Statue of Margaret Sanger, the Founder vof Planned Parenthood


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Hall of Fame
Calling someone goofy, or wacky, or nuts is held in context as more a disagreeable slight, while calling someone pro abortion, or pro homosexual, when they are assumed not to be is libel, a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation is to make a false claim and sell it to other readers as the truth

You refer to me again as part of these non-Christian actors, you will be banned for posting false testimony.


*can you submit to me your definition of racist? My dictionary shows that it is believing one race is superior to another.

By your own definition, you liberals are racist because your race based affirmative action programs don't hold the people who supposedly benefit by them up to the same standards of other races, hence believing that they are inferior.

Given time, liberals will always expose themselves. It didn't take long to expose you.


New member
Meritorious manumission?

No good deed ever goes unpunished here!


Haha I'll use smaller words and definitions next time:


Used in a sentence: No white person under the age of 60 with a post high school education would be persuaded to believe "Southern Heritage" as defined by that website is not racist just because they found some Uncle Toms to promote their cause.

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New member
By your own definition, you liberals are racist because your race based affirmative action programs don't hold the people who supposedly benefit by them up to the same standards of other races, hence believing that they are inferior.

Given time, liberals will always expose themselves. It didn't take long to expose you.


However, the exposure of these systemic issues that I have learned about just by being a foster parent and putting a face to some of the assumptions I used to make have made me realize I don't know everything.

If you read my long reply earlier, I believe many liberal programs are very racist as well, meant to keep people in a state of dependency. This is enabled by many conservative programs, lacking the compassion to understand there is a need for systemic change. Republicans tell minorities to pull themselves up by their boot straps and democrats cut the boot straps.

I don't know what the answer is yet but I will tell you what it isn't: the article you posted. It goes deeper than "black people need to work harder." Surely you know that??

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Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

So you didn't care that a pro abortion/pro homosexual candidate was going to be the next President of the United States, you just wanted to make sure that the next President was from the Party that started with an "R".

Can you actually answer a question for a change?

Would you rather have Hillary as POTUS instead Trump?

I've used several analogies/metaphors/parodies with numerous Trump lemmings supporters over the past few months on this exact subject, here's one of them.

If you were a farmer, would you rather have a varmint disguised as a chicken inside the hen house, or would you feel that you could protect your chickens better if you saw him prowling around outside of the hen house?

Donald Trump, the varmint disguised as a chicken, has done irreparable harm to a political party that once embraced Judeo-Christian i.e. conservative values.



Please don't lie, as I won't waste time on a sock puppet such as yourself that can't even admit that he's a liberal/Libertarian ;)

I don't know what the answer is yet but I will tell you what it isn't: the article you posted. It goes deeper than "black people need to work harder." Surely you know that??

The article that I posted showed the high unemployment rate amongst younger black males.

Due to fatherless homes, many of them don't have a strong work ethic, hence the reason that they can't keep a job.

Sorry if I hurt your liberal sensibilities with the truth.


New member
Please don't lie, as I won't waste time on a sock puppet such as yourself that can't even admit that he's a liberal/Libertarian ;)

Haha I'm really not Lying but after all this talk I'm thinking I should have a sex change operation and vote libertarian [emoji23]

Identity politics takes on a whole new meaning.

Valid point on the hen house. I never thought of it that way before. You chose party over country in what I assume is a gamble but a better long game if Trump is who I think he is.

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New member
[/QUOTE] Due to fatherless homes, many of them don't have a strong work ethic, hence the reason that they can't keep a job.

Sorry if I hurt your liberal sensibilities with the truth.[/QUOTE]

It is clear from statements like these you have spent zero time truly investigating the problem or even in genuine relationship with anyone outside your white bubble.

So no need to apologize-your assessment of communities of color, while offensive to anyone, did not hurt my sensibilities. Just as I would not hire a roofer to do my taxes, I will not be too worried about what you have said regarding young black men. You know not much of those whom you know not.

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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Donald Trump, the varmint disguised as a chicken, has done irreparable harm to a political party that once embraced Judeo-Christian i.e. conservative values.

Would you rather have Hillary as POTUS instead Trump? From all the bad that you say about Trump then I can only guess that you would rather Hillary be President!


It is clear from statements like these you have spent zero time truly investigating the problem or even in genuine relationship with anyone outside your white bubble.

So no need to apologize-your assessment of communities of color, while offensive to anyone, did not hurt my sensibilities. Just as I would not hire a roofer to do my taxes, I will not be too worried about what you have said regarding young black men. You know not much of those whom you know not.

