the church


Catholics certainly think for themselves. They simply don't think BY themselves, but pay heed to the apostolic testimony of Christ's one historic Church. Big difference.

Your church just lost it's nerve to excommunicate those who do not fully conform to what they say.


Your completely unsubstantiated assertion is noted---and dismissed on precisely that basis.

Except all of history :freak:

There's some things I agree with. For example, exhibit A:




Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Catholics certainly think for themselves. They simply don't think BY themselves, but pay heed to the apostolic testimony of Christ's one historic Church. Big difference.

this is a good point
-just before scalia died
-we had six on the supreme court
-how do you explain that?
-no, the pope did not put them there
-most likely the pope had a lot to do about how they were educated
-those nuns taught us how to think logically
-this is missing in our public schools


New member
We recognize no authority in the opinions of your chosen recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect. You'll have to find an actual binding doctrinal authority, and your sect just isn't it.

Most of the world doest recognize any kind of Papist authority... its done so much harm, and continues to, to this world. It taught Christians to hate and kill.


New member
Baal worship with a few "Christian" words mixed in. Nothing new.
The tribe of Dan hired themselves priests that look identical to Rome's priests.

You're absolutely right on that. People are more than willing to follow after something that SAYS it's Christian, and has a VENEER of Christianity. They won't look under the surface. They wouldn't know what to do with the truth that their particular church is rotten with gangrene. They listen to their religious leaders rather than Christ. He said about the religious leaders of his day:

"Woe to you, hypocrites! because you resemble whitewashed graves, which outwardly indeed appear beautiful but inside are full of dead men's bones and of every sort of uncleanness." (Matthew 23:27)


New member
the church exposes wolves in sheep's clothing

That's interesting. How does it do that (when it IS the wolf-pack)? Also....the pope is making nice with all religions. Apparently there are none that are wolves, in Francis' mind. He buddies up to the Orthodox, the Jews, kisses Muslims' feet; there seems to be nothing he won't do to show his welcoming of any the name of what? Good photo ops? Whatever it is, he's not "exposing any wolves in sheeps' clothing."


New member
have you ever tried doing your thing in a muslim country?

Uh, yes, and a few have listened to the truth and have come to worship the true God of the Bible. The Scriptures always have said that most of the world would hate true Christians, so finding sheep-like ones in Muslim countries is thrilling.