Starbucks Baristas To Hassle Customers About ‘Race Relations’


Active member
Not at all. It's your hypocrisy that's laughable. You're a capitalist as long as it makes you money but you're a social liberal who wants your preferred gov't to tell other people what to do with their cash. You really don't notice the inconsistency?

Uh, I support capitalism and business profit maximization (when done legally and also when not done in a grossly unethical manner) but also reasonable levels of progressive taxation and a strong social safety net. In fact, I think business have a duty to maximize shareholder value within compliance of the law and basic standards of ethics. Where's the hypocrisy? That word doesn't mean what you think it means.


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Hall of Fame
Uh, I support capitalism and business profit maximization (when done illegally and not in a grossly unethical manner) but also reasonable levels of progressive taxation and a strong social safety net. Where's the hypocrisy? That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

:think: well that says it all....


Active member
I thought liberals hated a business making a profit.... I guess thats only true if an agenda doesnt come with it... then its ok, right?

Guess that doesn't make me a liberal then, does it? Chalk this one up to you learning something new and let it be a lesson for you to stop pigeonholing people with labels.


Active member
So does the progressive taxation bit. He's a commie.

Yes, Stalin, Marx, Lenin and Mao were known for their support of companies maximizing profits in the context of a competitive private market.

Which indoctrination mill did you learn history from?


Active member
Or walmart...

I own a small piece if it through retirement accounts (S&P 500 index) - the part of their tactics I object to is their crony tactics of getting towns to agree to special tax breaks and land deals.

I don't think it's a business' job to pay high wages but rather to maximize profits (treating workers like crap is one sure way to not achieve profit maximization, so they better be sure they are still treating workers decently). If someone is unable to earn enough to achieve a minimum acceptable standard of living through their job, then it is all of society's job to take care of them, not just the employer's. I support a universal basic income, enough for a minimum acceptable standard of living for all, but at the same time I would eliminate the minimum wage and all other welfare programs.


Starbucks Baristas To Hassle Customers About ‘Race Relations’

For decades America had thrown $billions into bottomless pits like Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, F-35, "bridges to nowhere," countless dictators, etc - with borrowed money.

Maybe its time the US started investing in its own people - having millions of "Blacks" and Hispanics as a permanent underclass, trapped in a cycle of poverty, just doesn't make any sense economically - not to mention morally and ethically.

By 2050, "Black," Hispanic and Asian Americans will be in the majority and how we treat them now will set the stage for how they'll treat us then!


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Hall of Fame
Starbucks Baristas To Hassle Customers About ‘Race Relations’

For decades America had thrown $billions into bottomless pits like Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, F-35, "bridges to nowhere," countless dictators, etc - with borrowed money.

Maybe its time the US started investing in its own people - having millions of "Blacks" and Hispanics as a permanent underclass, trapped in a cycle of poverty, just doesn't make any sense economically - not to mention morally and ethically.

By 2050, "Black," Hispanic and Asian Americans will be in the majority and how we treat them now will set the stage for how they'll treat us then!

Then you think starbucks would be better off giving 1/2 of their cost for a $5 latte to millions of blacks and hispanics, instead of just talking about race, right?

patrick jane

One of the tweets on that guy's account offered the opinion (I have NO IDEA if it's true) that, statistically, black men drink much less coffee than white men, so this was an underhanded ploy to lure them in the door. Implausible? Too cynical for enlightened, guilt-ridden white liberals to even consider doing?

oh yeah, increase the "customer" base at any cost. now blacks will "feel compelled" to visit and debate ? i no thinky so-e - :patrol:


Then you think starbucks would be better off giving 1/2 of their cost for a $5 latte to millions of blacks and hispanics, instead of just talking about race, right?
Conservative Americans are always willing to squander $billions to train and equip an Iraqi army who, at the first chance, threw down its arms and ran - rather than confront a "ragtag bunch of amateurs" like ISIS.

Instead of providing the military equipment for our swarn enemy to use against us, that money should have been invested to improve the lives of Americans.
Starbucks Baristas To Hassle Customers About ‘Race Relations’

Excerpts from :

Not very smart and ill bet it wont be long either before lots of what happens because of this will be on the news.

Are liberals trying to start a race war?

I found a better way to steer a conversation about racism.

Abortion - black genocide?

Secretary Clinton “In Awe” of Racist Eugenicist Margaret Sanger


New member
Hall of Fame
He said if this is an attempt to do so, that it is underhanded and seemed to imply that it was therefore wrong.

He didn't mean maximizing profits is a bad thing. He meant, I assume, that maximizing profits under the guise of a social cause is wrong.


New member
Hall of Fame
Our long national burnt overpriced race coffee nightmare has ended.

From that article:

Schultz said Starbucks plans more “Race Together” activities, including efforts to expand into urban neighbourhoods, hire 10,000 “opportunity youth” over the next three years, and produce advertising on the campaign with Gannett Co.’s USA Today.

What is the definition of "opportunity youth"?

Simon Baker

Starbucks Baristas To Hassle Customers About ‘Race Relations’

For decades America had thrown $billions into bottomless pits like Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, F-35, "bridges to nowhere," countless dictators, etc - with borrowed money.

Maybe its time the US started investing in its own people - having millions of "Blacks" and Hispanics as a permanent underclass, trapped in a cycle of poverty, just doesn't make any sense economically - not to mention morally and ethically.

By 2050, "Black," Hispanic and Asian Americans will be in the majority and how we treat them now will set the stage for how they'll treat us then!

Yes. That Will Show "Whitey" !

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