The Answer to the Muslim Migrant Crisis


New member
With emotions running rampant we must look at the facts about what is truly going on with the migrant crisis. Knowing the history of Islam is critical to understanding the threat that the Muslim migrants pose to our country and culture. While we long to be compassionate to those who are suffering we must also make sure American citizens are safe.

The Horn

The overwhelming majority of Muslims living in America are peaceful, law-abiding people who mean no one any harm , and they don't even hate Jews .
But unfortunately, too many Americans are woefully ignorant about Islam , even though they think they know something about it . There are well over a billion Muslims in the world living all over the globe . They come from hundreds of different ethnic groups speaking hundreds of different languages and of all different skin colors . Arabs make up only about 15 % of the world's Muslims , and most Muslims do not speak Arabic , or only have a slight knowledge of it from traditional Muslim religious rites .
Muslims are not a monolithic thing, any more than Christians are . They do not all think alike or share the same views . A substantial number of them are not strictly observant at all , merely culturally Muslim .
Only a tiny number of Muslims are crazed fanatics who are determined to kill anyone who refuses to convert to Islam and want to turn the entire planet into an Islamic theocracy .
The vast majority are appalled by the barbaric acts committed by the fanatical minority .In Iran, for example, millions of Iranians hate the oppressive rule of the Ayatollahs and want to return to the relatively free Iran of the Shah in the years before Khomeini took the country over nearly 40 years ago .
The vast majority of Muslims living in America are normal people living normal lives . They are businessmen , doctors, lawyers, school teachers, college professors, scientists , entrepreneurs etc , and have made a great contribution to this country .
If you are a non-muslim US citizen born in this country , you have a far greater chance of being killed in a car crash or being struck and killed by lightning than being killed by one of the Muslims living in America .
There are so many Muslims in America who are profoundly grateful that they managed to escape tyrannical Islamic theocracies and were allowed to settle in this country .
Muslims in America are far more likely to be the VICTIMS of hate crimes by ignorant American bigots than to commit a crime of any kind . There have been too many examples of this in recent years .


New member
Great post. True words.

Truer with each passing day.

Though obviously lost on that life-long fraud now in the White House and his self-deluded lemmings, even as he meets with the Prime Minister, not of a few nuts, but of an entire country that just a handful of decades ago, had been our mortal enemy.

The irony...
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Muslims in America are far more likely to be the VICTIMS of hate crimes by ignorant American bigots than to commit a crime of any kind .

you'd think they'd want to stay in their own countries then, wouldn't you?

The Horn

OK Doser, they fled because their lives were at risk in their own countries ! Or they could not bear living under Islamic theocracy and tyranny .

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Lol - about as quiet as you Trump supporters lately, given his gradually growing, self-inflicted Nixon White Houe mess, all over again :chuckle:

if you're referring to me, i supported trump's candidacy and his candidacy only

as a means to deny hillary the white house

a snarled mess of a white house works for me

if you guys can find a valid reason to impeach him, i'll back you 100%

as bad as you make him out to be, that shouldn't be very hard :idunno:


The answer to the Muslim immigration crisis is to police the immigration, and to secure camps for the refugees overseas.

That has ever been the only answer to this so called 'crisis'- but liberals want them in here to dilute Christianity and conservative values. So if they don't have that, then it is a crisis indeed.

To them :rolleyes:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Japan, you knucklehead :chuckle:


actually, i thought you were referring to putin

yesterday (or the day before) the cbc was falling all over themselves speculating on how much their babyface pm should push trump on policy

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So said the Native Americans?

did the indigenous peoples of the americas ever develop bronze?

i know that many cultures were skilled in working gold and silver, and I think copper - but did any of them ever enter the bronze age?


New member
and why were their lives at risk in their own countries?

For the same reason the "good Christian" European White's lives were at risk, way back when they left Europe in droves in search of freedom from persecution from Europe's religious fanatics.

I still recall an old MAD up in his years, who was basically a decent sort.

One day he was lamenting "what's becoming of our God inspired country?"

As he really was a fair minded individual when challenged he might do well to re-examine a position, I asked him 'God inspired - was that before or after the mass slaughter of the people who were here?'

"Well they were heathen..." he replied.

"Heathen" - sort of felt like I might have been talking with someone from one of those old TV Westerns; where that word is often used as a justification for an injuetice against "uh Chy-knee" or "one them there Injuns..."

'No, brother' I said 'that was many centuries after "God was in Christ NOT imputing" man's "trespasses" on them..'

"You're right," he said "...just goes to show how one can go on about in life failing to re-examine one's beliefs..."

I've had that conversation with many over the years.

Most have taken offense.

"Good White Christians" most of them.

So the same bigotry on TOL by most, is not surprising.

Disappointing, but not surprising.


New member
Hall of Fame
The overwhelming majority of Muslims living in America are peaceful, law-abiding people who mean no one any harm , and they don't even hate Jews .


O YOU who have attained to faith! Do not take the Jews and the Christians for your allies: they are but allies of one another and whoever of you allies himself with them becomes, verily, one of them; behold, God does not guide people who are unjust. (Quran 5:51)

Even worse:


New member

O YOU who have attained to faith! Do not take the Jews and the Christians for your allies: they are but allies of one another and whoever of you allies himself with them becomes, verily, one of them; behold, God does not guide people who are unjust. (Quran 5:51)

Even worse:

Sort of like all the White nuts in America over the years, and now those on YouTube, who base their extremist views on the passages in Old Testament - passages that called for one extreme or another, way back in the days of the Law and the Prophets.

Are most "Christians" like that, even though similar extremes are also found in their Old Testament?


Every "Faith" has and or has had, its' share of dangerous nut jobs, in contrast to their overwhelming majority.

What we need, Angel4, is Carrie.

Ever see that movie?

Her mother was a religious extremist.

Til Carrie unleashed her wrath on her, lol.


New member
did the indigenous peoples of the americas ever develop bronze?

i know that many cultures were skilled in working gold and silver, and I think copper - but did any of them ever enter the bronze age?

I can't see how some could have. It depended on the presence of certain factors.

Case in point - try the following link, where it says 3 answers.