
New member
And the problem remains: We don't need to worry about potentially "legalized" pedophilia; we already have regulated homos.

Not to mention child killing.
What does pedophilia have to do with homosexuality?

The first is forced sexual contact with underaged children, the other one is a born sexual preference, and when consenting adults engage in sexual contact, who cares?

It doesn't affect you, it doesn't affect me, and it doesn't affect society.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
And the problem remains: We don't need to worry about potentially "legalized" pedophilia;
That's what I've been telling people, along with why.

we already have regulated homos.
I don't know what that was supposed to mean.

Not to mention child killing.
We do, though it continues to diminish in numbers and our public continues to move toward pro life positions, which is about all we can do with Roe for the moment.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
What does pedophilia have to do with homosexuality?The first is forced sexual contact with underaged children, the other one is a born sexual preference, and when consenting adults engage in sexual contact, who cares? It doesn't affect you, it doesn't affect me, and it doesn't affect society.
You're too stupid to talk to any more.
That's what I've been telling people, along with why.I don't know what that was supposed to mean.
When you break sentences apart, you tend to pervert the intended meaning. Try responding to that properly. :up:

We do, though it continues to diminish in numbers and our public continues to move toward pro life positions, which is about all we can do with Roe for the moment.

Your court just voted in homo marriage; it could just as easily have voted out homo marriage. Similarly with abortion.

And whatever course it takes, its opinions are never law where they are in rebellion against God's standard.


New member
You're too stupid to talk to any more.

Having to insult the person rather than discussing the point says more about your lack of intellectual integrity than it does about the person you're trying to insult.

It didn't say a while lot about your intellectual acumen either.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
When you break sentences apart, you tend to pervert the intended meaning.
No, I just altered your attempt and noted a truth or two within it. That's usually the best a guy can do with America hating foreigners who rarely take much time to poke at their own planks.

See, that's both not an argument and it's objectively, factually deficient. Everything I wrote in that sentence, none of which you countered objectively, was true. You'll likely respond in similarly stunning fashion next.

Your court just voted in homo marriage;
The Court recognized the right of consenting adults to enter into a contract with the state we call marriage. Religion needn't and not infrequently doesn't enter into it.

it could just as easily have voted out homo marriage.
Not if you read the majority opinion and you'd have been just as upset eventually if the minority opinion had prevailed and the question had been decided by popular vote, state to state.

Similarly with abortion.
Horrible decision, but one that's been made and won't be unmade easily. Most likely it will die as a result of Amendment at some point, at least most forms of it will. It's unlikely public sentiment would object to abortion in the case of rape or incest.

And whatever course it takes, its opinions are never law where they are in rebellion against God's standard.
They're binding as a matter of secular law within the compact, violative or supportive of any other religious belief though they might be and sometimes are, as in this case.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
No, I just altered your attempt and noted a truth or two within it. That's usually the best a guy can do with America hating foreigners who rarely take much time to poke at their own planks.
Who hates the US?

It has done the most in recent history to prevent evil taking over the world and its people are the last great hope among fleshly creatures.

The US is the greatest nation on Earth.

Now, maybe you might want to deal honestly with what I say instead of perverting it. :up:

See, that's both not an argument and it's objectively, factually deficient. Everything I wrote in that sentence, none of which you countered objectively, was true. You'll likely respond in similarly stunning fashion next.
I counted four votes against homo marriage and five for. That means had one of the judges been swayed otherwise, the outcome would have been the opposite of what it was. Thus when you say the only thing that can be done about Roe v Wade is wait for public opinion, I counter with the fact that a majority among nine opinions would be enough.

So quit with your arrogant assertions; pretending your non-answers are superior to what I present just doesn't cut it.

The Court recognized the right of consenting adults to enter into a contract with the state we call marriage. Religion needn't and not infrequently doesn't enter into it.
Pretending the regulations they write will have no impact on society is naive, bordering on the insane or dishonest.

Not if you read the majority opinion and you'd have been just as upset eventually if the minority opinion had prevailed and the question had been decided by popular vote, state to state.
Fortunately, I can count. And separating this discussion into 50 arguments does nothing to establish your view as the correct one.

They're binding as a matter of secular law.
There is no such thing as "secular" law. It's either a justified law, or it's not.

In this case, it is not justified and men are right to ignore it, calling it no law at all.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Who hates the US?

It has done the most in recent history to prevent evil taking over the world and its people are the last great hope among fleshly creatures.

The US is the greatest nation on Earth.
I stand happily corrected on the point. :)

Now, maybe you might want to deal honestly with what I say instead of perverting it. :up:
I haven't altered what you said and no one with a brain in their head missed it. But in it was a truth or two that I wanted to point out.

