So much for the myth of the pure and noble "native American"


New member
I haven't seen that. Doesn't work the other way, either. I know a lot of people who are extremely right wing, and yet act responsibly and decently in their personal life.
You've never seen a person act from a progressive mindset?

I think that blindness is caused by thinking of yourself as normal and those you don't understand as extreme right wing.

The Barbarian

And if you think a musket beats a bow, well.. think again :plain:
They messed us all up to Hell which was the reason for the 'white lash' against them :chuckle:

Correct. The two things that brought the Indians down were Europeans could sustain a much greater number of people than many Indian cultures, and the Colt six-shooter.

The first encounter of Comanches with Rangers equipped with Colts turned into a complete rout, with the Comanches abandoning their weapons and shields and running away.

The Battle of Walker's Creek was more of a minor skirmish than a battle, but thanks to Sam Colt the outcome of the fight had pivotal consequences in the long-running struggle between the Comanches and the Texas Rangers. Given enough men, the Rangers could always dismount and keep the Comanches at bay by firing in accurate, well-coordinated volleys; some men firing while others reloaded. However, prior to Walker's Creek, the Texans were at a distinct disadvantage when it came to fighting on horseback.

A Comanche warrior on horseback could shoot five or six arrows from his powerful short bow in the time it took a Ranger to dismount and reload his rifle, and reloading a rifle while mounted was an even slower and more cumbersome process. Moreover, the accuracy of the bow and arrow in the hands of a mounted warrior was unquestioned, while a Ranger firing his percussion rifle or pistol from horseback was unlikely to hit anything. Darting in and out and slipping off to the sides of their ponies, the Comanches would tempt the Rangers into firing, then charge in for the kill.

During the Battle of Walker's Creek the Comanches attempted to use their traditional style of mounted warfare, but this time thanks to Sam Colt, each of the Rangers was armed with two rapid firing Paterson revolvers. One Comanche who took part in the fight complained that the Rangers "had a shot for every finger on the hand."


New member
I'm not sure that rex doesn't. But you have a point. It is difficult to equate "dignity" with someone who hangs faked TIME covers with his face photoshopped onto it, on the walls of his clubs.

I can't give him what he denies himself. Perhaps counter-intuitively, Trumps hungry, chasmic ego destroys his dignity.

That said, there's a difference between personal dignity and human dignity.

He nevertheless deserves to be treated as any other human being. If he's not respected, he has the open microphone to blame, among many other things.

Trump's an extreme case, though. A lot of decent people voted for him. I always thought that Clinton exaggerated the number of truly despicable people who supported him.

I think a lot of people have been duped by the neo-Nazi's rebranding as "alt-right", and they've also been duped by the bifurcation of sources of journalism and information, which has been a three decade project of the right. But I don't think that's really here nor there.

I would add that while you don't earn it in the first place, human dignity is something that you can lose or diminish. Note: I'm not saying that applies to Trump supporters in general, or even to Trump himself.

Vladamir Putin is a man who bombed apartment buildings to gain power, and who murders people for business and to protect his rule. The Russian government is now run by a crime syndicate, and Trump both strongly resembles that model, and admires its architect. Am I bitter that so many of my countrymen, including many who know better, seem willing to enthusiastically usher that model in at home? Yes. Does that remove the humanity of my countrymen? No, but some of the ugliest behavior does that to them.


New member
You've never seen a person act from a progressive mindset?

I think that blindness is caused by thinking of yourself as normal and those you don't understand as extreme right wing.

"Normal" is a football. Why fight over it? Well, I know why white supremacists are jealous of the word...


New member
People in prison are not treated with much dignity.

I agree. And, while there is some expectation that rights will be curtailed when incarcerated, I think we need to do a much better job treating inmates as people, and understanding that most of them will someday be released, and it is in the interests of all of us if they return to society well-adjusted and reformed.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Oh, i get it all right

And i don't believe that it is a characteristic that people inherently have or are owed by others

I believe that it is a characteristic that one earns and can lose

You do too, according to your analysis of trump


Hall of Fame
Vladamir Putin is a man who bombed apartment buildings to gain power, and who murders people for business and to protect his rule. The Russian government is now run by a crime syndicate, and Trump both strongly resembles that model, and admires its architect. Am I bitter that so many of my countrymen, including many who know better, seem willing to enthusiastically usher that model in at home? Yes. Does that remove the humanity of my countrymen? No, but some of the ugliest behavior does that to them.

With the ushering in of Trump, the humanity and decency that *use* to define America is severely waning ...


New member
With the ushering in of Trump, the humanity and decency that *use* to define America is severely waning ...

It's all over the world. And some of these groups are organizing internationally (international nationalism, if you will). If the United States gives in, which seems more likely than not at this point, I don't see what hope there is for freedom and human dignity.


Hall of Fame
It's all over the world. And some of these groups are organizing internationally (international nationalism, if you will). If the United States gives in, which seems more likely than not at this point, I don't see what hope there is for freedom and human dignity.

There isn't ... Trump is systematically and intentionally destroying America ... and receiving kudos while doing so.