the church


New member
Catholics certainly think for themselves. They simply don't think BY themselves, but pay heed to the apostolic testimony of Christ's one historic Church. Big difference.

Well, I can say that I think BY myself, and what I think happens to run in the same channels as what the WT says. Too bad you can't think BY yourself. How are you ever going to really know what the truth is if you just take the Vatican's word for it?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Well, I can say that I think BY myself, and what I think happens to run in the same channels as what the WT says. Too bad you can't think BY yourself. How are you ever going to really know what the truth is if you just take the Vatican's word for it?

so what do you believe?


New member
Jesus said
-you will be known by your fruit

Precisely. And yet neither you nor Cruciform will give an answer as to why it seems to the world, for the last 2,000 years, that the RCC perpetrated the Crusades, the Inquisition, and a murderous, diabolical papacy with people like Rodrigo Borgia.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Precisely. And yet neither you nor Cruciform will give an answer as to why it seems to the world, for the last 2,000 years, that the RCC perpetrated the Crusades, the Inquisition, and a murderous, diabolical papacy with people like Rodrigo Borgia.

thanks to the church
-you are not reading the koran today


New member
tell us what you believe
-we know who you are against

What I believe:

(1) That there is much in the Bible that the churches are not teaching their people.

(2) That Jesus gave up his human life on Earth so that mankind could regain eternal life on Earth. (Romans 5:19; I Corinthians 15:22, 45)

(3) That God is Jehovah, and His Son is Jesus Christ. (Psalm 83:18, KJV; Luke 1:32)

(4) That God's original purpose for the earth has not changed. (Genesis 1:28, 2:15; Isaiah 45:18)

(5) That Jesus will rule over the earth one day soon, having eliminated all man-made governments. (Isaiah 9:6,7; Isaiah 11:1-9; Daniel 2:44; Revelation [Apocalypse] 20:4,5)

(6) The earth is our intended eternal home, and we can enjoy the benefits of life in a paradise earth forever. (Psalm 37:9,10,29; Psalm 46:8,9; Psalm 72:7,8,16; Isaiah 11:6-9; Isaiah 35:5,6; Isaiah 65:21-25; John 5:28)


New member
Why did you remain silent when these atrocities took place?

Because the Crusades and the Inquisition happened a few years before I was born. Indeed, even WWII was before I was born, so I missed all the heart-wrenching deeds and mis-deeds of the Church (such as remaining silent when millions of Jews and other people were being exterminated; signing an agreement with Hitler to basically back each other up---the Concordat, signed by Pope Pius XII; and so many other things).

Throughout history, though, up to the present day, Jehovah's people have spoken out. I once or twice wrote a letter myself (as did many JWs) to the president of Malawi because of the atrocities there. The RCC didn't do anything about the situation, as it didn't during the Tutsi and Hutu slaughter within the last 20 years in Africa, and during every other slaughter that has been going on over there and in the Balkans and practically everywhere else on Earth.


New member

OK. I asked you individually if the Father, Jesus and the H.S. was God. In each case you said "yes." How many persons did you say were God? The Father = God, the Son = God, the H.S. = God. THREEpersons, EACH of which is God.

To worship THREE persons as God is POLYTHEISTIC. (Poly = more than one. Tri = three.)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
OK. I asked you individually if the Father, Jesus and the H.S. was God. In each case you said "yes." How many persons did you say were God? The Father = God, the Son = God, the H.S. = God. THREEpersons, EACH of which is God.

To worship THREE persons as God is POLYTHEISTIC. (Poly = more than one. Tri = three.)

there are three persons in one God
-just as there are three persons in one family
-we are made in Their Image