
New member
These are all valid points.
I am concerned that a sex based agenda is being taught in our elementary schools to pre-pubertal children. This seems to have as it's impetus the burgeoning of demand for legalization, forced acceptance and equal opportunity for sexual behavior of any ilk?
This is premature and out of place in the public school system.
Perhaps you will grant that whilst a legal union is granted by government for purposes of protection of all parties concerned, people of religious conviction desire the blessings of their respective churches on their "marriage" before God and the assembled company. Further we/they would like to keep the sexual education (beyond the biologic facts) of our children under our own control.
Yes, the abstinence movement worked out so well, didn't it? Especially in the Bible belt.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Plain and simple, you, as well as countless others, are kidding yourselves if you think this is the case. And it is because of this kind of "fooling oneself" that has only helped to aid in our nation going downhill in a big way.

Change is brought about by people resisting evil. It happens in the blink of an eye, as a change of heart does.

Whether it is a man or a nation, believing that it will get there by a means of slow progression is ignorant and contrary to the weight of history.

As we have seen with the advance of the homo agenda, it is easy for those who ignore history to pretend that there has not been a slow, steady decay of morality leading up to the Supreme Court opinion.

However, the path to repentance is as short as the road to an about face.


New member
But what does it all really mean? What will this mean for religious liberty in this country?

It means a number of things.

1. Republicans made a huge mistake with DOMA.

2. Americans made a huge mistake involving the
Government in marriage, (Covenant between God a man and a woman).

3. The Federal government has overstepped it's
Constitutionally limited powers AGAIN!

4. The Supreme Court has once again demonstrated that
it will no longer function as a check and balance by protecting
State's rights and God given rights or the natural rights of individuals.

5. Churches need to give up their 501C3 status and stop serving
the Government as their master and start serving God.

6. Appointing gay Supreme Court Justices does not do a lot to
help hold together the moral framework of these United States.

7. No where in the U.S. Constitution does it enumerate power to the
Federal Government to regulate marriage, and the news media,
and citizens in general are too stupid/ignorant to realize that; and will do
little if anything to check an out of control Supreme Court.

8. The Ninth and Tenth Amendment are dead until we fix the corrupt and unlawful Supreme court.

9. Justice Roberts is too ignorant to be a judge,
he still thinks we live in a democracy when in fact we formed a Republic.

10. Almost all Americans have forgotten what the words
"pursuant to" mean in the 'Supremacy Clause' of the U.S. Constitution,
and the cost for that ignorance is about to climb to horrific heights.

People like to pick and choose what part of the Bible they want to believe,
instead of believing all of it like Leviticus 20:13

It is almost time to pay for that behavior as our country is ripped apart, enjoy.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
2. Americans made a huge mistake involving the Government in marriage, (Covenant between God a man and a woman).

I think the government is a necessary part of the marriage institution. For example, it needs to know if a couple is married because the law treats married people differently.


New member
I think the government is a necessary part of the marriage institution. For example, it needs to know if a couple is married because the law treats married people differently.

That is exactly where the mistake is.

Stop seeking the lower taxes/benefits
of a lawful privileged "status".

They are taking your money, just to give
you back a pittance of it couched as "BENEFITS".

Stop believing the lie.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
That is exactly where the mistake is. Stop seeking the lower taxes/benefits of a lawful privileged "status".
They are taking your money, just to give you back a pittance of it couched as "BENEFITS". Stop believing the lie.
All working men should be taxed the same amount regardless of their marital status.

A good government would recognize marriage between a man and a woman.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I think the government is a necessary part of the marriage institution. For example, it needs to know if a couple is married because the law treats married people differently.

Which is exactly why gay marriage just got legalized and exactly why polygamy is next.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
All working men should be taxed the same amount regardless of their marital status.
They are, what you get is a standard deduction which is a base amount of untaxed money because you have to eat. Being married means you can include your spouses standard deduction in the case that they don't work and can't use it because they had no income.
A good government would recognize marriage between a man and a woman.
They do so you're all set!
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Well-known member
I see our Taiwanese troll's gotten his shtick down pat, could probably do this in his sleep.:yawn:

"Schtick" is an overused smiley posted in lieu of a cohesive thought. It's the equivalent of petulant, rude children in the 1930s blowing raspberries. But then, you are a child, so...


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
"Schtick" is an overused smiley posted in lieu of a cohesive thought. It's the equivalent of petulant, rude children in the 1930s blowing raspberries. But then, you are a child, so...

:think: Why the 1930s in particular?
Was there some kind of raspberry blowing zenith during that period?


New member
Already there.

