Statue of Margaret Sanger, the Founder vof Planned Parenthood


Hall of Fame
Sorry that I had to subject you to a video of Ted Cruz so early in the AM Aaron. You can let your clenched jaw relax now, the moral degenerate won the Presidency, not the true conservative.

Yes. Cruz would have been. 100% better than the guy the MAJORITY of voters voted against. That didn't happen. As I stated before, Cruz had EARNED my respect at the RPN Convention when he refused to support Trump. Since then, he has become "one of them". He caught the infestation.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Seriously Gerald, you really need to go back to your "My church is better than your church!" threads, because politics is definitely not your forte'.

Just curious, but for which candidate did you vote in the last presidential election?

Since you are so sure of your political acumen then I am sure that you will share that information with us so that we can all profit from your great knowledge.

Or perhaps you are actually ashamed of the person you voted for?


Just curious, but for which candidate did you vote in the last presidential election?

Since you are so sure of your political acumen then I am sure that you will share that information with us so that we can all profit from your great knowledge.

Or perhaps you are actually ashamed of the person you voted for?

I tire of Trump lemmings and their mindless rants quickly Gerald. Before I go delouse, can you explain how you can call yourself a follower of Christ yet support someone like Donald Trump who promotes things that God abhors?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
I tire of Trump lemmings and their mindless rants quickly Gerald. Before I go delouse, can you explain how you can call yourself a follower of Christ yet support someone like Donald Trump who promotes things that God abhors?

You are ashamed of the Presidental candidate for whom you voted, aren't you? Did you delouse after voting for Hillary?


You are ashamed of the Presidental candidate for whom you voted, aren't you? Did you delouse after voting for Hillary?

Unlike you Gerald, I don't profess to be pro life yet vote for a pro abortionist for President. In the event that you didn't catch it the first time, I was a huge Ted Cruz supporter.

On that note: Is there someone in your family that I can contact so that they can take your voter registration card away? The power of the vote in the hands of the uninformed is a very scary thing Gerald.


New member
Back to the statistic on fatherless homes. Add the fact that the culture in the black community isn't always one of hard work (like Asians) and there are two reasons.

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New member
Misused the quote feature of this page so please don't think the words above are my own. You never gave the 2 reasons and I am interested to know what they are

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Back to the statistic on fatherless homes.

As the thread's official statistician, you are supposed to provide those statistics (I know what they are, now it's your turn to learn).

Add the fact that the culture in the black community isn't always one of hard work (like Asians) and there are two reasons.

Study up on the Booker T. Washington vs (communist) W.E.B. Dubois debates. Washington (who should have a holiday named after him instead of Martin Luther King Jr. having one named after him) talked about how Black Americans should go about gaining the respect of other Americans, and it dealt with hard work.

The Work Ethic and U.S. Unemployment


New member
aCultureWarrior and Margaret Sanger both use many of the same words to describe African Americans. I'll attach an article so you can read through and see the similarities in your ideologies. Lazy, sexually immoral, criminals incapable of raising their own children. This is what you have said on this thread. Margaret Sanger held many of the same views as you do and she studied eugenics, founded planned parenthood and contributed to the holocaust. She had a ranking for minorities-just as you seem to. Asians are hard working as you pointed out but "blacks" aren't. (Google search "model minority").

Where you differ from Sanger is that you have a conscience. You have presented all the same problems that she did You see we all have seen there are a disproportionate amount of people of color in prison, using planned parenthood services, etc. you have 3 ways to solve this societal problem when we are faced with it and it pricks our conscience:

1) ignore it

2) blame them

3) consider the possibility that there may be some systemic problems contributing to these statistics and work to dismantle them. One who truly values life should look not only at the unborn baby but the circumstances leading up to the mother walking into that clinic.

As a Christian: if you continue to blame "them" for being sexually immoral, bad fathers, lazy and whatever else you said-this is white supremacy. This is saying I am better because I am white and you are worse solely because of the color of your skin. This is sin just like abortion. You have decided a life is not viable and thus not worth ensuring the rights needed to sustain it.

This is in conflict with the Bible's teaching of imago Dei (gen 1:27 and psalm 139). Same verses people use to talk about abortion apply to racism. Do you recognize all people of color as being created in God's image, fearfully and wonderfully made? Please sit with this question.

If God created a black man in his own image and you think you are better than him, have you now not placed yourself in position above God's image? Can we really know God or be known by God if we refuse to acknowledge his fullness in the reflection of his diverse image bearers?

