Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Anti-Gay Therapy

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I wouldn't know one if I saw one...homo infant either.

Though you believe mankind is born sinful...that would lend more credence to the "born homo" claim. Yes?

Which some Christians believe, that people are born gay as part of the fall. Others don't like that so it has to be "chosen". Doser's just trolling you anyway.


no, i'm sorry quip - if you can't tell me what you'd accept for support, i see no reason to answer you


Scientific evidence...for a start. Some objective, observent evidence, second

Those good enough for you?


Well-known member
homophobia and racism are moral equvelants. Hatred all sounds alike.

Please explain whom I hated, and how. Otherwise apologize for your lie.

racists and homophobes are both taling abotu justifying hate.

Please explain whom I hated, and how. Otherwise apologize for your lie.

I will say that there is one huge differnece between racists and homophobes - racists don't generally target children.

Please explain what child I targeted, and how. Otherwise apologize for your lie.

sound similar? They sound exactly the same

Same faulty argument.
It's simply illogical. You should abandon this tactic.

"Complaint A is an invalid argument against X,"
Does not imply that Complaint A is an invalid argument against Y.

this is just an exampel or you creating a very bad straw man

No. Your reasoning is illogical.

I would have been shocked if you even tried. It's part of your sad need to fabricate an image of gays as nothing more than a near animals


that are incapable of love


and exist only to satisfy their base lusts.


Implying that gays and lesbians love

Yes, they do.

would suggeest that they are people

Yes, they are.

and it gets difficualt to promote hate and prejudice when the people you are targeting turn otu to be just like everyone else..

Please explain whom I hated and how. Otherwise apologize for your lie.


Well-known member
some people are bisexual.

People in the linked article were previously heterosexual, and later entered into homosexual relationships. Who are you to tell them they were not heterosexual, but were actually bisexual and didn't know it?


Scientific evidence...for a start. Some objective, observent evidence, second

Those good enough for you?
In case you haven't noticed, conservatives presenting ideas based on scientific, evidence based facts is against their "religion!"

When was the last time "ok doser" actually provided a reference from a credible source - its all he can do to string a few one-syllable words together!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
In case you haven't noticed, conservatives presenting ideas based on scientific, evidence based facts is against their "religion!"

When was the last time "ok doser" actually provided a reference from a credible source - its all he can do to string a few one-syllable words together!

Well, can't expect that much from a troll. It's no real surprise he stalks the likes of Barbarian and Town, probably wishes he could have half their vocabulary...

Must get real boring for the guy being reduced to 'retard' every other post.

patrick jane

so how does that work? does a sex act define a person's orientation? Do iron bars turn straight men gay or are they just getting off? Is it love or is it rape?

Does raping a lesbian make her a heterosexual?

How can virgins have any orientation at all?
You paint a pretty picture, Mrs. Dainty


Well-known member
Boys parted their hair on the left side, girls on the right.
Boy's blazers buttoned left to right, girl's buttoned right to left.
In the playground Boys needed to play British-Bulldog, Girls did handstands and swung on the rails.
In the autumn boys played at conkers, girls played hop-skip-jump.
................... etc.

In fact, everything that we did was gender controlled, even at 4 or 5 years of age.
But one girl insisted on playing the boy's games, parting her hair to the left as soon as she had left home to go to school, riding her brother's bike (he was so upset to arrive at school on hers!), and I remember that the playground duty teacher would often call this girl over and send her back amongst the girls.

Even though I was 5 years old I was aware that the teachers worried about her, and one day a priest came to the school with the girl's parents (it was a Church of England school) and together with a teacher they all went to an office with the girl. I remember one teacher telling another that the priest was Canon C---er, and because I thought the title weas strange I never ever forgot his name.

I wonder what happened to her............. just thinking in print..... :)