The Answer to the Muslim Migrant Crisis

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I can't see how some could have. It depended on the presence of certain factors.

Case in point - try the following link, where it says 3 answers.

i see speculation that it was because they were largely hunter-gatherers, but that's just not so - not in the incan and mayan cultures and not in many of the north american tribal cultures i know of - they were planters, the people of the long-house in the notrtheast, and the haida of the northwest


New member
i see speculation that it was because they were largely hunter-gatherers, but that's just not so - not in the incan and mayan cultures and not in many of the north american tribal cultures i know of - they were planters, the people of the long-house in the notrtheast, and the haida of the northwest

The second link is the far better one.


New member
Google the words "pdf The Encyclopedia of American Indian Contributions to the World: 15,000 Years of Invention and Innovation"

(without the quotation marks)

That 400 page book should come up, in pdf form.


New member
With emotions running rampant we must look at the facts about what is truly going on with the migrant crisis. Knowing the history of Islam is critical to understanding the threat that the Muslim migrants pose to our country and culture. While we long to be compassionate to those who are suffering we must also make sure American citizens are safe.

What do you plan on doing about the hundreds of millions of guns in unsafe hands in the US? And especially, how do you propose we protect Americans from home-grown terrorism of all types?


The liberal answer:

Let the all in- every single one. Do not inquire on them or anything, that's bigoted. We can deal with them killing other people, because people here kill other people.



With emotions running rampant we must look at the facts about what is truly going on with the migrant crisis. Knowing the history of Islam is critical to understanding the threat that the Muslim migrants pose to our country and culture. While we long to be compassionate to those who are suffering we must also make sure American citizens are safe.
A disproportionate number of Italian immigrants have become members of the Mafia!

Should we use the same argument that is being used to exclude Muslims and place a ban on Italians?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
A disproportionate number of Italian immigrants have become members of the Mafia!

Should we use the same argument that is being used to exclude Muslims and place a ban on Italians?

i'd want to more thoroughly vet young male applicants from sicily :idunno:


New member
Hall of Fame
What we need, Angel4, is Carrie.

Ever see that movie?

Her mother was a religious extremist.

Til Carrie unleashed her wrath on her, lol.

No, we dont need more fantasy like your fantasy movie scene. Islam as a peaceful religion, is a fantasy. It is the religion of the sword. You think people are too stupid to see what its like in Islam controlled countries?


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The second link is the far better one.

it approaches my question - the tribes in great lakes had copper working technology (because copper deposits were plentiful and accessible in the superior region), but with no access to tin, never developed bronze
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Real Islamic "terrorists" aren't going to take the "immigrant route" that can take 2 years to complete.

Using their contacts they could merely travel to a non-listed foreign nation, obtain a false passport and enter America as a tourist.

The public safety argument behind this travel-ban assumes that "terrorists" are all simple-minded, unsophisticated dolts incapable of traveling to other countries or lacking the resources to "game the system."

The "travel-ban" does nothing to with promoting homeland security, it has everything to do with appeasing Trump's base!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Real Islamic "terrorists" aren't going to take the "immigrant route" that can take 2 years to complete.

Using their contacts they could merely travel to a non-listed foreign nation, obtain a false passport and enter America as a tourist.

The public safety argument behind this travel-ban assumes that "terrorists" are all simple-minded, unsophisticated dolts incapable of traveling to other countries or lacking the resources to "game the system."

The "travel-ban" does nothing to with promoting homeland security, it has everything to do with appeasing Trump's base!

keeping mooslims out of america

making america great again :)


New member


But you know the Make America HATE Again Trump Drone....

As with their vain, self-deluded idol, the Trump Drone is so due to his/her same, minute by minute "Trumped up" version of reality.

Then again, perhaps they themselves simply appeared; families intact, out of thin air.

"The early years filled the West primarily with adventure-seeking single young men because heavy manual labor was generally required to homestead in the West. Wives and sweathearts were often left back in the East while the men pursued dreams of wealth and fortune in the West, with the promise that they would return to collect their women or would send for their families to join them when they struck it rich."

- p. 20 "The Old West in Fact and Film: History Versus Hollywood" by Jeremy Agnew, 2002, MacFarland & Company, Inc.


