The Clock Ticks (Ahmed Mohamed's clock bomb)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Christians bomb abortion clinics and burn them down!
One or two have. You think that's analogous to ISIS? :plain:

That would be as irresponsible a rule to draw as suggesting that we remove all Islamic men and women in our armed services because of what a couple have done within that particular.

False Prophet

New member
The Crusades were military campaigns sanctioned by the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages. In 1095 Byzantine Emperor Alexios I, in Constantinople, sent an ambassador to Pope Urban II in Italy pleading for military help against the growing Turkish threat. The Pope responded promptly by calling Catholic soldiers to join the First Crusade. The immediate goal was to guarantee pilgrims access to the holy sites in the Holy Land under Muslim control. His long-range goal was to reunite the Eastern and Western branches of Christendom after their split in 1054 with the pope as head of the united Church. A complex 200-year struggle ensued.


Get used to it.
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The Crusades were military campaigns sanctioned by the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages. In 1095 Byzantine Emperor Alexios I, in Constantinople, sent an ambassador to Pope Urban II in Italy pleading for military help against the growing Turkish threat. The Pope responded promptly by calling Catholic soldiers to join the First Crusade. The immediate goal was to guarantee pilgrims access to the holy sites in the Holy Land under Muslim control. His long-range goal was to reunite the Eastern and Western branches of Christendom after their split in 1054 with the pope as head of the united Church. A complex 200-year struggle ensued.

The fact that you have to go back a millennium to find comparable behavior is not working in your favor. :plain:


New member
There is now a Halloween costume of Ahmed Mohamed, the 'clock bomb boy'
The costume comes with an aluminum case, clock guts, glasses, NASA shirt and handcuffs​


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The fact that you have to go back a millennium to find comparable behavior is not working in your favor. :plain:
I was just having that thought.

Look, Christendom learned the tragic lesson of empowering religion politically. Islam will have to at some point as well.

Mingling faith with secular institutions invites one to become too much of the other and that's good for neither. Better to let our faith rule our conscience and inform our character. If we do, it will be reflected in our reason and the state will not be its enemy or need to be its advocate.


New member
Hall of Fame
I was just having that thought.

Look, Christendom learned the tragic lesson of empowering religion politically. Islam will have to at some point as well.

Mingling faith with secular institutions invites one to become too much of the other and that's good for neither. Better to let our faith rule our conscience and inform our character. If we do, it will be reflected in our reason and the state will not be its enemy or need to be its advocate.

A few of you seem unfamiliar with that lesson.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
A few of you seem unfamiliar with that lesson.
I'd say a few of you seem to struggle to separate the loud from the many. Reasonable people rarely shout and as often leave the unreasonable to ruin their voices, understanding how little it will have signified when the shouting is over.


New member
Hall of Fame
I'd say a few of you seem to struggle to separate the loud from the many.

Or "dangerous." I did use the word "few," after all.

Reasonable people rarely shout and as often leave the unreasonable to ruin their voices, understanding how little it will have signified when the shouting is over.

The laughing stops when the blowhards actually start getting elected.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Or "dangerous." I did use the word "few," after all.
Sure. No offense taken. Just trading the "of you". :)

The laughing stops when the blowhards actually start getting elected.
That's history though. If you look at Congress the problem isn't about the fringe, but about the rule and how inbred and useless it has become. I'm wondering if we won't come to a coalition system at some point, if things continue to fracture.


New member
Hall of Fame
Sure. No offense taken. Just trading the "of you". :)

That's history though. If you look at Congress the problem isn't about the fringe, but about the rule and how inbred and useless it has become. I'm wondering if we won't come to a coalition system at some point, if things continue to fracture.

I doubt it, our system's not built for a coalition.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I doubt it, our system's not built for a coalition.
Might not have a choice. You could argue the de facto reality of it with the impact of the Tea Party on the larger body of republicans as we sit. Tails wagging dogs and cobbled majorities. :idunno:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the tea party will be here long after obama is gone
you will have to continue to deal with it
what we can't deal with is another democrat in the white house
the trump idiots may just make that happen

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Clock Kid now moving outside of U.S.:

"Less than 24 hours after Ahmed Mohamed met President Obama, his family decided it’s time to leave America for good."

More here:
Wait, are you blaming the President or congratulating him? :think:

This is going to pose a problem for the hard right. :D

Fun aside, where did the writer's "leave for good" and the sentiment that attaches to it come from, outside of his own imagination? It appears the young man's family is moving him to be a part of an educational experience offered by the Qatar Foundation. In fact, the reporter writes as much when he isn't busy making a sly op/ed out of the piece.

"Bond said the family is planning to move next week so Ahmed can begin school at the Qatar Foundation, where he will receive a full scholarship."

And does that mean that if I'd accepted an Oxford invitation as a young man and my family had gone with we'd have been similarly described? Or is it about something else?

Looks like the kid was tired of grown men and women doing their best to take shots at him and wants out from under that, at fourteen. Sure. Who wouldn't? Take the money and run, so to speak. :)
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New member
Hall of Fame
Wait, are you blaming the President or congratulating him? :think:

This is going to pose a problem for the hard right. :D

Right. I mean, he's finally leaving. Going somewhere he's wanted or welcome. Sooooooooo...what's the plot twist?:think:

Ask Mr. Religion

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Of course, the decidedly jaded will argue this whole affair was but a clever strategy by the family to shame America and capitalize on the results. ;)
