I see you still won't give up your delusion that Nate Tseglin's parents are horrible people that abuse their son.
Was it this quote that gave me away?
Quote: Originally posted by aCulturewarrior
Again, my heart goes out to parents with autistic children, as I can't imagine the pain that they go through trying to do what's best for their child. As mentioned before, sometimes it takes people from outside the family to help those parents realize that professional help is needed.
It looks like professional caretakers were not able to handle things, so CPS blamed the parents and kidnapped their child.
Except that professional caretakers were called in because of the visible harm that Nathan was doing to himself, and after visiting his living quarters, the discovery that he was living in inhumane conditions.
So, now that Nate Tseglin is in the hands of the government who strap him down, lock him in his room, drug him senseless, and let him urinate all over himself, he is safe from the parents who are alleged (unproven) to strap him down, lock him in his room, and let him urinate all over himself.
There's only one problem with that allegation: As shown in a recent post:
At least two of them [caretakers] were so shocked and appalled at Nate Tseglin’s condition and his living space that they filed complaints with law enforcement and county health officials. That’s why police and county health officials conducted a welfare check on him in June and later removed him.
One caretaker told police that he had been “booked” through Orange County Jail, and the conditions there were better than Tseglin’s, according to the police report.
Where's Nathan Tseglin now? Do you know, do you even care? The last I read of the case was 7 or 8 years ago.
Of course once the smear campaign against a State agency whose sole purpose is to help those who are unable to help themselves is made, is there anything else to do but to move on to the next smear campaign?
Which btw, I am having fun looking at these cases and dissecting them to show what really happened in the case, and will do so with other cases like Nathan's.