Starbucks Baristas To Hassle Customers About ‘Race Relations’


Well-known member
Do you not even read what you write? Did your fingers unconsciously type out step #4 where Starbucks backpeddles (meaning you think they are making a dumb business decision that will need to be reversed)?

Yes, because of bad press and embarrassment. Which has already begun.


Active member
Yes, because of bad press and embarrassment. Which has already begun.

Ok then, that's what my post was addressing, to which you said you were "positive" I was an idiot for disagreeing. Reading comprehension, even of your own posts, does not appear to be your specialty.
Starbucks Baristas To Hassle Customers About ‘Race Relations’

Excerpts from :

Not very smart and ill bet it wont be long either before lots of what happens because of this will be on the news.

Are liberals trying to start a race war?

Starbucks just announce 25 locations where employees will be sent for sensitivity training:
Top 25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in America


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
This just might kill business at Starbucks.

Simon Baker

Starbucks Baristas To Hassle Customers About ‘Race Relations’

Excerpts from :

Not very smart and ill bet it wont be long either before lots of what happens because of this will be on the news.

Are liberals trying to start a race war?

Marketing Ploy, Among Thousands of Ploys. Starbuck's Creates A "Buzz" About The Most Publicized, Most Reported Issue In The Media. In America, With No End In Sight. Genius. Drink Coffee And Love Each Other


New member
I think their idea is silly. I'm not a regular customer anyway because I don't like their $6 a cup coffee. I doubt that stunts like this will be good for business.


Well-known member
Its already getting bad:

Starbucks exec deletes Twitter account amid #RaceTogether backlash

Wow, weird how they couldnt see that coming...

Another angle on this, showing the attempt at dialogue and how far it got...

An indication of how this thing will go, if they're stupid enough not to kill it. I hope they do kill it...all they need is one loudmouth like Tinark preaching to another off-meds liberal psychotic, who then returns to shoot up the place.


New member
Hall of Fame
Looks like hes defending it - and having the employees do the work for him, since after blocking his own twitter, shows he doesn't want the conversation on race himself...

Starbucks CEO Defends 'Race Together' Campaign on Race Relations

The initiative has created quite a stir on social media - so much so that the company's senior vice president of communications temporarily deleted his Twitter account under an avalanche of criticism, saying he felt "personally attacked in a cascade of negativity."

Despite the negative reaction to the campaign, Schultz said it would proceed.

patrick jane

Looks like hes defending it - and having the employees do the work for him, since after blocking his own twitter, shows he doesn't want the conversation on race himself...

Starbucks CEO Defends 'Race Together' Campaign on Race Relations

i never did the coffee shop thing. tasty, nice aromas, folks all cleaned up and spiffy, enjoying overpriced drinks. bars without booze ? i have been there, just not daily or ritualistically. nothing wrong with "being there", but we can make our own delicious coffee concoctions at home for pennies on the dollar and no "fluff" - i think starbucks looks for ways to stay "relevant" and "up with the times", even controversy and emotional pleas. anything to stay in the media - :patrol:


Well-known member
One of the tweets on that guy's account offered the opinion (I have NO IDEA if it's true) that, statistically, black men drink much less coffee than white men, so this was an underhanded ploy to lure them in the door. Implausible? Too cynical for enlightened, guilt-ridden white liberals to even consider doing?


Active member
One of the tweets on that guy's account offered the opinion (I have NO IDEA if it's true) that, statistically, black men drink much less coffee than white men, so this was an underhanded ploy to lure them in the door. Implausible? Too cynical for enlightened, guilt-ridden white liberals to even consider doing?

How is a business attempting to maximize its profits cynical? What is underhanded about it? It is the very lifeblood of our economic system. As a shareholder, I expect nothing less (so long as it isn't illegal or grossly unethical activity being engaged in)

There is nothing unethical whatsoever about the concept of this "RaceTogether" campaign.


Active member
Stop playing Mr. Capitalist. No one believes you.

I could care less if a hack like you believes I don't have a problem with businesses maximizing profits when not engaging in illegal or unethical behavior.

What is most surprising is the Marxist side being revealed in you: that businesses that maximize profits is somehow underhanded and wrong.


Well-known member
Not at all. It's your hypocrisy that's laughable. You're a capitalist as long as it makes you money but you're a social liberal who wants your preferred gov't to tell other people what to do with their cash. You really don't notice the inconsistency?


New member
I could care less if a hack like you believes I don't have a problem with businesses maximizing profits when not engaging in illegal or unethical behavior.

What is most surprising is the Marxist side being revealed in you: that businesses that maximize profits is somehow underhanded and wrong.

Is it maximizing profits?