the church


New member
Now Google "False Dilemma Fallacy," since that's the logical error you've committed here, at every point. :doh:

God's Truth

New member
Only those who are the Father's can come to the Father those whose aren't adopted of the Father can not come to Him.

You are speaking about a scripture of when Jesus was on earth. God ONLY LET those who already belonged to Him to come to Jesus, and the rest God hardened.

Those who were ALREADY God's, God made them go through Jesus, God gave them to Jesus. Jesus said he would not lose one that God gave him. Again, that was ONLY when Jesus walked the earth and had his earthly ministry. Jesus came FIRST for those who ALREADY belonged to God. Jesus said that when he is crucified---THEN ALL can come to him to be saved.

God's Truth

New member
When Jesus had his earthly ministry---HE CAME first for those who were already the Father's.

John 17:6 "I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word.

God's Truth

New member
When Jesus came to earth, God cut off and hardened Jews that He was unhappy with.

Jesus came for those who already belonged to God.

They now had to go through Jesus to remain God's.

Jesus said when he is crucified---THEN ALL COULD COME TO HIM TO BE SAVED.

John 12:32 And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself."


Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ.
Its your offspring from that that corrupted themselves and turned denominational among others.
Global catholic is from jesus himself. Protestants are included in the world wide Catholic church. Protestants are faithful while RCC are not.

"Well, but they actually treat of the Scriptures and recommend (their opinions) out of the Scriptures! To be sure they do. From what other source could they derive arguments concerning the things of the faith, except from the records of the faith?"
Tertullian--The Prescription Against Heretics, Ch 14
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You are speaking about a scripture of when Jesus was on earth. God ONLY LET those who already belonged to Him to come to Jesus, and the rest God hardened.

Those who were ALREADY God's, God made them go through Jesus, God gave them to Jesus. Jesus said he would not lose one that God gave him. Again, that was ONLY when Jesus walked the earth and had his earthly ministry. Jesus came FIRST for those who ALREADY belonged to God. Jesus said that when he is crucified---THEN ALL can come to him to be saved.
"Free will has carried many souls to hell, but yet never a soul to heaven." C.H. Spurgeon


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the church is a place to gather in His name
-the church is a place to get fed
-the church is a place you can trust


I don't remember the question
What is your take on whatever the Church did before the New Testament was even penned? Galatians or 1st Thessalonians wasn't even written until around AD 50, which is some 17 years after the Church was born on Pentecost AD 33, so, what did the Church do, if it was based on Scripture alone? All Scripture before ~ AD 50 was written to Israel, not to the Church.


I thought purgatory was an after death place for you of the RCC. Are you now saying that those suffering in nursing homes are undergoing your doctrine of purgatory as well?
The Holy See says this:
. . . every sin, even venial, entails an unhealthy attachment to creatures, which must be purified either here on earth, or after death in the state called Purgatory.


What is your take on whatever the Church did before the New Testament was even penned? Galatians or 1st Thessalonians wasn't even written until around AD 50, which is some 17 years after the Church was born on Pentecost AD 33, so, what did the Church do, if it was based on Scripture alone? All Scripture before ~ AD 50 was written to Israel, not to the Church.
My take is based on the 66 book bible that was breathed by God. Not the extra books which wasn't inspired


Jesus Christ did. It is the True Church of God
And protestants are in the true church of God as well but you don't want them to be cause youre a jealous guy. You'll worship that wafer mister, sister...and like it...even though it is not the God of anything, it's just a wafer, it has NO Power whatsoever..