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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It appears to me, most far-left-wing liberals basically, become HYSTERICAL at the mere mention of Trumps name. I find that a wee bit odd and perceivably, unhinged, illogical and unreasonable. It seems the far left place Trump on the same level as, Hitler, Satan, Mussolini, Pol Pot, etc. Am I mistaken?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It appears to me, most far-left-wing liberals are basically, become HYSTERICAL at the mere mention of Trumps name. I find that a wee bit odd and perceivably, unhinged, illogical and unreasonable. It seems the far left place Trump on the same level as, Hitler, Satan, Mussolini, Pol Pot, etc. Am I mistaken?

Would it matter? I doubt it would stop your conveyor belt of posts regardless...

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I see that SOME posters here are in a real tizzy about our President. Antifa equates Trump voters/supporters with Nazis, white supremacists, and the KKK.
Your problem children refer to everyone on the left as some sort of...lover. So maybe Virginians? It was hard to hear through all the profanity.

I wonder if those same Posters have bought into that line of illogical thinking?
I wonder if you type most of this with one hand. The other being occupied by a mirror.

Do you believe that Trump voters/supporters are Nazis, white supremacists, and members of the KKK?
Not in the main, though in the main those Nazis, White Supremacists, and members of the Klan are Trump supporters.

It's a serious question, after all, if Trump is so evil are those who voted/support him, EVIL, by association?
Maybe he's just a low character guy with a real megalomania problem.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
As I've previously stated, I have Town Heretic and aVultureWarrior on my infamous; "Eggnore List" thereby, leaving me impervious to their, would be attacks against logical thinking. I certainly hope this isn't causing any inconvenience.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I'm pleased that I voted for Donald J. Trump and believe he is doing an extraordinaire Job, considering he's surrounded by Democrat/Republican Obstructionists, who thwart him at every turn.


Well-known member
I don't believe for a second, things are going to get better. Quite the contrary, things will worsen as time goes by. As I've mentioned before, the Genia is out of the bottle and Pandora's Box has been opened. The Bible speaks of the "End Times" and those days are not pretty. I'm of the opinion that we're in the beginning of those "End Times."

Well, we sure aren't seeing any "Peace and safety", are we? I'm afraid the Swamp is winning. The Republicans are committing suicide rather than work to make this country great again, and the mob is gaining control. :sigh:


Well-known member
I'd like to get some opinions about the following. I'm of the notion, even though I believe in Free-Speech 100%, that it would be in everyone's best interest if the Conservative voices didn't show up at these "Open Space" protests. That way, the Antifa Thugs would only have the Police to contend with. The Police would then be forced into doing their Jobs and their Superiors wouldn't have an opportunity to have their officers, "Stand Down." I mean, how could the Police just stand around and watch the Antifa guys and gals, break store windows, start fires, block streets and freeways, and commit heinous crimes? If there's nobody for these depraved animals to taunt, what will they do instead?

Sadly, there are enough hate groups to make it happen whether normal Americans show up or not. They just put on a different hat and go have fun....they thrive on violence. It's fun for them. They have no cause except to create havoc. It's the new mosh pit.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The "Far-left-wing-Democrats" have an agenda and that agenda was halted by the "Unforeseeable" election "Miracle." After all, Hillary, by all intent and purpose was supposed to be a "Shoe-in" so far as the election was supposed to turn out. By some, act of God and His Will, it didn't turn out so well for the Far-left-Democrats. Now, they're having difficulty bringing in funds to help them accomplish their goals. I believe they'll have problems winning elections in 2018/2020. The reason being, the onslaught of attacks coming from the Media, Hollywood, Antifa, and the unhinged rantings of Politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, and Elizabeth Warren.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Sadly, there are enough hate groups to make it happen whether normal Americans show up or not. They just put on a different hat and go have fun....they thrive on violence. It's fun for them. They have no cause except to create havoc. It's the new mosh pit.

I totally agree. Some of these "Activists/anarchists" are paid operatives for the likes of Soros and his ilk. Others, are just there to cause violence and anarchy. It's been said that mentally ill people are being brought into these "Protests/riots" by certain provocateurs with a far-left-wing connection.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Rest assured, little man. I'm not a drug addict.

I'm simply one of the deplorables who finds you quite naive.

Why AB has such an interest in American politics is a wee bit odd. After all, he's a British citizen and has no ability to change anything because of his inability to have a vote in this country.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why AB has such an interest in American politics is a wee bit odd. After all, he's a British citizen and has no ability to change anything because of his inability to have a vote in this country.

Why do folk like Musty start a load of threads about the UK? Politics isn't just for Americans GM so deal with it.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
At least he actually says something, unlike the drivel that comes so trippingly off your tongue.

That is, so true. I suppose he's here to "Cheer on" the Liberally minded folks. Evidently, he pictures himself as some kind of "Foreign Mascot" for the "Left leaning posters" that frequent this thread.
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