
New member
All of your HERE - HERE - HERE you constantly post are nothing but more articles of brain washed Pope kissers like yourself and are meaning less, no, Less than meaningless.
And yet you utterly failed to disprove the content of either of the sources provided in Post #318. Quite telling.


Demonology is the result of the Catholic Church circa Dark Ages in finding out why they were being taken over by greed and corruption.

Think about the timing there for a second-

Church ratified: 325AD <> 500AD Beginning of Dark Age

Didn't last too long :rolleyes:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Demonology is the result of the Catholic Church circa Dark Ages in finding out why they were being taken over by greed and corruption.

Think about the timing there for a second-

Church ratified: 325AD <> 500AD Beginning of Dark Age

Didn't last too long :rolleyes:

Horse apples.


Well-known member

Questions or Comments?

Hi and when very young 61 year old in 1950 my Grandma warned about the RCC and she was right as everyone know they mostly are PEDOPHILES but Protestants are so MIS-UNDERSTOOD !!

dan p


New member
Hi and when very young 61 year old in 1950 my Grandma warned about the RCC and she was right as everyone know they mostly are PEDOPHILES but Protestants are so MIS-UNDERSTOOD !!
You routinely make what are perhaps the dumbest, most radically uninformed statements on this forum. Just a heads up. :yawn:


New member
Right, if you are looking for a short answer instead of a long one then you need to ask a Catholic which of their Doctrines did NOT originate in paganism.
First become a Christian, then I'll take your ridiculous claims a bit more seriously.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You routinely make what are perhaps the dumbest, most radically uninformed statements on this forum. Just a heads up. :yawn:

Yah, you are so well informed by reading the Catholic Catechism. I have that book too. It is not the Bible; what it is, the traditions of men, not the Word of God.

Now get all mad about it.


New member
On the OP's title...

More like the arrogance and blindness of any one who holds their view alone is right and anyone who disagrees is to be regarded as an enemy.

No one alone has it all.


Here's the thing most non-Catholics don't understand about Rome.

Their old gods were an ensemble of theology that they gathered from all sources to make an accurate Mythos. This is where 'Catholic' comes from, meaning 'universal'. The mythology agreed upon would be the dogmatic standard.

When Rome adopted Christianity, there were many likenesses such as Minerva and Mary, and the reason being is because Rome had deduced much with religion at large.

And Greece was much the same:

This may be uncomfortable for some in realizing, but take for example milk and honey being the food of the gods in Greek myth- milk and honey are spoken of in the Bible as being abundant in the Promised Land.

These are the Catholic origins of the world, you see- what people commonly think has pagan roots in these regards pretty much doesn't. It was an evolution of religious philosophy which underwent it's most radical change when Christianity emerged. And because of that, certain affinities had to remain rather than change so that there would be stability in the cultures.


On the OP's title...

More like the arrogance and blindness of any one who holds their view alone is right and anyone who disagrees is to be regarded as an enemy.

No one alone has it all.
And just fyi, anyone who faithfully holds to Holy Catholicism specifically does not regard anyone who disagrees as an enemy.


When Rome adopted Christianity
I would put it, "When Rome believed in the Lord Jesus," and it would mean the same thing, it would denote the same thing; but it would connote different things.
take for example milk and honey being the food of the gods in Greek myth- milk and honey are spoken of in the Bible as being abundant in the Promised Land.
I like full fat plain yogurt mixed with honey. :nori::firechyld
These are the Catholic origins of the world, you see- what people commonly think has pagan roots in these regards pretty much doesn't. It was an evolution of religious philosophy which underwent it's most radical change when Christianity emerged.
Again, your phrasing. "It was an evolution of religious philosophy which underwent it's [sic] most radical change when Rome believe in the Lord Jesus." You see how they connote different things, yet denote the same things? The Church engulfed Rome. Like a great white engulfing a helpless chubby seal. Whatever's left of the seal is incidental to the shark.


New member
And just fyi, anyone who faithfully holds to Holy Catholicism specifically does not regard anyone who disagrees as an enemy.

My reference was to anyone who does; it was not referring to any specific person or group.

I often "talk" in key organizing principles I look at things from :)


New member
Yah, you are so well informed by reading the Catholic Catechism.
Since my point was that old man is uninformed specifically concerning Catholic beliefs and practices, your reference to the Catechism would be accurate.

I have that book too. It is not the Bible...
Neither is a single Protestant sectarian interpretation of even one verse of the Bible.

...what it is, the traditions of men, not the Word of God.
See answer just above.

Now get all mad about it.
Why would I be "mad" about your comments? You appear to be overly sensitive to the point of reading into my posts motives and attitudes that I simply don't possess. Perhaps it's your way of justifying rejecting the authoritative teachings of Christ's one historic Church. In any case, it's something you'll have to deal with yourself.


New member
Why should anyone take YOU seriously when all you do is assert how stupid everyone is and how ridiculous their thoughts are?
Indeed? Did I really refer to "everyone's" claims on TOL as "stupid," and describe "everyone's" opinions as "ridiculous"? (Note that I did not call anyone "stupid," which was rather a reference to one person's false claims. Get your facts straight before throwing accusations.)

You should either tone down you anger...
What "anger"? It appears that you are the one who's angry here.

...or post on a Catholic forum.
Do you possess some sort of authority here on TOL that we should all know about? :think: