Starbucks Baristas To Hassle Customers About ‘Race Relations’


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Starbucks Baristas To Hassle Customers About ‘Race Relations’

Fortune reports on what might just be the worst entry in the long history of bad corporate ideas, as the Starbucks coffee chain announces a “race relations initiative” that will include baristas hassling customers about racism:

Starbucks published a full page ad in the New York Times on Sunday — a stark, black, page with a tiny caption “Shall We Overcome?” in the middle, and the words “RaceTogether” with the company logo, on the bottom right. The ad, along with a similar one on Monday in USA Today, is part of an initiative launched this week by the coffee store chain to stimulate conversation and debate about the race in America by getting employees to engage with customers about the perennially hot button subject.

Beginning on Monday, Starbucks baristas will have the option as they serve customers to hand cups on which they’ve handwritten the words “Race Together” and start a discussion about race. This Friday, each copy of USA Today— which has a daily print circulation of almost 2 million and is a partner of Starbucks in this initiative — will have the first of a series of insert with information about race relations, including a variety of perspectives on race. Starbucks coffee shops will also stock the insert.

In a video addressing Starbucks’ nearly 200,000 workers, 40% of whom are members of a racial minority, [Starbucks CEO Howard] Schultz dismissed the notion that race was too hot a topic business-wise for Starbucks to tackle.

“I reject that. I reject that completely,” he said in the video address. “It’s an emotional issue. But it is so vitally important to the country,” he continued, pointing to that the United States is “so much better” than what the current state of race relations portray it to be.

There will be no escape from politics in America, good citizens. Your consciousness will be raised every time you walk into a room, unwrap a package, engage any form of communications device, or even accept a cup of coffee. Enjoy your evening’s rest while you can, until left-wingers figure out a way to beam political messages into your dreams......

.....The Fortune article goes on to say that Starbucks hatched this idea following “several months of consultations with employees that started in December, in part as a result of protests that roiled several U.S. cities after grand juries declined to indict white police officers in the killings of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., near St. Louis, and 43-year-old Eric Garner in Staten Island, N.Y.”.....

......Race relations, on the other hand, is an inherently aggressive topic. It’s rarely fodder for brief, upbeat discussions. One of the important lessons to learn from the Ferguson mess is that race relations have been politicized in the worst possible way – animosities are deliberately stoked by dishonest operators who profit financially and politically from unrest.

Good people of every ethnic background who aren’t racist in the slightest nevertheless feel nervous and defensive about the issue. Even if the barista and a particular customer see eye-to-eye on the issue, there’s a good chance other customers within earshot will not. Organized pressure groups will realize hanging around at Starbucks is a great way to cause a camera-ready scene… and if management finds their behavior objectionable, they’ll be able to say, with considerable justification, that they just came to participate in the big racial discussion the corporation claims it’s eager to host..... read more at link

Excerpts from :

Not very smart and ill bet it wont be long either before lots of what happens because of this will be on the news.

Are liberals trying to start a race war?

john w

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I heard that Jesse Jackson was recently interviewed, at a local SBUX, on the subject of international race relations. He was asked:

What do you think of "Red China," Mr. Jackson?

Jesse responded: " I think it looks great, on a white table cloth."


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Because liberals assume everyone thinks like they do. As all children do.

Maybe, or since the Ferguson uproar didn't turn out like they wanted, they want to try it all on a national scale - surely they will capture something they can use ...


Well-known member
Maybe, or since the Ferguson uproar didn't turn out like they wanted, they want to try it all on a national scale - surely they will capture something they can use ...

If so, the irony will be when a Starbucks gets burnt to the ground in a riot.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
hmm because opposing racism is a bad thing ?

do you guys(the right) think business owners should be able to do whatever they like in there own businesses?


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Hall of Fame
hmm because opposing racism is a bad thing ?

do you guys(the right) think business owners should be able to do whatever they like in there own businesses?

Neither of those are the issue here.

If you go to a coffee shop do you really want the cashier to start up a conversation about racism? :idunno:
If I'm buying coffee I'm not there to chat with the person, let alone about something like racism.


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Hall of Fame
Neither of those are the issue here.

If you go to a coffee shop do you really want the cashier to start up a conversation about racism? :idunno:
If I'm buying coffee I'm not there to chat with the person, let alone about something like racism.



Well-known member
Discussing racism with the average Starbucks worker will probably be like discussing the good points of a Hyundai with a salesman on a Dodge lot: his mind's already made up and you'll only hear one side of the story.


New member
Hall of Fame
Discussing racism with the average Starbucks worker will probably be like discussing the good points of a Hyundai with a salesman on a Dodge lot: his mind's already made up and you'll only hear one side of the story.

And you're increasing your chances of getting a little something extra in your coffee if you dont agree with them or anger them...


Well-known member
Ooh yeah, there's that. I put nothing past a sufficiently morally outraged liberal (i.e., one whom you've disagreed with).

The upside is, you'll never taste it over the burnt flavor.


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The "Bean Stalk/Stock" falling? A possible short sale, "Bud Fox" musterion?

Its already getting bad:

Starbucks exec deletes Twitter account amid #RaceTogether backlash

Not everyone wants to discuss race relations while ordering their morning coffee, it seems.

That's the lesson Starbucks learned Tuesday after a torrent of Internet backlash was aimed at its new campaign, which the coffee chain hoped would initiate a nationwide discussion of the issue.

Corey DuBrowa, the company's Senior Vice President of Global Communications, deleted his Twitter account Monday night after being personally attacked amid a storm of angry tweets.... read more at link

Wow, weird how they couldnt see that coming...

The Berean

Well-known member
Its already getting bad:

Starbucks exec deletes Twitter account amid #RaceTogether backlash

Wow, weird how they couldnt see that coming...

Some of the comments to the linked article are hilarious.

You know what I don't want with my morning coffee? Your opinion; so shut it and go get my coffee

We all know that the "conversation" would have been nothing more than an attempt to further guilt-trip young whites into believing that their ancestors were not intelligent, productive and successful leaders of the world they lived in but rather conquerors and oppressors of the "brown people."

Exactly, why discuss it? Do they want to be slaves again? No? Okay then move on.


New member
Hall of Fame
Some of the comments to the linked article are hilarious.

You know what I don't want with my morning coffee? Your opinion; so shut it and go get my coffee

We all know that the "conversation" would have been nothing more than an attempt to further guilt-trip young whites into believing that their ancestors were not intelligent, productive and successful leaders of the world they lived in but rather conquerors and oppressors of the "brown people."

Exactly, why discuss it? Do they want to be slaves again? No? Okay then move on.

I bet koban would go into a Starbucks and say, "Negro, please!" to whatever they have to say about race relations. :chuckle:

The Berean

Well-known member
I bet koban would go into a Starbucks and say, "Negro, please!" to whatever they have to say about race relations. :chuckle:

Yes he would! Then he'd hit on the hot looking 21 year old Asian female barista who looks like Ziyi Zhang and ask her if she wants to have children. Then she'd slap him in the face. :rotfl: I'd go to upstate NY just to see that.