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Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Some "Stooge" was on CNN and predicted that our President will resign very soon. This "Bozo" is comparing Trump's resignation, to the last days of Richard M. Nixon. Well, I've heard Trump being compared to Satan, Hitler, a racist, a woman hater, a xenophobe, anti-gay, etc, etc, etc, now he's being compared to Nixon. What other names will he be called before his second term is over?

The problem is, no one can conclusively accuse him/impeach him of "Crimes and Misdemeanors." Mueller may or may not be seriously investigating Trump at this time. Even if Mueller does investigate the President, it doesn't "Guarantee" he'll find anything, not for lack of finding something on his end.

It's interesting that Nixon was eventually caught doing something wrong before he was forced to resign. On the other hand, the Democrats are actively searching for something to "Pin on Trump." That seems a bit awkward and diabolical, huh?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I'm asking everyone to stay on topic from this point on. If you're here to Troll, make nasty comments or call names maliciously, please don't bother. Let's have a reasonable discussion, okay? Please don't be disruptive.


Hall of Fame
I'm asking everyone to stay on topic from this point on. If you're here to Troll, make nasty comments or call names maliciously, please don't bother. Let's have a reasonable discussion, okay? Please don't be disruptive.

Topic: Blame game.

Why is Trump incapable of accepting responsibility for his own failings? Example ... health care, infrastructure, tax reform.

No legislative accomplishments.

Failure to bring the country together and has actually made the divisions much worse.

Lowered our reputation with the rest of the world. Those who approve: Putin and his diminishing base (which includes the alt-right/neo-nazi groups).

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If I were the President I wouldn't have felt the need to explain the Virginia riot over and over again. I realize, Trump was hassled by the "Far left-wing" to do so, however, I believe he was being "Played by them." It wasn't necessary for him to go through all of that. They're still talking about it and it needs to be "Put to rest already." There were two "Opposing factions" involved in that riot, the KKK types and the Antifa Thugs. One was on the right (KKK) and the other on the left. (Antifa)

Included with that "Motley Crew" of extremist radicals was, Black Lives Matter. (Another radical faction.) It takes at least "Two to Tangle" in this case there was more than two. Both sides went there to "Rumble" and rumble they did. The "Fake News" would have us believe, the KKK was the only "Rabid Combatants" and purely to blame. Obviously, we all saw the massive battle taking place.

When someone goes to one of these "Outings" it's with the understanding that they might just get maimed or possibly killed. That's exactly what happened here. Emotions/extreme anger and Adrenalin pumping is a bad combination. Trump is in no way responsible for this "Melee." If we must lay fault, it would be with the Police and the Virginia higher ups. Knowing that there was a Protest about to occur, they should have worked out a plan to divide the many factions and have a well-fortified Police presence. They did neither.

It was told that the Police felt what was going on was too dangerous so they basically, "Ran for the Hills." How pathetic is that? The Police are supposed to serve and protect, not "Turn and Run" from provocations that are happening. The guy who purposely ran down those "Rioters" should be harshly sentenced in a court of law.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Topic: Blame game.

Why is Trump incapable of accepting responsibility for his own failings? Example ... health care, infrastructure, tax reform.

No legislative accomplishments.

Failure to bring the country together and has actually made the divisions much worse.

Lowered our reputation with the rest of the world. Those who approve: Putin and his diminishing base (which includes the alt-right/neo-nazi groups).

The President is being "Obstructed" at every turn he makes, by the Left-wing liberal Democrats and a few Republican Obstructionists. Trump tries to do something and these two factions do their best to BLOCK him. That BLAME is not on him. Anybody who says it is, is under a Delusion of massive proportions.


New member
Some "Stooge" was on CNN and predicted that our President will resign very soon. This "Bozo" is comparing Trump's resignation, to the last days of Richard M. Nixon. Well, I've heard Trump being compared to Satan, Hitler, a racist, a woman hater, a xenophobe, anti-gay, etc, etc, etc, now he's being compared to Nixon. What other names will he be called before his second term is over?

