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like marbles on glass
Another testimony:

I am a pastor in Charlottesville, and antifa saved my life twice on Saturday. Indeed, they saved many lives from psychological and physical violence—I believe the body count could have been much worse, as hard as that is to believe. Thankfully, we had robust community defense standing up to white supremacist violence this past weekend. Incredibly brave students held space at the University of Virginia and stared down a torch-lit mob that vastly outnumbered them on Friday night. On Saturday, battalions of anti-fascist protesters came together on my city’s streets to thwart the tide of men carrying weapons, shields, and Trump flags and sporting MAGA hats and Hitler salutes and waving Nazi flags and the pro-slavery “stars and bars.”
. . . .
A phalanx of neo-Nazis shoved right through our human wall with 3-foot-wide wooden shields, screaming and spitting homophobic slurs and obscenities at us. It was then that antifa stepped in to thwart them. They have their tools to achieve their purposes, and they are not ones I will personally use, but let me stress that our purposes were the same: block this violent tide and do not let it take the pedestal.

The white supremacists did not blink at violently plowing right through clergy, all of us dressed in full clerical garb. White supremacy is violence. I didn’t see any racial justice protesters with weapons; as for antifa, anything they brought I would only categorize as community defense tools and nothing more. Pretty much everyone I talk to agrees—including most clergy. My strong stance is that the weapon is and was white supremacy, and the white supremacists intentionally brought weapons to instigate violence.

Rev. Seth Wispelwey
Directing minister of Restoration Village Arts and consulting organizer for Congregate C'ville


New member
Blacks were disproportionately poor and incarcerated at least a little because of their genes....
sounds possible :idunno:

Or was it because of their jeans?


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

How sad that Trump supporters can get any "takers" to divert the thread away from Trump's self inflicted dilemma, and in favour of their "false narrative" on Antifa and "liberal thugs!"


How are Ya?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Yep, they bury their head in the sand when it's some of their own. Notice the rush to judgment on this driver....not a moment to speak of his car being beaten with a stick just before he took off. I'd have taken off, too, if that mob was beating on my car. If the guy wasn't a nut already, they'd have a hard time convicting him of murder. Charge the mob...that would be more appropriate.

I was happy to see they arrested that gal who climbed up and toppled that statue....and they're going after the others, too. Our only hope is law and order at this point.

Yep, I was happy to see that Thug arrested too.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I say good for him. If those namby pamby's are so afraid of the political left, Trump doesn't need them. Truth be told, he didn't need them to begin with. Claiming Trump is a white nationalist is part of the left's temper tantrum at having lost the election. Russian yesterday, White Nationalists this week, and tomorrow it will be something else. Mob rule cannot last forever.

All of those cowards that ran for the hills were just plain, YELLOW.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I certainly hope no one who I've purposely ignored is offended in any way. The reason I don't bother with you is, I didn't have a desire to read what you had to say, therefore, didn't feel that is was of necessity to acknowledge you. Know what I mean, Anna, jgarden, Town Heretic, (You're on Eggnore anyway) and Wizard of Ooze? It's just that some "Leftists" can be difficult, at times, and even I need a break from the tedium they exude.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I earnestly believe, if a left-wing lib catches a cold or steps on a nail, they blame President Trump. Things have gotten that bad in our nation. Guess who wants Trump out of office?

1) Democrats.
2) Hollywood.
3) Some Republicans.
4) Antifa.
5) Black Lives Matter.
6) Planned Parenthood.
7) The Fake News.
8) Illegal Immigrants.
9) Kim Jong Un.
10)Other assorted Ne'er-do-wells.

I wonder what they all share in common?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Guess who wants Trump out of office?

1) Democrats.
2) Hollywood.
3) Some Republicans.
4) Antifa.
5) Black Lives Matter.
6) Planned Parenthood.
7) The Fake News.
8) Illegal Immigrants.
9) Kim Jong Un.
10)Other assorted Ne'er-do-wells.

I wonder what they all share in common?
That they want him out of office, if for very different reasons, where the divisions are factual instead of invented (as with the fake news nonsense).

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The "Fake News" is allergic to the word, "BOTH." That's the word President Trump uses when blaming the "Alt-Left and the Alt-Right for the riot in Virginia. The left-wing libs don't like the idea that, Antifa shares the blame along with the KKK, etc. After all, it takes two to tangle, right?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The "Fake News" is allergic to the word, "BOTH." That's the word President Trump uses when blaming the "Alt-Left and the Alt-Right for the riot in Virginia. The left-wing libs don't like the idea that, Antifa shares the blame along with the KKK, etc. After all, it takes two to tangle, right?
In attempting to establish moral equivalency between the the two groups all Trump managed was to underscore his own lack of moral compass and distinction.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Town Heretic, please try to remember that you've been exiled to "EGGNORE." I may at some future date decide to place you on probation, however, that time hasn't come as of yet. Be patient.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Town Heretic offended my sensitive "Sense of Humor Meter" and it went to the furthest side of the "RED" area, therefore, sounded an alarm that nearly woke up my neighbors.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It looks like Town Heretic is trying his best to fly under the radar.
That's not what that phrase means. :plain:

Nice try, fella.

Town Heretic, please try to remember that you've been exiled to "EGGNORE." I may at some future date decide to place you on probation, however, that time hasn't come as of yet. Be patient.
Just answering points, GM. I don't find a great deal of difference in your response, read me or not, so it's no inconvenience and by all means continue in both senses. :)
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