The true cause of the "liberal problems" I mentioned are an unjust system and generational poverty due to slavery, Jim Crow, Mass Incarceration, Red-lining (the #1 inter generational builder of wealth in America is property ownership), gentrification, and so so much more. Is it not plausible that white supremacy could be behind these liberal problems just as it is behind this planned parenthood problem? Both sides judging one another while black men are shot and arrested, leaving their children without fathers and their unborn more likely to be aborted. Wake up.

We must repent from this. We have to look into the darkest parts of both liberal and conservative social issues and realize that darkness is in us as well, regardless of who we vote for.

-registered republican
Voted for Cruz in primaries
Fasted and prayed on Election Day
Couldn't pick between the king or queen we deserved 1 Samuel 8

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aCultureWarrior and Margaret Sanger both use many of the same words to describe African Americans.

TOL's newest liberal/Libertarian ;) finally plays the race card.

To my knowledge I've never heard of the racist-Jew hating Sanger saying that Booker T. Washington should have a national holiday named after him.

I'll attach an article so you can read through and see the similarities in your ideologies. Lazy, sexually immoral, criminals incapable of raising their own children.

Fatherless homes: you liberals are responsible for promoting them, now man up and look at what it's created.

This is what you have said on this thread. Margaret Sanger held many of the same views as you do and she studied eugenics, founded planned parenthood and contributed to the holocaust. She had a ranking for minorities-just as you seem to. Asians are hard working as you pointed out but "blacks" aren't. (Google search "model minority").

You liberals created the welfare state as well as race based affirmative action. Own up to your mistakes.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

So you chose a pro abortion/pro homosexual liberal, just because the party he was running under had an "R" as it's first letter.

I chose him so that Hillary wouldn't win. For whom did you vote?

So you didn't care that a pro abortion/pro homosexual candidate was going to be the next President of the United States, you just wanted to make sure that the next President was from the Party that started with an "R".


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
So you chose a pro abortion/pro homosexual liberal, just because the party he was running under had an "R" as it's first letter.

You arecso full of baloney, why don't you jump in a lake? Trump is hardly liberal, more like his base is not as homo minded as ary, and you call him a liberal who liks homos ??the ts from the milityou are, he talked on the lgbt right to get moderate votes, then he banned


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

So you chose a pro abortion/pro homosexual liberal, just because the party he was running under had an "R" as it's first letter.

You arecso full of baloney, why don't you jump in a lake? Trump is hardly liberal, more like his base is not as homo minded as ary, and you call him a liberal who liks homos ??the ts from the milityou are, he talked on the lgbt right to get moderate votes, then he banned

Be happy, you Libertarians got what you wanted: a LGBTQ flag waver (and the last time I checked, LGBTQ flag waving falls under liberal/Libertarians ideology).


Republican for a day patrick jane hasn't been this happy in years, why can't you join him in the on-going celebration?


New member
TOL's newest liberal/Libertarian ;) finally plays the race card.
*this whole thread has been about race

To my knowledge I've never heard of the racist-Jew hating Sanger saying that Booker T. Washington should have a national holiday named after him.
*can you submit to me your definition of racist? My dictionary shows that it is believing one race is superior to another. Based on true article you shared, black people have poor work ethic and are inferior. Sanger was racist against Jews but actually ranked them above black people. If you believe the article you shared and the dictionary, you are racist against African Americans but not Jews, which does make you better than Sanger in that respect.

Fatherless homes: you liberals are responsible for promoting them, now man up and look at what it's created.
*Not sure why you keep calling me a liberal or a man but I'm beginning to take it as a compliment.

You liberals created the welfare state as well as race based affirmative action. Own up to your mistakes.

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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

So you chose a pro abortion/pro homosexual liberal, just because the party he was running under had an "R" as it's first letter.

Be happy, you Libertarians got what you wanted: a LGBTQ flag waver (and the last time I checked, LGBTQ flag waving falls under liberal/Libertarians ideology).

Republican for a day patrick jane hasn't been this happy in years, why can't you join him in the on-going celebration?

Did you know calling me a liberal lgbt flag waver and pro abortion is a lie and by calling me what I am not on a public forum violates the rules, and it is libel?

Set the record straight I dislike all queers and do not see Trump as caring anymore about that group than he cares about immigrants. Trump is too bigoted, not too liberal.