The Blame Game pt.2


Well-known member
The overwhelming majority of said "Christians" hold to works for salvation.

You do not, and you know this about them.

Meaning, in your estimate, such are Religionists, not Christians.

But you know how you Trumpers are where a belief you assert you hold proves a bit inconvenient - you simply alt your facts.

Nope, you're wrong about that. Most Christians are babes...only trusting. They may not know much about theology, but that is often a saving grace. It's the simple faith of a child. A somewhat naughty child, perhaps, but it's there and is as valid as any other....if not more so (not being mixed with pride).

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Do you think I care if I look ignorant to folks that are in denial?

I never said we were there. Nor has anyone else. But, we are headed in that direction if the liberals have their way. The people of Germany thought like you. They didn't see it from the point of view of the Jews.....until it was too late.

Now, if you care to debate anything with me, you'd better knock off your holier than thou attitude. I can't abide hypocrites.

The "Wiz of Ooze" isn't as smart as he thinks he isn't. I hope he gets the jest of what I just said.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
:hammer: Are you really attempting to equate being a Trump supporter with being a Jew in 1930s Germany?



How are ya? :chuckle:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
AB, don't think that we who have the benefit of logic, reason, and discernment on our side, don't have empathy/pity for posters like yourself. You're at a disadvantage, due to the fact you're a Brit, naive, and uninformed/misinformed. Don't blame yourself, let us do that for you.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Ah, so you have some German in you, too. I see nothing...there is nothing to see here. :nono:

Yeah, try reading up on history, and this time look at the German people who watched it all going down and buried their heads in the sand.

You libtards are full of it.

You far right fruitcakes are just plain bonkers. If it's not GM touting some paranoid, asinine comparison with the persecution of Jews and you giving him a thumbs up for it it's conspiracy nuts like musty predicting the West being under sharia law in ten years or some crap.

There's nothing to see because there is nothing to see you paranoid nut. You're not going to have your rights to pray or go to church abrogated. Nobody's going to outlaw Christianity or make it a crime. Nobody's going to round you up if you profess faith and lob you in internment camps and murder you...

"Libtard"?! You ultra far right crowd are an absolute freak show.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Eighty-three percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians. Most of the rest, 13 percent, have no religion. That leaves just 4 percent as adherents of all non-Christian religions combined — Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and a smattering of individual mentions.

Most of Canada and Mexico are Christian also. We have brains over here

Where's that stat from?



Well-known member
You far right fruitcakes are just plain bonkers. If it's not GM touting some paranoid, asinine comparison with the persecution of Jews and you giving him a thumbs up for it it's conspiracy nuts like musty predicting the West being under sharia law in ten years or some crap.

There's nothing to see because there is nothing to see you paranoid nut. You're not going to have your rights to pray or go to church abrogated. Nobody's going to outlaw Christianity or make it a crime. Nobody's going to round you up if you profess faith and lob you in internment camps and murder you...

"Libtard"?! You ultra far right crowd are an absolute freak show.


And this is all you got, Smartie Artie. Poor boy. :baby:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
And this is all you got, Smartie Artie. Poor boy. :baby:

Silly, paranoid little snowflake. Else, you explain just how there's any credibility to any of this whacked out garbage that folk like you are going to face similar persecutions as the Jews actually faced.

Who's threatening you with measures that will ultimately end up with you being interned and killed?

Do tell how the 'signs' are there that Christians will face the same fate as those murdered under the Nazi regime.