The problem is, no one can conclusively accuse him/impeach him of "Crimes and Misdemeanors." Mueller may or may not be seriously investigating Trump at this time. Even if Mueller does investigate the President, it doesn't "Guarantee" he'll find anything, not for lack of finding something on his end.

It's interesting that Nixon was eventually caught doing something wrong before he was forced to resign. On the other hand, the Democrats are actively searching for something to "Pin on Trump." That seems a bit awkward and diabolical, huh?

You should know that impeachment is not based on legal standards but on political expediency. Currently the public are 50%:40% against impeachment, but that 40% is twice as high as the figure for Nixon. I don't think Trump can be impeached, especially before the mid-terms, but depending on the investigations he might resign anyway, especially of he could negotiate immunity. He is so lax with the constitutional requirements on foreign payments, that one doors winner what he had managed to keep secret up to now.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You should know that impeachment is not based on legal standards but on political expediency. Currently the public are 50%:40% against impeachment, but that 40% is twice as high as the figure for Nixon. I don't think Trump can be impeached, especially before the mid-terms, but depending on the investigations he might resign anyway, especially of he could negotiate immunity. He is so lax with the constitutional requirements on foreign payments, that one doors winner what he had managed to keep secret up to now.

Bill Clinton was Impeached. Impeachment means, "To be accused." None the less, Clinton stayed in office.


Hall of Fame
The President is being "Obstructed" at every turn he makes, by the Left-wing liberal Democrats and a few Republican Obstructionists.

As he should be. Tit for tat. Just like Obama. The difference is ... Trump is not competent and so mentally impaired he poses a danger to our nation.

Trump tries to do something and these two factions do their best to BLOCK him. That BLAME is not on him. Anybody who says it is, is under a Delusion of massive proportions.

Well, insofar as your *delusion* comment, I will thank you for your projection. Now that that has been established ... these people who are voted into office are not there to serve and obey the Twitter-N-Chief but rather to serve their constituents and more importantly, the country. The healthcare plan was horrific and went against every lie ... err promise that Trump made. Millions to lose their healthcare in order to give a huge tax cut to the rich. He was not *hands on* and undermined those on his own side by referring to the bill as "mean".

H.R. 1628, American Health Care Act of 2017

May 24, 2017

Cost Estimate

CBO and JCT estimate that enacting the American Health Care Act would reduce federal deficits by $119 billion over the coming decade and increase the number of people who are uninsured by 23 million in 2026 relative to current law.

IF this were truly about BETTER and more affordable healthcare, Trump would have made the effort to "fix" the ACA instead of tearing it down. He would have had bi-partisan support. However, that wasn't the case. He only wants to repeal the ACA as another step in his delusional revenge towards Obama.

He is suppose to represent ALL Americans, GM, not just the dwindling base who voted for him.


Hall of Fame
If I were the President I wouldn't have felt the need to explain the Virginia riot over and over again. I realize, Trump was hassled by the "Far left-wing" to do so, however, I believe he was being "Played by them."

That's an interesting spin, however, several prominent members of the GOP have issued statements. James Murdoch has slammed Trump for his comments. The members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the military have condemned him:

The members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff -- the senior uniformed brass of the Navy, Marine Corps, Army and Air Force -- all posted messages on their official Twitter accounts to denounce the far-right extremists behind Saturday's violence in Charlottesville, Va.

The messages did not mention Trump, who is the commander in chief, by name. But the rebuke seemed clear in several posts given the bipartisan furor over Trump's insistence Tuesday that "both sides" were at fault for the violence.

“The Army doesn't tolerate racism, extremism, or hatred in our ranks,” Gen. Mark Milley, chief of staff of the Army, tweeted Wednesday. “It's against our Values and everything we've stood for since 1775.”

Do you know who praised, Trump? David Duke.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
As he should be. Tit for tat. Just like Obama. The difference is ... Trump is not competent and so mentally impaired he poses a danger to our nation.