I counted four votes against homo marriage and five for.
I'm happy to note your formal education includes addition. And?

That means had one of the judges been swayed otherwise, the outcome would have been the opposite of what it was.
And if they'd had wings they could have flown from the bench.

Thus when you say the only thing that can be done about Roe v Wade is wait for public opinion, I counter with the fact that a majority among nine opinions would be enough.
Right, because you don't know how the Court works and precedent, etc. We could discuss it, if you like. But Roe hasn't gone anywhere and there's no reason for the Court to rehear it. You don't think people haven't been trying for almost as long as it has been in effect?

So quit with your arrogant assertions; pretending your non-answers are superior to what I present just doesn't cut it.
That's just your internal problems surfacing again. You seem to have a real need to be either the authority or speaking for it. No idea why but I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

Pretending the regulations they write will have no impact on society is naive, bordering on the insane or dishonest.
No idea what you think you're countering with that, but it doesn't appear to be anything I wrote so I can't help you.

Fotunately, I can count.
Next up? Spelling. I'm kidding. But it was a funny place to make the slip. :)

And separating this discussion into 50 arguments does nothing to establish your view as the correct one.
Which view?

There is no such thing as "secular" law.
Good luck with that one in traffic court.

It's either a justified law, or it's not.
Rather, it's either a law or it isn't and the rest is beauty.

In this case, it is not justified and men are right to ignore it, calling it no law at all.
Good luck with that in court too.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I haven't altered what you said and no one with a brain in their head missed it. But in it was a truth or two that I wanted to point out.
Yes, you did. You took two complimentary statements that needed to be together to paint the entire picture. Separating them would make it look as if I claimed child rape was no issue to worry about.

And that you perverted my challenge means the challenge remains unanswered.

The problem remains: We need not focus on what the courts might allow next; we already have them saying homosexuality is OK.

And if they'd had wings they could have flown from the bench.
:AMR: Are you saying they all had to decide as they did?

Right, because you don't know how the Court works and precedent, etc. We could discuss it, if you like. But Roe hasn't gone anywhere and there's no reason for the Court to rehear it. You don't think people haven't been trying for almost as long as it has been in effect?
Of course there's a reason to discuss it. Abortion is murder. What good is a court if it cannot deliberate a murder case (or 100 million)?

That's just your internal problems surfacing again. You seem to have a real need to be either the authority or speaking for it. No idea why but I'm not going to lose sleep over it.
It's no failing to want to be on the side of what is right.

It is a failing to defend a court that says homo marriage is OK.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Yes, you did.
Only to someone who couldn't read, given I literally set out every word you wrote and anyone reading it would have understood both your point and what I was doing with part of it.

You took two complimentary statements that needed to be together to paint the entire picture. Separating them would make it look as if I claimed child rape was no issue to worry about.
No, but it isn't something to worry about in the sense of it becoming acceptable and legal.

And that you perverted my challenge means the challenge remains unanswered.
It wasn't really much of a challenge. It was an attempt to paint a slippery slope founded on the wrong premise tying together unrelated issues.

The problem remains: We need not focus on what the courts might allow next; we already have them saying homosexuality is OK.
No, that's not what they held.

:AMR: Are you saying they all had to decide as they did?
I'm saying it was in keeping with my best understanding and application of the law and with the majority also.

Of course there's a reason to discuss it. Abortion is murder. What good is a court if it cannot deliberate a murder case (or 100 million)?
It did deliberate the issue. It got it wrong. And now we're going to have to undo it by a more dramatic means.

It's no failing to want to be on the side of what is right.
That's not responsive to the point, but what else is new.

It is a failing to defend a court that says homo marriage is OK.
No, it isn't, to match the depth of that rebuttal.
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Blessed beyond measure
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I have no doubt we have enough Christians and people who know that this decision is morally wrong that we could all stand up and do something about it. The question is, will we. Case in point.... Roe v. Wade. Tons of Christians spoke/speak out against it. Was/is that enough? Does that stop babies being killed, more and more each day? There simply aren't enough people on the front lines. Why? Could be many reasons. Maybe they think there are plenty enough other people who are willing to get their hands messy. Maybe they think, "who am I? Just one small voice. What difference will it make?" The days of thinking "well, I've done my part because I've made my opinion known" are over when it comes to actually doing something about it. Quite frankly, I think lip service just makes God's belly turn.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I have no doubt we have enough Christians and people who know that this decision is morally wrong that we could all stand up and do something about it. The question is, will we. Case in point.... Roe v. Wade. Tons of Christians spoke/speak out against it. Was/is that enough? Does that stop babies being killed, more and more each day? There simply aren't enough people on the front lines. Why? Could be many reasons. Maybe they think there are plenty enough other people who are willing to get their hands messy. Maybe they think, "who am I? Just one small voice. What difference will it make?" The days of thinking "well, I've done my part because I've made my opinion known" are over when it comes to actually doing something about it. Quite frankly, I think lip service just makes God's belly turn.

