The Blame Game pt.2


New member
The persecution complex is strong in this thread...

You do understand that the Jews were first harassed and brutalized in smaller numbers and in less obvious ways, don't you?

The government condoned and in some cases suggested such action be taken against the Jews. Is the United States government trying to convince people to harass and brutalize Trump supporters?

I can't believe you're even trying to rationalize such a ludicrous claim.

They were forced to do things against their religion....not unlike our having to bake cakes for homosexuals.

People are refusing to make cakes for homosexuals because they are Trump supporters? Don't equate Christians with Trump supporters.

The Jews in 1930s Germany were segregated, prevented from going to public school, theaters, etc. Their businesses were seized or destroyed. Then the arrests and murders began.

Read up on Kristallnacht and see if that compares to poor, prosecuted Trump supporters.

Then it grew from there. They didn't just send them to the gas chambers immediately. So, yes, it's a fair comparison.

This is one of the most ignorant comparisons I've seen in a while. I am baffled by your defense of it.

They got beat up for wearing a yamaka, and we get beat up for wearing a Trump hat.

Some people get beat up for wearing hoods, others for wearing the wrong color in the wrong neighborhood. That doesn't mean that they are being persecuted.

Liberals have simply lost the ability to use their brains. :nono:
Some of you have lost your damn minds.


Well-known member
The persecution complex is strong in this thread...

The government condoned and in some cases suggested such action be taken against the Jews. Is the United States government trying to convince people to harass and brutalize Trump supporters?

The police are being told to "stand down". Are you blind?

People are refusing to make cakes for homosexuals because they are Trump supporters? Don't equate Christians with Trump supporters.

I didn't say that, but most Trump supporters are Christians.

The Jews in 1930s Germany were segregated, prevented from going to public school, theaters, etc. Their businesses were seized or destroyed. Then the arrests and murders began.

We're forbidden to pray in schools, and forced to endure homosexuals teaching our children in public schools, and having our businesses targeted by the IRS.

You're a fool. If you were a Christian, you'd see that we are being persecuted by the Government when they force Christians to do things against their conscience. Forcing us to pay for abortions and forcing Catholic hospitals to perform them. Forcing businesses to insure them. Force us to pay for gender reassignments in our military. On and on.......

Although, now that Trump is in office, and is selecting conservative judges, we have a better chance than we've had of late (under Obama).


New member
The police are being told to "stand down". Are you blind?

I didn't say that, but most Trump supporters are Christians.

We're forbidden to pray in schools, and forced to endure homosexuals teaching our children in public schools, and having our businesses targeted by the IRS.

You're a fool. If you were a Christian, you'd see that we are being persecuted by the Government when they force Christians to do things against their conscience. Forcing us to pay for abortions and forcing Catholic hospitals to perform them. Forcing businesses to insure them. Force us to pay for gender reassignments in our military. On and on.......

Although, now that Trump is in office, and is selecting conservative judges, we have a better chance than we've had of late (under Obama).

I'm not saying some of these are not some legitimate issues, to compare any of this to persecution of Jews in 1930s Germany is beyond asinine. Debate these issues, don't compare yourselves to Jews in Germany. It just makes you look ignorant of what occurred to them and how it isn't even close to the 'persecution' Trump supports face. :kookoo:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The persecution complex is strong in this thread...

The government condoned and in some cases suggested such action be taken against the Jews. Is the United States government trying to convince people to harass and brutalize Trump supporters?

I can't believe you're even trying to rationalize such a ludicrous claim.

People are refusing to make cakes for homosexuals because they are Trump supporters? Don't equate Christians with Trump supporters.

The Jews in 1930s Germany were segregated, prevented from going to public school, theaters, etc. Their businesses were seized or destroyed. Then the arrests and murders began.

Read up on Kristallnacht and see if that compares to poor, prosecuted Trump supporters.

This is one of the most ignorant comparisons I've seen in a while. I am baffled by your defense of it.

Some people get beat up for wearing hoods, others for wearing the wrong color in the wrong neighborhood. That doesn't mean that they are being persecuted.

Some of you have lost your damn minds.