Well, insofar as your *delusion* comment, I will thank you for your projection. Now that that has been established ... these people who are voted into office are not there to serve and obey the Twitter-N-Chief but rather to serve their constituents and more importantly, the country. The healthcare plan was horrific and went against every lie ... err promise that Trump made. Millions to lose their healthcare in order to give a huge tax cut to the rich. He was not *hands on* and undermined those on his own side by referring to the bill as "mean".

H.R. 1628, American Health Care Act of 2017

May 24, 2017

Cost Estimate

CBO and JCT estimate that enacting the American Health Care Act would reduce federal deficits by $119 billion over the coming decade and increase the number of people who are uninsured by 23 million in 2026 relative to current law.

IF this were truly about BETTER and more affordable healthcare, Trump would have made the effort to "fix" the ACA instead of tearing it down. He would have had bi-partisan support. However, that wasn't the case. He only wants to repeal the ACA as another step in his delusional revenge towards Obama.

He is suppose to represent ALL Americans, GM, not just the dwindling base who voted for him.

Many Democrats are dismayed by the lose of the Presidential election. Hillary was supposed to be a "Shoe-in," however, miraculously, it didn't come to fruition. There are copious amounts of "Sore Losers" out there that just cannot abide with a Trump Presidency and have sought to continually attack and try and destroy him. Maxine Waters said she desired to have Trump "Impeached" before he was even in office. If that isn't bizarre, I don't know what is. No doubt Trump will be obstructed and mercilessly attached for the next seven and a half years.

The polls keep saying that Trump is down in the 30s, however, the polls also kept saying that Hillary was bound to win. So, can we really depend on the polls?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
That's an interesting spin, however, several prominent members of the GOP have issued statements. James Murdoch has slammed Trump for his comments. The members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the military have condemned him:

The members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff -- the senior uniformed brass of the Navy, Marine Corps, Army and Air Force -- all posted messages on their official Twitter accounts to denounce the far-right extremists behind Saturday's violence in Charlottesville, Va.

The messages did not mention Trump, who is the commander in chief, by name. But the rebuke seemed clear in several posts given the bipartisan furor over Trump's insistence Tuesday that "both sides" were at fault for the violence.

“The Army doesn't tolerate racism, extremism, or hatred in our ranks,” Gen. Mark Milley, chief of staff of the Army, tweeted Wednesday. “It's against our Values and everything we've stood for since 1775.”

Do you know who praised, Trump? David Duke.

Another "Duke" would have praised Donald Trump, as well. John "Duke" Wayne. Also, Trump has continully spoke against Dave Duke. So, who cares what David Duke says or does? I'm almost certain that a fair amount of "Bad People" just might have praised Hillary Clinton. What does that have to do with anything?


New member
Bill Clinton was Impeached. Impeachment means, "To be accused." None the less, Clinton stayed in office.

Impeachment in the US means to have a vote passed by the House of Representatives to require the Senate to act as a court. So the Representatives are not legal scholars of judges, but they will vote according to political motives and reasoning. Which is broadly what I said, unless you can pick a hole here.


Hall of Fame
Many Democrats are dismayed by the lose of the Presidential election. Hillary was supposed to be a "Shoe-in," however, miraculously, it didn't come to fruition. ?

What does that have to do with my post? I am NOT dismayed because I pay attention to what is going in the world and especially the government. For people paying attention, it was mentioned PRIOR to the election that the Russians were interfering. The Dems and Reps made the same error ... they BOTH ran the wrong candidates.

While I would disagree (and agree) with certain policies of the GOP, I wouldn't consider any of the other candidates who were running as incompetent, dangerous nutjobs with an anti-American agenda. I couldn't care less if Trumpettes disagree with me and scream "FAKE NEWS" from the mountain tops ... while previously and currently Trump is using many of the same techniques as Putin. The alternate facts. Disinformation campaign. Controlling the electoral in a manner that would suppress anyone who would be unlikely to vote for him. He is a contributor OF "fake news". He uses the National Enquirer to plant stories about his rivals ...
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