the church


You are a Calvinist. You did not check on the teachings of men before you believed what you were taught.

You were taught and believe evil from a false teacher named Calvin.
Only those who are the Father's can come to the Father those whose aren't adopted of the Father can not come to Him.


So your're either ignorant of RCC doctrine or disagree with RCC doctrine. You're not a very good "Catholic".
1 Corinthians 3:13
Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.
It's not rocket science. No purgatory here, listen to what it says. "Every man's work shall be made manifest." Manifest & the word declare in the next sentence have the same meaning. If means to make known, to bring out in the open. The word for purge never appears in this passage anywhere; is just not there. But what do we see next? "The day shall declare it." What sites it mean "the day?" This is not an undetermined annoying of time you can shorten by indulgences or whatever. It has a certain day in mind, & that day is the day of judgment. See why purgatory has no bases in this passage? Because if limits the time frame to a day, a very specific day in which our works will be made known of what sort they are. Whether gold, silver, & precious stones. Or wood, hay, & stubble.
Purgatory is not only not taught here, it is contradicted here.




New member
What dodge means is that his preferred interpretations of the Scriptures have no authority or binding weight in the Catholic Church. That is what he's really upset about.

Your NOT qualified to speak for what I mean ! You have no clue what it means to follow Jesus. You follow men not God.


Who started the Roman Catholic Church? It's a fallacious question & reveals a gross ignorance of church history. Never at any point was Rome & its magisteriam "the church." It's was once in the church, or part of the church, but was never "the church."
The real question is who led Rome & its followers into the way of destruction & apostasy? The answer is simple. It was a succession of reprobate power hungry Bishops in Rome who gradually over time increased their own power by lies, deceit, murder, & forgeries, & the introduction of false teachings & growing superstitions. It wasn't one single bishop, but many of them who over time led Rome into apostasy & the sniffing out of its candlestick.