ECT Speaking in tongues


Well-known member

He knows the only examples he's going to see are the usual non-linguistic babbling. There's no way to distinguish one example from another; gibberish is always gibberish. Even if you offer to let him select the videos he tests, he wouldn't do it because he can't do it. No one can.


Well-known member
But it's still such a good idea it needs to be reposted.

I have an idea. We could post youtubes of various people speaking in what they call tongues and see if they will compare them to what they are doing. Ask: Are these good examples of people speaking in tongues? Why or why not? How can they tell if they are "real" or "fake"? That way we can test it out without bias.


New member

He knows the only examples he's going to see are the usual non-linguistic babbling. There's no way to distinguish one example from another; gibberish is always gibberish. Even if you offer to let him select the videos he tests, he wouldn't do it because he can't do it. No one can.

Right on ... too true and all dat. Delusion is such a trip ...:cloud9:

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member

He knows the only examples he's going to see are the usual non-linguistic babbling. There's no way to distinguish one example from another; gibberish is always gibberish. Even if you offer to let him select the videos he tests, he wouldn't do it because he can't do it. No one can.

If andyc the spiritual giant would speak fluently in a legitimate known language that he had never studied I'd be impressed and give him due credit. But he won't, and never will.


New member
Ok, "when a person speaks in tongues, no one understands him except God".

What do yo think Paul meant in this one verse?

That's ok - I don't mind repeating myself - it's worth the "effort" to copy and paste ...:readthis:

["The entire chapter of 1 Cor 14 is about speaking so that all can understand what is said so the assembly/gathering/church is edified. That is what Paul said to strive for - not mumbling under your breath and claim that it's "speaking to God in mysteries". Those "mysteries" simply mean what is hidden aka not understood if not interpreted, and if they are not interpreted one is to be silent - that means, do not speak - verse 28 - which more fully interprets verse 2."]


New member

He knows the only examples he's going to see are the usual non-linguistic babbling. There's no way to distinguish one example from another; gibberish is always gibberish. Even if you offer to let him select the videos he tests, he wouldn't do it because he can't do it. No one can.


So do you think that the gentiles who spoke in tongues when Peter preached his gospel, didn't accept that they were speaking in tongues until someone like you verified it?


New member
Well it depends. If Paul said that no one understands the tongue except God, it maybe possible that no one understands the tongue except God?
I know that's radical to cessationsists, but there you go...

Talk about being clueless of being clueless - if you had any actual gift; you would have known that Tweety Bird is not Cessationist.

You're not a fraud alright; your self-delusion is :chuckle:

You're all like this; it's why there is no reasoning with you; you're all a bunch of children.


New member
If andyc the spiritual giant posts a video of him laying hands on a person with no limbs, and we see the limbs instantly emerge again, I will be impressed. But he won't, and never will.

I agree that that would be an impressive miracle.

Can God do it? We both know that he can, yes? I assume you believe that God is all powerful?

There are variables here to take into consideration. My faith, and the faith of the person receiving. Not only that, but if an amputee healing was physically and scientifically verified, this would be a world wide phenomenon. Now, I have faith, and maybe the amputee has faith, but there will be a huge demonic backlash. Remember when Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead? the pharisees wanted to kill both of them.
Now I'm up for praying for an amputee because I believe God can heal such a situation, but am I able to handle the repercussions?


New member

So do you think that the gentiles who spoke in tongues when Peter preached his gospel, didn't accept that they were speaking in tongues until someone like you verified it?

None of your scenarios matter.

Might as well base doing one's taxes on a prior tax code "because, well, it says so right here in my Tax Code book."

Put away the childish things; child.


New member
Talk about being clueless of being clueless - if you had any actual gift; you would have known that Tweety Bird is not Cessationist.

You're not a fraud alright; your self-delusion is :chuckle:

You're all like this; it's why there is no reasoning with you; you're all a bunch of children.

This post would actually have value if it was a response to the question.


New member
That's ok - I don't mind repeating myself - it's worth the "effort" to copy and paste ...:readthis:

["The entire chapter of 1 Cor 14 is about speaking so that all can understand what is said so the assembly/gathering/church is edified. That is what Paul said to strive for - not mumbling under your breath and claim that it's "speaking to God in mysteries". Those "mysteries" simply mean what is hidden aka not understood if not interpreted, and if they are not interpreted one is to be silent - that means, do not speak - verse 28 - which more fully interprets verse 2."]

Didn't I say that I agreed that Paul was speaking from an assembly perspective?
So, from an assembly perspective, when someone speaks in a tongue, he is speaking to God alone.


Well-known member
This post would actually have value if it was a response to the question.

Hi Danoh , and the gift os GOLLOSIA / LANGUAGES is gthe LEAST of the Gifts !!

One day as I was talking to Pentecostal , he claimed to speak in Languages and to heal !!

I asked him if I could take a ride to the near by hospital so we could Heal those , He woul.d not and he also had a TV site , as showed me that web site on my computer ,as the are ALL talk and NO SHOW !!

bUT i BELIEVE IN TONGUES and Mark 16:15-18 says they will be in operation during the Great Tribulation as recorded !!

dan p


New member
Talk about being clueless of being clueless - if you had any actual gift; you would have known that Tweety Bird is not Cessationist.

Well I've never heard of a non cessationist not believing in the gift of tongues for personal prayer and worship.
Whether you like it or not, this is unusual.

You're not a fraud alright; your self-delusion is :chuckle:

You're all like this; it's why there is no reasoning with you; you're all a bunch of children.

Just because you say so?

Just to let you know, I was saved in 1991, and attended an AOG church near London England from 1995 - 2000 but didn't speak in tongues.
I fought the pastor on it it, and had to endure sermons thrown at me for disagreeing with him. I attended a church in Danville Illinois USA for while, and fought that pastor on it as well. But when the love of God hit me in a way that I couldn't express it in English, I spoke in a language unlearned.
Yeah it freaked me out, but scripture is on my side, as you're finding out.