Statue of Margaret Sanger, the Founder vof Planned Parenthood

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
I'd have to do some extensive research to find out the background of the republican nominated judges that voted for Roe v Wade before agreeing with you that they were as pure as the driven snow Gerald:

I would have thought that you already knew about these things since you made such harsh judgments against the Presidents who appointed them!

Do you always behave in such a reckless manner?


I would have thought that you already knew about these things since you made such harsh judgments against the Presidents who appointed them!

So you don't want to talk about Neil Gorsuch? (Wise decision Gerald).

Maybe it's me, but I get the feeling that the republican appointed Supreme Court Justices who voted for Roe v Wade, in essence saying that unborn children don't have a right to life, just may have had some liberal ideology in their background.

Do you always behave in such a reckless manner?

Gerald, go back to your "My church is better than your church!" threads, you're out of your league when you attempt to talk politics with me.


New member
I don't know a ton about politics but I know a lot about people and if you ask around, there are many people of color voting democrat despite their convictions about abortion. If the Republican Party sought out true criminal justice reform in addition to keeping a strong stance on abortion, you would probably see a shift in party loyalty.

Removing a confederate monument is an excellent olive branch that makes one a credible voice in why we should remove Margaret's Sangers-because we values human life as created in the image of God. Addressing our gross mishandling of justice and the way it affects communities of color is a great way to become a credible voice in the fight against abortion. We are showing we value all life and that makes us credible.

Most people of color I know personally are anti abortion but getting them to vote republican would be like telling someone who is dying of cancer to forgo their chemo treatment because this person they have never met is dying and needs it more.

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I don't know a ton about politics but I know a lot about people and if you ask around, there are many people of color voting democrat despite their convictions about abortion. If the Republican Party sought out true criminal justice reform in addition to keeping a strong stance on abortion, you would probably see a shift in party loyalty.

"Criminal justice reform" (liberal talk for allowing criminals to walk free). Maybe if the Republicrat Party actually did something to strengthen the family, blacks wouldn't disproportionately commit crimes.

Removing a confederate monument is an excellent olive branch that makes one a credible voice in why we should remove Margaret's Sangers-because we values human life as created in the image of God. Addressing our gross mishandling of justice and the way it affects communities of color is a great way to become a credible voice in the fight against abortion. We are showing we value all life and that makes us credible.

Please don't compare the statues in the South which stand for Southern heritage with a racist-Jew hating baby murderer.

Most people of color I know personally are anti abortion but getting them to vote republican would be like telling someone who is dying of cancer to forgo their chemo treatment because this person they have never met is dying and needs it more.

Many republicrats have tried to persuade blacks to vote republican by trying to convince them that pro communist/pro abortion/sexual deviant Martin Luther King Jr. was a conservative.

The lies of the Republicrat Party never cease.


New member
"Criminal justice reform" (liberal talk for allowing criminals to walk free). Maybe if the Republicrat Party actually did something to strengthen the family, blacks wouldn't disproportionately commit crimes.

Please don't compare the statues in the South which stand for Southern heritage with a racist-Jew hating baby murderer.

Many republicrats have tried to persuade blacks to vote republican by trying to convince them that pro communist/pro abortion/sexual deviant Martin Luther King Jr. was a conservative.

The lies of the Republicrat Party never cease.

I'll start with your first point, if you care to enlighten me. I may be a republicrat-not sure yet. How can I help strengthen the family for people of color?

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I'll start with your first point, if you care to enlighten me. I may be a republicrat-not sure yet. How can I help strengthen the family for people of color?

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Republicans not only gave us Roe v Wade, but things like no fault divorce.

I'm not sure which political party was behind doing away with cohabitation laws, but since republicans were responsible for Roe v Wade, no fault divorce and homosexuality going mainstream (Reagan was against the Briggs Initiative), it wouldn't surprise me if they were behind doing away with cohabitation laws as well.


New member
The second point is confusing because, being from the south I don't know the definition of "Southern Heritage." However, this chart depicts where (North and South), when (at the height of oppressive Jim Crow segregation) and by whom (racist Jew hating KKK) the memorials were placed. The comparison is actually very obvious when you look at the history of the memorials themselves rather than the feelings you may have about what they represent.

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Hall of Fame
I don't know a ton about politics but I know a lot about people and if you ask around, there are many people of color voting democrat despite their convictions about abortion. If the Republican Party sought out true criminal justice reform in addition to keeping a strong stance on abortion, you would probably see a shift in party loyalty.

Removing a confederate monument is an excellent olive branch that makes one a credible voice in why we should remove Margaret's Sangers-because we values human life as created in the image of God. Addressing our gross mishandling of justice and the way it affects communities of color is a great way to become a credible voice in the fight against abortion. We are showing we value all life and that makes us credible.

Most people of color I know personally are anti abortion but getting them to vote republican would be like telling someone who is dying of cancer to forgo their chemo treatment because this person they have never met is dying and needs it more.

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Nailed it. :thumb:


New member
Republicans not only gave us Roe v Wade, but things like no fault divorce.