Yes and its dumb. I heard a guy say one time, if marriage didn't already involve the government, would you make it? Would you say, our relationship is so good that we need to get the government in on this. Our love is so good we need judges and lawyers and politicians to get in on this with us.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Yes and its dumb. I heard a guy say one time, if marriage didn't already involve the government, would you make it? Would you say, our relationship is so good that we need to get the government in on this. Our love is so good we need judges and lawyers and politicians to get in on this with us.

It is now and has always been about property (money).

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Numbers could be by the millions as far as opinions go. Actually doing something about it is a whole other matter.
Until the numbers are sufficiently pro life you won't really do anything that matters since the pro choice crowd will be able to stop an amendment and the Court has already set its cap.

Yes, but again, it would mean numbers of people doing numbers of things. Lip service is simply a cop out.
What do you have in mind?

And so have the numbers moving toward pro abortion. Though we have the numbers and ability, we simply aren't keeping up with the pace of people who are pro death.
Have the numbers to do what, exactly? I'm not being contrary, I mean that literally. What is there to do other than to continue to move the margin?

Plain and simple, you, as well as countless others, are kidding yourselves if you think this is the case.
Or you're wrong.

And it is because of this kind of "fooling oneself" that has only helped to aid in our nation going downhill in a big way.
Or you're wrong about that too.

There's something that just sets my teeth about the right wing underscored with this approach. Even the best of you too often can't advance a good idea without stopping first to blame anyone who isn't lock step with you for everything that's wrong with the world.

God knows what it's supposed to accomplish.

I like you and I have to tell you that when I read that approach it doesn't help whet my interest in whatever follows. Imagine how productive that is with people who aren't inclined to like or listen to you but who might, whatever you think of their approach, share your vision for the end game.

It's as baffling as it is counter productive, to my mind. Just something to consider or not.
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New member
It means a number of things.

1. Republicans made a huge mistake with DOMA.
it was a bad law no matter how you look at it.

2. Americans made a huge mistake involving the
Government in marriage, (Covenant between God a man and a woman).
marriage is a legal contract. a wedding may or may not be a religious ceremony. You seem to be confusing the two

3. The Federal government has overstepped it's
Constitutionally limited powers AGAIN!

4. The Supreme Court has once again demonstrated that
it will no longer function as a check and balance by protecting
State's rights and God given rights or the natural rights of individuals.
you mean like the rights of gays to have equal protection and equal rights under the law?

5. Churches need to give up their 501C3 status and stop serving
the Government as their master and start serving God.
if a church is going to muck about in politics then it should pay taxes

6. Appointing gay Supreme Court Justices does not do a lot to
help hold together the moral framework of these United States.

7. No where in the U.S. Constitution does it enumerate power to the
Federal Government to regulate marriage, and the news media,
and citizens in general are too stupid/ignorant to realize that; and will do
little if anything to check an out of control Supreme Court.
except for the full faith and credit clause and the equal protection clause and the due process clause

8. The Ninth and Tenth Amendment are dead until we fix the corrupt and unlawful Supreme court.
the states do not have the right to vote away the rights of minorities

9. Justice Roberts is too ignorant to be a judge,
he still thinks we live in a democracy when in fact we formed a Republic.
no argument there

10. Almost all Americans have forgotten what the words
"pursuant to" mean in the 'Supremacy Clause' of the U.S. Constitution,
and the cost for that ignorance is about to climb to horrific heights.
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding."

People like to pick and choose what part of the Bible they want to believe,
instead of believing all of it like Leviticus 20:13
do you follow all the laws of Leviticus?

It is almost time to pay for that behavior as our country is ripped apart, enjoy.
yes, hate, prejudice and discrimination have cause nothing but pain and hardship


Well-known member
I'll note there are a number of additional considerations in the consideration that complicate it. But it is a cause that can be advanced with a compelling challenge to societal interest and standard in opposition. It may be the only one remaining with that weight to it. It even has Biblical precedent to muddy the waters of religious opposition.

Sure there is. How do you think slavery was defeated as a legal institution, ultimately? It wasn't by a Court ruling.

A war and an executive decree of emancipation that was most likely unconstitutional. Given that the number of free states would have outnumbered the number of slave states I imagine slavery would have been sunk by a vote whether emancipation had been proclaimed or not but I am not up on that point in history. I heard rather too much about it growing up

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...Justice Roberts is too ignorant to be a judge, he still thinks we live in a democracy when in fact we formed a Republic.
He's speaking to the popular address of our government. I'm sure he understands that we aren't, strictly speaking, either. Or, we're a constitutional federal republic with democratic particulars/traditions. Though you could argue that for some time we've more closely resembled a functioning oligarchy with strong democratic appearance.