Imagine anyone so primitive to say, heck, look at this.
"You'll get several opinions by Muslim scholars. All of them don't agree on this issue."
Not all of them agree it is wrong to harm, or kill a person who does not give a wick for Muslim beliefs!
How long has it been since any Christian took it upon himself to punish anyone who does not hold the Christian view. Since the Middle-Ages. This is the problem, the Muslims live by the times of the Middle-Ages.
A time when people were publicly whipped for not holding the correct beliefs, remember the Puritans?
The Muslim men harm their women so much the women do not even understand that female pride exists, and they have no idea that they have the mental capacity of men. Free the women, end Islam, as the cult is based on the subjugation of women.
The only pride you should have, is when God and His angels place that crown on your head for overcoming this world. Humility is better than pride. It makes no sense to be prideful, about anything, unless it aligns with God's will and it pleases God. God's pleasure, should be your pride, not your skin complexion or some other worldly condition or state. None of that is going to matter when you stand before God in judgement.
The rule on death for apostasy is not found in the Quran, only in the extra-Quranic literature, the hadith. According to the Quran, there is no compulsion in religion. Based on historical accounts, there were apostates in Madina, that were never executed. The Quran and hadith attests to this fact, so its not written on stone, that an apostate from Islam has to be executed. More, in the first century of Islam, to be an apostate, was more than just rejecting Islamic theology. At that time, Muslims were at war with the pagans of Mecca and their allies. Every member of the Muslim community in Madina was potentially a member of the military, especially the men. So apostasy was more than leaving your religion, it was treason. In the same way the US executed Julius and Ethel Rosenberg in 1953, two Americans executed for spying for the Soviet Union.
Killing apostates or treacherous individuals who reject God and return to paganism, to being miscreant trouble makers and criminals, are worthy of being executed according to the bible. According to the God of Israel. So if you're a Christian, you really have no argument against Islam, when it comes to violence (Violence can be holy and divinely sanctioned). And if you're an atheist, you have no argument, because without a God, there is no actual right or wrong. Everything is relative. We are all nothing more than meaningless chemical reactions, a mere excretion of the brain. To kill is simply to stop a meaningless chemical reaction from occurring.
If we executed more people in America, perhaps we wouldn't have so many corrupt government officials. We wouldn't have all of these sodomites, adopting children and corrupting them. Parading their shameless filth in the streets of our cities. We wouldn't have all of these thugs selling drugs on the street corner. We wouldn't have millions of unborn babies ripped to pieces in their mother's wombs. Perhaps if the death penalty was broader and easier to execute, we wouldn't have so many prisons and our tax dollars could be used more efficiently and responsibly.
Your standard of morality is arbitrary, especially if you're an atheist.