has to deal with (and often times they're financially well off).

Sept. 17, 2019

Parents of child prodigy 'abandon Ukrainian girl with dwarfism who they adopted'
Kristine Elizabeth Barnett, 45, and Michael Barnett, 43, face neglect charges for allegedly leaving their adopted child in a flat without any money after they moved to Canada

The parents of a child prodigy with a higher IQ than Albert Einstein allegedly abandoned an 11-year-old Ukrainian girl with dwarfism, who they adopted.
Kristine Elizabeth Barnett, 45, and Michael Barnett, 43, stand accused of leaving the disabled girl in a flat in Lafayette, Indiana, US, after moving to Canada.

The pair relocated north of the border with their three children, leaving the Ukrainian youngster without any money in the apartment they rented for her, it is claimed.
The Barnetts reportedly adopted the girl in 2010, when she was eight-years-old, and later legally changed her age to 22 in 2012.


The Bennett's before they abandoned their adopted 11 year old handicapped daughter and moved to Canada


New member
"Now that we've read another copy and paste showing that the CPS is a Marxist conspiracy:"

This is an example of the dialectic used within a dialogue, to discredit the opponent's statements. It is deceptive in that it suggests that quoting an Internet post is somehow inaccurate or wrong, when the point made involves what is said in the quote, not the fact that it is a quote, and long. This pointing out that it is part of a dialectic procedure is a little subtle.

Revealing that the Bill Clinton - and Hillary - Adoptions and Safe Families Act of 1997 (P.L. 105-89) law gave cash incentives to CPS for every child taken from their parents and placed up for adoption in fact discredits the Foster Care Program. So whoever is far that program might want to answer the revelation. If the person who is far the Foster Care Program as it existed after 1997 tends to make use of the dialectic as his method of making an argument, then he is likely to answer with a dialectical statement.

Bill Clinton was the most Leftist president we had before Obama. The actions of his administration in the Waco Massacre show a lack of common Christian morality, and a psychopath nature.

Someone on this Political forum of TOL might post a thread on the use of the Clown image or metaphor to describe the psychopath Left in 2019. Many people may not see the Clown as a menacing or dangerous figure. The current use of the Clown Image to criticize the spiritual state of the American Left by the Patriot-Populist-Alternative Media people in part came out of the current Drag Queen Story Hours held at public libraries which are associated with the Pedophile Movement.

The Populist-Patriot-Alternative Media people have made a connection in the Clown Metaphor between the Clown Image and the Psychopath.

But for the present day Leftist that Clown-Psychopath Connection may be too hard to understand. But it may be an effective metaphor anyway.
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I have to laugh when government hating L/libertarians, who are more liberal than any democrat out there, step all over their tongues with their copy and paste articles. First they talk about all of the alleged abuse that children are subjected to in foster care homes*, and then they go on to belittle legislation (written by a Republican controlled Congress) that wants to get those same children OUT of foster care and into homes (preferably with relatives) where the parents adopt the child.

Requires States to Document Efforts to Adopt. States are required to make reasonable efforts and document child specific efforts to place a child for adoption, with a relative or guardian, or in another planned permanent living arrangement when adoption is the goal. The law also clarifies that reasonable efforts to place a child for adoption or with a legal guardian may be made concurrently with reasonable efforts to reunify a child with his or her family.

*Some children are abused, even though CPS does stringent background checks/criminal records checks, some foster parents are able to circumvent the system. But also remember that we're dealing with some very physically and emotionally scarred children that go into those homes, so unless an investigation shows that the child was abused in the foster care home, there's no evidence to support the emotionally fragile child's claim.

BTW: Here is a list of the most liberal Presidents in modern US history:

1 & 2 (tie) B. Hussein Obama and Jimmy Carter
3. Donald Trump
4. Bill Clinton