I'm not sure which political party was behind doing away with cohabitation laws, but since republicans were responsible for Roe v Wade, no fault divorce and homosexuality going mainstream (Reagan was against the Briggs Initiative), it wouldn't surprise me if they were behind doing away with cohabitation laws as well.

Total white population in US: 76.9%
Total black population in US: 13.3%

According to a Gallup pole, 4.6% of African Americans and 3.2% of white people identify as LGBTG-so no big difference there.

According to the US Bureau of Justice statistics, White people make up 32% of the prison population and black people make up 37%. WOW-that's a huge difference based on total population percentage. So 1 in 17 white guys go to prison and 1 in 3 black guys. Now that will weaken a family for sure.

Divorce rates have been on the decline since 1980 but cohabitation rates are in the rise. They are harder to pinpoint by race but by age they are on the rise in the divorced, 50+ group. The group that divorced is now living/shacking up. So are their kids (who could blame them?). The most traceable factor I could find between cohabitation and race was education level. People of all races with similar education levels had similar cohabitation rates. Most likely because we are all just people created equally and when given equal opportunity, produce equal results. No major difference by race here that I could find.

SO- Why do you think black males are so much more likely to be arrested and imprisoned?

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Republicans not only gave us Roe v Wade, but things like no fault divorce.

I'm not sure which political party was behind doing away with cohabitation laws, but since republicans were responsible for Roe v Wade, no fault divorce and homosexuality going mainstream (Reagan was against the Briggs Initiative), it wouldn't surprise me if they were behind doing away with cohabitation laws as well.

Total white population in US: 76.9%
Total black population in US: 13.3%

According to a Gallup pole, 4.6% of African Americans and 3.2% of white people identify as LGBTG-so no big difference there.

My point is that you don't make the nucleus of society strong (the traditional family) by accepting sexual immorality.

According to the US Bureau of Justice statistics, White people make up 32% of the prison population and black people make up 37%. WOW-that's a huge difference based on total population percentage. So 1 in 17 white guys go to prison and 1 in 3 black guys. Now that will weaken a family for sure.

Since you're into statistics, show us the difference between white households and black households when it comes to having a father in the home.

Divorce rates have been on the decline since 1980 but cohabitation rates are in the rise.

People are shacking up instead marrying. Kinda hard to divorce if you're not married.

SO- Why do you think black males are so much more likely to be arrested and imprisoned?

Back to the statistic on fatherless homes. Add the fact that the culture in the black community isn't always one of hard work (like Asians) and there are two reasons.


Are you black? This website is the southern heritage as told from the black perspective, which is not appropriate to share unless you are black.

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So Southern heritage isn't about racism and slavery after all is it Mr. liberal?


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Republicans not only gave us Roe v Wade, but things like no fault divorce.

I'm not sure which political party was behind doing away with cohabitation laws, but since republicans were responsible for Roe v Wade, no fault divorce and homosexuality going mainstream (Reagan was against the Briggs Initiative), it wouldn't surprise me if they were behind doing away with cohabitation laws as well.

My point is that you don't make the nucleus of society strong (the traditional family) by accepting sexual immorality.

Since you're into statistics, show us the difference between white households and black households when it comes to having a father in the home.

People are shacking up instead marrying. Kinda hard to divorce if you're not married.

Back to the statistic on fatherless homes. Add the fact that the culture in the black community isn't always one of hard work (like Asians) and there are two reasons.

What are the 2 reasons?

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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
So Southern heritage isn't about racism and slavery after all is it Mr. liberal?

So even though people in the north had slaves for many years their heritage had nothing to do with racism and slavery?

"African slavery is so much the outstanding feature of the South, in the unthinking view of it, that people often forget there had been slaves in all the old colonies. Slaves were auctioned openly in the Market House of Philadelphia; in the shadow of Congregational churches in Rhode Island; in Boston taverns and warehouses; and weekly, sometimes daily, in Merchant's Coffee House of New York. Such Northern heroes of the American Revolution as John Hancock and Benjamin Franklin bought, sold, and owned black people. William Henry Seward, Lincoln's anti-slavery Secretary of State during the Civil War, born in 1801, grew up in Orange County, New York, in a slave-owning family and amid neighbors who owned slaves if they could afford them. The family of Abraham Lincoln himself, when it lived in Pennsylvania in colonial times, owned slaves."

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Gerald, go back to your "My church is better than your church!" threads, you're out of your league when you attempt to talk politics with me.

Just curious, but for which candidate did you vote in the last presidential election?

Since you are so sure of your political acumen then I am sure that you will share that information with us so that we can all profit from your great knowledge.

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Just curious, but for which candidate did you vote in the last presidential election?

Since you are so sure of your political acumen then I am sure that you will share that information with us so that we can all profit from your great knowledge.


Cruz is the guy (according to the filthy lying degenerate Donald Trump) that had numerous adulterous affairs and whose father participated in the Kennedy assassination.

Seriously Gerald, you really need to go back to your "My church is better than your church!" threads, because politics is definitely not your forte'.