New member
The overwhelming majority of Muslims living in America are peaceful, law-abiding people who mean no one any harm , and they don't even hate Jews .
But unfortunately, too many Americans are woefully ignorant about Islam , even though they think they know something about it . There are well over a billion Muslims in the world living all over the globe . They come from hundreds of different ethnic groups speaking hundreds of different languages and of all different skin colors . Arabs make up only about 15 % of the world's Muslims , and most Muslims do not speak Arabic , or only have a slight knowledge of it from traditional Muslim religious rites .
Muslims are not a monolithic thing, any more than Christians are . They do not all think alike or share the same views . A substantial number of them are not strictly observant at all , merely culturally Muslim .
Only a tiny number of Muslims are crazed fanatics who are determined to kill anyone who refuses to convert to Islam and want to turn the entire planet into an Islamic theocracy .
The vast majority are appalled by the barbaric acts committed by the fanatical minority .In Iran, for example, millions of Iranians hate the oppressive rule of the Ayatollahs and want to return to the relatively free Iran of the Shah in the years before Khomeini took the country over nearly 40 years ago .
The vast majority of Muslims living in America are normal people living normal lives . They are businessmen , doctors, lawyers, school teachers, college professors, scientists , entrepreneurs etc , and have made a great contribution to this country .
If you are a non-muslim US citizen born in this country , you have a far greater chance of being killed in a car crash or being struck and killed by lightning than being killed by one of the Muslims living in America .
There are so many Muslims in America who are profoundly grateful that they managed to escape tyrannical Islamic theocracies and were allowed to settle in this country .
Muslims in America are far more likely to be the VICTIMS of hate crimes by ignorant American bigots than to commit a crime of any kind . There have been too many examples of this in recent years .

The overwhelming majority of Muslims are ignorant of their own religion, prophet, and demonic god.

You say Americans are ignorant yet failed to do anything about the verses I quoted from the Quran. Before you talk about ignorance please deal with the verses right out of the Quran.


New member
The overwhelming majority of Muslims living in America are peaceful, law-abiding people who mean no one any harm , and they don't even hate Jews .
But unfortunately, too many Americans are woefully ignorant about Islam , even though they think they know something about it . There are well over a billion Muslims in the world living all over the globe . They come from hundreds of different ethnic groups speaking hundreds of different languages and of all different skin colors . Arabs make up only about 15 % of the world's Muslims , and most Muslims do not speak Arabic , or only have a slight knowledge of it from traditional Muslim religious rites .
Muslims are not a monolithic thing, any more than Christians are . They do not all think alike or share the same views . A substantial number of them are not strictly observant at all , merely culturally Muslim .
Only a tiny number of Muslims are crazed fanatics who are determined to kill anyone who refuses to convert to Islam and want to turn the entire planet into an Islamic theocracy .
The vast majority are appalled by the barbaric acts committed by the fanatical minority .In Iran, for example, millions of Iranians hate the oppressive rule of the Ayatollahs and want to return to the relatively free Iran of the Shah in the years before Khomeini took the country over nearly 40 years ago .
The vast majority of Muslims living in America are normal people living normal lives . They are businessmen , doctors, lawyers, school teachers, college professors, scientists , entrepreneurs etc , and have made a great contribution to this country .
If you are a non-muslim US citizen born in this country , you have a far greater chance of being killed in a car crash or being struck and killed by lightning than being killed by one of the Muslims living in America .
There are so many Muslims in America who are profoundly grateful that they managed to escape tyrannical Islamic theocracies and were allowed to settle in this country .
Muslims in America are far more likely to be the VICTIMS of hate crimes by ignorant American bigots than to commit a crime of any kind . There have been too many examples of this in recent years .

Also, the fact that the majority of Muslims are "peaceful" is irrelevant. Muhammad was a warlord and commanded his followers to kill.


Well-known member
The overwhelming majority of Muslims are ignorant of their own religion, prophet, and demonic god.

You say Americans are ignorant yet failed to do anything about the verses I quoted from the Quran. Before you talk about ignorance please deal with the verses right out of the Quran.
Guess you haven't read the Old Testament much have you violent Mayhem was certainly part of the Old Testament narrative I'm sure you can get around that can't you

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