Absolutely bang on.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You don't even recognize yourself, do ya? Need a safe place? :chuckle:

You're the one who seems to think they're going to be persecuted along with the rest of the tin foil hat brigade ya silly snowflake, so go bunker down in a 'safe place' yourself somewhere and chuckle away. Frankly, the comparisons that GM made with the actual persecution of Jews and the fact that you go along with it just shows what a doofus you really are.

Get a grip or lock your doors and don't go out...


patrick jane

You're the one who seems to think they're going to be persecuted along with the rest of the tin foil hat brigade ya silly snowflake, so go bunker down in a 'safe place' yourself somewhere and chuckle away. Frankly, the comparisons that GM made with the actual persecution of Jews and the fact that you go along with it just shows what a doofus you really are.

Get a grip or lock your doors and don't go out...

Crazy? It's happening elsewhere

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You do understand that the Jews were first harassed and brutalized in smaller numbers and in less obvious ways, don't you? They were forced to do things against their religion....not unlike our having to bake cakes for homosexuals. Then it grew from there. They didn't just send them to the gas chambers immediately. So, yes, it's a fair comparison.

They got beat up for wearing a yamaka, and we get beat up for wearing a Trump hat.

Liberals have simply lost the ability to use their brains. :nono:

Wiz has already completely taken you apart on this and you really need to not only get a grip but also acquaint yourself with actual history as well. You should then be embarrassed for even aligning with any suggestion that what the Jews faced even remotely compares to what you snowflakes are whining about. Have you gotten beat up for supporting Trump? Been threatened with internment, loss of livelihood and home, free speech and even right to life?

No, no you haven't.



Well-known member
I'm not saying some of these are not some legitimate issues, to compare any of this to persecution of Jews in 1930s Germany is beyond asinine. Debate these issues, don't compare yourselves to Jews in Germany. It just makes you look ignorant of what occurred to them and how it isn't even close to the 'persecution' Trump supports face. :kookoo:

Do you think I care if I look ignorant to folks that are in denial?

I never said we were there. Nor has anyone else. But, we are headed in that direction if the liberals have their way. The people of Germany thought like you. They didn't see it from the point of view of the Jews.....until it was too late.

Now, if you care to debate anything with me, you'd better knock off your holier than thou attitude. I can't abide hypocrites.


Well-known member
Wiz has already completely taken you apart on this and you really need to not only get a grip but also acquaint yourself with actual history as well. You should then be embarrassed for even aligning with any suggestion that what the Jews faced even remotely compares to what you snowflakes are whining about. Have you gotten beat up for supporting Trump? Been threatened with internment, loss of livelihood and home, free speech and even right to life?

No, no you haven't.


Ah, so you have some German in you, too. I see nothing...there is nothing to see here. :nono:

Yeah, try reading up on history, and this time look at the German people who watched it all going down and buried their heads in the sand.

You libtards are full of it.


Well-known member
You're the one who seems to think they're going to be persecuted along with the rest of the tin foil hat brigade ya silly snowflake, so go bunker down in a 'safe place' yourself somewhere and chuckle away. Frankly, the comparisons that GM made with the actual persecution of Jews and the fact that you go along with it just shows what a doofus you really are.

Get a grip or lock your doors and don't go out...


Oh goody.....the little brit got his panties in a knot. He's bringing out the big guns - "Doofus". :rotfl:


New member
On the contrary, it seems the left is losing all over the world. That's why Brexit and Trump happened. Liberals are now being seen for what they are, sniveling babies that want Daddy government to wipe their snotty noses.

You ought to go write for Fox.

I'm sure Trump would enjoy your ability to make up what you want to hear... :chuckle:


New member
Eighty-three percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians. Most of the rest, 13 percent, have no religion. That leaves just 4 percent as adherents of all non-Christian religions combined — Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and a smattering of individual mentions.

Most of Canada and Mexico are Christian also. We have brains over here

The overwhelming majority of said "Christians" hold to works for salvation.

You do not, and you know this about them.

Meaning, in your estimate, such are Religionists, not Christians.

But you know how you Trumpers are where a belief you assert you hold proves a bit inconvenient - you simply alt your facts.