That's why
You need to vote


Well-known member
I would (were I a pastor, called upon to perform a queer wedding) resist unto death, since it would violate my convictions to use God's Name to bless a queer marriage.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
What would you do?

Trying to stop people from being gay is like trying to stop people from putting mustard on their sandwiches.

First, how would you even go about it and second why would you care?

Jose Fly

New member
I would (were I a pastor, called upon to perform a queer wedding) resist unto death, since it would violate my convictions to use God's Name to bless a queer marriage.

In the US, there'd be no need for such drama. All you'd have to do is say "No" and that would be the end of it.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I have no doubt we have enough Christians and people who know that this decision is morally wrong that we could all stand up and do something about it. The question is, will we.
No point. First, it makes sense as a progression of the law and secondly there's nothing remotely like the numbers to make the sort of challenge that would stand a chance legislatively.

Case in point.... Roe v. Wade.
That one is a different matter. That one could see an amendment at some point.

Tons of Christians spoke/speak out against it. Was/is that enough?
The numbers have been changing, moving toward pro life, if with caveat.

Does that stop babies being killed, more and more each day? There simply aren't enough people on the front lines. Why? Could be many reasons. Maybe they think there are plenty enough other people who are willing to get their hands messy. Maybe they think, "who am I? Just one small voice. What difference will it make?" The days of thinking "well, I've done my part because I've made my opinion known" are over when it comes to actually doing something about it. Quite frankly, I think lip service just makes God's belly turn.
I don't agree with you, but I appreciate that you're serious about the subject. So am I. But this is one race that will be won by the steady and not the swift to outrage. Just the way it is. The Court got it wrong and isn't going to revisit. So it's about convincing people who bought into the worst case scenarios used to establish a rule that has become about other things.

But that's changing.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Only to someone who couldn't read, given I literally set out every word you wrote and anyone reading it would have understood both your point and what I was doing with part of it.
And yet, the challenge remains.

It wasn't really much of a challenge. It was an attempt to paint a slippery slope founded on the wrong premise tying together unrelated issues.
Claiming I said the complete opposite of what is plainly written doesn't do much for your credibility.

No, that's not what they held.

I'm saying it was in keeping with my best understanding and application of the law and with the majority also.
Which has nothing to do with what I said.

The court could have easily not upheld homo marriage.

It did deliberate the issue.
And it could do so again. And you've spent so much time arguing nonsense that we are nowhere near where we started.

That's not responsive to the point, but what else is new.
You didn't have a point. You made an unjustified accusation, another attempt to put me in a bad light.

No, it isn't.
It sure is. It's not OK to be gay.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
And yet, the challenge remains.
I know you think that's true. No idea why you think you haven't been answered.

Here's an idea: set out a declarative point you think I haven't addressed and I'll happily do that. Or don't. I'm guessing you won't.

Claiming I said the complete opposite of what is plainly written doesn't do much for your credibility.
It depends on the intelligence of the person reading it. If they're stupid and don't get a sarcastic prod you're likely right. I don't think people who post around here are stupid though. Some of the second language types might struggle.

Which has nothing to do with what I said.
Yeah, it does. You'd written:

Are you saying they all had to decide as they did?
I answered: I'm saying it was in keeping with my best understanding and application of the law and with the majority also. That is, they answered as they felt they had to given their understanding of the law and that understanding was in accord with my own.

The court could have easily not upheld homo marriage.
No, but another Court might have seen it differently. The close nature of the split makes that evident. Same with Roe. But the Courts that had the duty did their duty and we're left with the results and will be hard pressed to do much about it, absent enough groundswell support to call a convention.

...You didn't have a point. You made an unjustified accusation, another attempt to put me in a bad light.
In order: I did, I didn't and I'm weeping. Your methodology is so one sided in its sensitivity that I can't really say that bothers me. You don't like getting hit? Don't step into a ring and throw a jab.


Well-known member
I answered: I'm saying it was in keeping with my best understanding and application of the law and with the majority also. That is, they answered as they felt they had to given their understanding of the law and that understanding was in accord with my own.

No, but another Court might have seen it differently. The close nature of the split makes that evident. Same with Roe. But the Courts that had the duty did their duty and we're left with the results and will be hard pressed to do much about it, absent enough groundswell support to call a convention.

I realize I'm jumping in the middle here, but I have to say that every "court" for thousands of years has had no trouble making the opposite decision. It's interesting that the current court thinks they suddenly have the "answer". Don't you think?