ECT The essential irrationality of Dispensationalism

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Well-known member
Answer the question [MENTION=17235]Interplanner[/MENTION]

Did God or did they? It just happened. They were prob still thinking about the Israel kingdom. But even so, Peter reflected on what happened and said God sent him to the Gentiles, and James said that is what happened too.


Well-known member
Did God or did they?

You tell us.

It just happened.

Oh. It "just happened." Accidentally just happened? Magically just happened? Which commentary gave you that gem. Or is that now your stock answer when you can't answer a MAD's Bible questions, "It just happened."

They were prob still thinking about the Israel kingdom.

"Probably"? You mean you don't know and you have no commentary that tells you? Come on, this isn't a hard question. The G.C. was never fulfilled after it had started. Paul's ministry replaced it. Tell us why.

But even so, Peter reflected on what happened and said God sent him to the Gentiles, and James said that is what happened too.

Duh, Peter got sent to a Gentile, yes, we all know that. He'd already been sent, eventually, to Gentiles with the G.C. But THIS time, Peter wasn't happy about seeing Cornelius and was not sure why God sent him even after it happened.

Now answer the question:

Why did Christ send Paul where He'd already said He was sending the 12?


Well-known member
You should be thankful TOL doesn't ban you for life, as you're clearly allowed to stay here and start idiotic thread after thread, railing against something you don't even understand and can't answer from Scripture. For awhile I thought you were more reasonable than Tet was, but you're truly stupid because your mind is literally closed.


Well-known member
You tell us.

Oh. It "just happened." Accidentally just happened? Magically just happened? Which commentary gave you that gem. Or is that now your stock answer when you can't answer a MAD's Bible questions, "It just happened."

"Probably"? You mean you don't know and you have no commentary that tells you? Come on, this isn't a hard question. The G.C. was never fulfilled after it had started. Paul's ministry replaced it. Tell us why.

Duh, Peter got sent to a Gentile, yes, we all know that. He'd already been sent, eventually, to Gentiles with the G.C. But THIS time, Peter wasn't happy about seeing Cornelius and was not sure why God sent him even after it happened.

Now answer the question:

Why did Christ send Paul where He'd already said He was sending the 12?

You assumed God stopped them from their commission, I did not. You also assumed a timestamp. I did not.

As for Peter not exactly liking the job of going to the Gentiles, have you ever read Gal 2? He didn't like it and Paul had to blast him about that. Paul didn't insist on him continuing to try going to the Gentiles, but he did tell him he had mistreated Gentiles and confronted him.

You sound like you don't know NT history at all, and are very upset on finding out what it really says, and have set yourself up as some kind of authority to whom all must answer. It's silly.

God sent others (Philip) as well as Paul to keep on the game plan; to bless all nations.

Now back to the real question: why do you follow the contrived theology of a person who said the Bible was so confusing that it needed him to clear it up in @ 1900 AD? (Chafer).


Well-known member
STP, the Bible is nothing but nonliteral probablies, donchaknow. No reason to get all worked up over what no one can say is true or not. The Bible proves nothing.

Except MADs, they're definitely wrong. The Bible proves it.

Back to the real questions you keep avoiding:

Why are you following the imaginary solutions of Chafer to the imagined confusion of the Bible?

Why is a person who loves that God was in Christ and that the resurrection fulfilled the promise to Israel, was the enthronement of Messiah and was the declaration that he was Son of God with power--why is that person being persecuted? But if he were to believe that there was to be a future episode of Judaism all over again with "Christ" in a temple in Jerusalem, doing sacrifices, it would make sense, and I'd be "in" with the club?


New member
You assumed God stopped them from their commission, I did not. You also assumed a timestamp. I did not.

As for Peter not exactly liking the job of going to the Gentiles, have you ever read Gal 2? He didn't like it and Paul had to blast him about that. Paul didn't insist on him continuing to try going to the Gentiles, but he did tell him he had mistreated Gentiles and confronted him...

I'd almost posted to Musti not to bother with his "why Paul?" question to you; that you'd only look at it from within all that your overall view is based on; which in your case, is your overall distortion.

Sure enough; you did just that.

You're a fool, Interplanner; plain and simple.

Nevertheless, Rom. 5:8.


Well-known member
You assumed God stopped them from their commission, I did not.

Fine. Then show us in the Bible that the Twelve continued the G.C. as Christ defined it:

Go ye therefore, and teach ALL nations, baptizing THEM in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching THEM to observe ALL things WHATSOEVER I have commanded you...

Show where the ones Christ gave that command to -- the Twelve -- ever got close to completing it. If you can't, MAD wins.


Well-known member
I'd almost posted to Musti not to bother with his "why Paul?" question to you; that you'd only look at it from within all that your overall view is based on; which in your case, is your overall distortion.

Sure enough; you did just that.

You're a fool, Interplanner; plain and simple.

Nevertheless, Rom. 5:8.

Why should I not have bothered?

You called him a fool. Well, that was exactly the point of asking him. I would have bet my next check he couldn't answer, and he can't. The question exposed his abject ignorance of what he constantly rails against. The simplest questions, with the ball put in the other guy's court, tend to do that. If MAD is totally wrong, then IP should easily be able to demonstrate from Scripture what is true.

But he hasn't, and he won't, because he can't. He DOES NOT KNOW why Paul replaced the Twelve but can't deny it happened. Anyone who reads all the way through Acts will see it.

But he'll keep on insisting MAD is wrong. He will never tell us what is RIGHT, but he'll keep on that MAD is wrong.

IP is not simply a fool. He's a deliberate lying troll. You'll probably disagree on seem to keep giving benefit of the doubt that he's sincere...but he clearly isn't.

One thing McLean says that's correct: when an honest person realizes he's been wrong, he'll do one of two things: change his mind, or stop being honest.

IP isn't unintelligent -- he knows that he can't answer our simple questions -- but he is being thoroughly dishonest. Apparently that's a thing with preterists.


Well-known member
Must says:
If MAD is totally wrong, then IP should easily be able to demonstrate from Scripture what is true.

That's what the thread 'the NT core doctrine' is there for...


Well-known member
That's exactly what bugged Peter. But IP can't see that.

sinful nature rebelled against going to the Gentiles. Look at peter's spontaneous reaction: 10:14. The old traditions run deep.

this whole thing is like the game Othello. Until you realize there is a white chip at each end, you are looking at your series of black chips within them and boast how you've got it right.

You wont' clear it up either, until you realize that Chafer's self-worshiping arrogance is the stronghold over all of you.
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