Those are strong words coming from a Ted Cruz conservative (typed with the utmost sarcasm).

If and when you're ever ready to come clean by admitting that you're a liberal and stand up for the liberal policies that have destroyed the black community, I'll gladly debate you.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've used several analogies/metaphors/parodies with numerous Trump lemmings supporters over the past few months on this exact subject, here's one of them.

If you were a farmer, would you rather have a varmint disguised as a chicken inside the hen house, or would you feel that you could protect your chickens better if you saw him prowling around outside of the hen house?
Donald Trump, the varmint disguised as a chicken, has done irreparable harm to a political party that once embraced Judeo-Christian i.e. conservative values.

Would you rather have Hillary as POTUS instead Trump? From all the bad that you say about Trump then I can only guess that you would rather Hillary be President!

I answered that question in my above analogy.

Obviously you're not concerned with a varmint disguised as a chicken in the hen house, as long as he pokes his head outside every once in awhile and tells you:

"Everything is ok in here, honest, you can trust me."


New member
Those are strong words coming from a Ted Cruz conservative (typed with the utmost sarcasm).

If and when you're ever ready to come clean by admitting that you're a liberal and stand up for the liberal policies that have destroyed the black community, I'll gladly debate you.

I agree some liberal policies are destroying communities of color.

How many good black friends do you have?

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I agree some liberal policies are destroying communities of color.

Trying to play both sides of the fence I see. (Sigh, he reminds me of someone who tries so hard to prove that he's moderate yet is one of the most radical posters on TOL).

How many good black friends do you have?

My 2nd cousin twice removed next door neighbors brother in law once watched The Jeffersons, does that count?


New member
Trying to play both sides of the fence I see. (Sigh, he reminds me of someone who tries so hard to prove that he's moderate yet is one of the most radical posters on TOL).

My 2nd cousin twice removed next door neighbors brother in law once watched The Jeffersons, does that count?

Sigh I'm sorry I tap out. I I have this radical view that melanin plays a much smaller role in one's success in life than you do.

No that does not count. I would try harder to educate you but I have said 5 times in this thread that I'm a woman and you still call me "he." If you aren't reading my posts enough to have caught that by now, I see no point in further trying to discuss racial relations. But don't be sad! As a parting gift-you now have so many more options of names to call me!

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Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Trying to play both sides of the fence I see. (Sigh, he reminds me of someone who tries so hard to prove that he's moderate yet is one of the most radical posters on TOL).

Sigh I'm sorry I tap out. I I have this radical view that melanin plays a much smaller role in one's success in life than you do.

If only liberal policies reflected the lies that you espouse over the internet.

No that does not count. I would try harder to educate you but I have said 5 times in this thread that I'm a woman and you still call me "he." If you aren't reading my posts enough to have caught that by now, I see no point in further trying to discuss racial relations. But don't be sad! As a parting gift-you now have so many more options of names to call me!

Liberals/Libertarians ;) bore me to tears, so while I have wasted a fair amount of time chatting with you (in order to call it a debate, you would have had to brought something substantive to the debate table) I haven't wasted even more time reading your liberal propaganda.


New member
Sigh I'm sorry I tap out. I I have this radical view that melanin plays a much smaller role in one's success in life than you do.

No that does not count. I would try harder to educate you but I have said 5 times in this thread that I'm a woman and you still call me "he." If you aren't reading my posts enough to have caught that by now, I see no point in further trying to discuss racial relations. But don't be sad! As a parting gift-you now have so many more options of names to call me!

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aCW has mental issues. He falsely accuses many people here of posting under multiple usernames. Only God knows what he bases this on. Obviously he's got you fitted for a sock.

Don't let it bother you. Welcome to TOL! :cheers:
[MENTION=13737]aCultureWarrior[/MENTION] - how many usernames do I have?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I answered that question in my above analogy.

So you would rather have Hillary as President instead of Trump!

That's what I thought!

The above is standard reasoning for Trump lemmings.

Ted Cruz rightfully said during the primaries that Trump supporters are low informed voters. You're living proof that Cruz was right.


aCW has mental issues.

Any one who stands up for God's values must have mental issues, right Aaron?

He falsely accuses many people here of posting under multiple usernames. Only God knows what he bases this on. Obviously he's got you fitted for a sock.

Not "many people" Aaron, just 4 guys of American Indian descent who are all in their mid 40's, avid Libertarian Ron Paul supporters and (here's the best part) hate me with a passion for telling the truth about homosexuality.

Don't let it bother you. Welcome to TOL! :cheers:
[MENTION=13737]aCultureWarrior[/MENTION] - how many usernames do I have?

12? 15?