The Death of Manufacturing in the USA

I've written about this before, but few took the subject seriously. The US is no longer self-sufficient. We rely upon goods and services in foreign countries who we compete against, and lose. Obama's free trade bill for China is a step in the wrong direction. Please read and consider the following article.

These jobs are now lost with little chance of turning the tide unless the government changes course. Will President Obama or President-in-training Hillary Clinton stem the tide? No. It was President Bill Clinton who gave us NAFTA with Republican support. What do we do?


Active member
You aren't considering these facts:



Without looking it up, can you even tell when NAFTA was passed, based on this chart (below) alone?


This so called "death" has been greatly exaggerated.


Well-known member
"The Death of Manufacturing in the USA" began in the 70's and has continued steadily.


Active member
The "death of farming" in the USA began in the 19th century and continued steadily, and we are all better off for it.


Active member
you can thank the unions for that
give some credit to the democratic party

And who do you blame for the "death" of farming?

Take a look at the 2nd chart I posted. How are unions and the democratic party responsible for the 10% drop in manufacturing share of GDP across the world as a whole? And why do you deem a decreasing share of manufacturing as a problem?


Active member

I blame Obama, Joe Biden, Unions, George Soros, and Godless atheists. Oh, and the gayz, can't forget their role in this affair. The gayz decided to get out of the fields and into the office.



Well-known member
The high price of ‘free’ trade
NAFTA’s failure has cost the United States jobs across the nation

By Robert E. Scott | November 17, 2003

Since the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was signed in 1993, the rise in the U.S. trade deficit with Canada and Mexico through 2002 has caused the displacement of production that supported 879,280 U.S. jobs. Most of those lost jobs were high-wage positions in manufacturing industries. The loss of these jobs is just the most visible tip of NAFTA’s impact on the U.S. economy. In fact, NAFTA has also contributed to rising income inequality, suppressed real wages for production workers, weakened workers’ collective bargaining powers and ability to organize unions, and reduced fringe benefits.

NAFTA is a free trade and investment agreement that provided investors with a unique set of guarantees designed to stimulate foreign direct investment and the movement of factories within the hemisphere, especially from the United States to Canada and Mexico. Furthermore, no protections were contained in the core of the agreement to maintain labor or environmental standards. As a result, NAFTA tilted the economic playing field in favor of investors, and against workers and the environment, resulting in a hemispheric “race to the bottom” in wages and environmental quality.


Full Article


Active member
OMG, look at all the farming job losses! Joe Biden and Unions, you will pay for this! Repeal free trade now and get our farming jobs back!



Active member
OMG, just look at that race to the bottom caused by NAFTA. It destroyed the air quality due to the loose environmental regulations. Repeal NAFTA now!


(lower is better in the chart above)


The best way to revitalize American manufacturing is to buy products actually made in America, not just assembled in America. By buying American, you support freedom instead of sweat-shop labor. You support American jobs and the American economy. You support people who love this country instead of people seeking dominance over us. You support quality over Chinese [choose your own word].
I will always support free trade
And that attitude is part of the problem.
I went into Lowe's looking at their tools while my wife looked at ovens. Lowe's no longer carries Klein tools, I suspect because they were made in this country and were a bit more expensive than the stuff from China. I don't mind paying more for a quality product and Klein tools are. They still carry Channellock, most of which but not all are made in the USA at present. I've heard that a lot of Craftsman tools are now made in China. I find the loss of these manufacturing jobs disturbing. Maybe I'm the only one who cares about these things.
I wrote the above 2 years ago. Are we any better now? I'm going to lose my job because it's now cheaper to do the engineering in India, even though it takes them four times longer to do the same work. And I don't belong to a union. :bang:


New member
Hall of Fame
The best way to revitalize American manufacturing is to buy products actually made in America, not just assembled in America. By buying American, you support freedom instead of sweat-shop labor. You support American jobs and the American economy. You support people who love this country instead of people seeking dominance over us. You support quality over Chinese [choose your own word].


I watched that documentary on netflix, its excellent.


New member
Hall of Fame
And who do you blame for the "death" of farming?

Corporations with help from the government (farm subsidies) and free trade agreements where we import food instead of growing it here and so on.

Both sides are destroying jobs and this nation.


New member
When the car makers were in trouble a few years ago, the employee parking lot was filled with foreign cars. Whine because there's no jobs but buy foreign garbage. I buy american every chance I get and will never buy a foreign car.

We need people to buy american and we need protectionism like we used to have. Tax imports and create an outsourcing tax. And eliminate the income tax for all individuals and for business that hires exclusively americans