
New member
Now Bluster was saved like Paul, receiving revelations from Christ Jesus?

"Ye have the anointing that teaches all things" and yes I do. You couldn't possibly understand this pj and as usual you mock what you can't understand. You mock Messiah and His word.
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God's Truth

New member
"Ye have the anointing that teaches all things" and yes I do. You couldn't possibly understand this pj and as usual you mock what you can't understand. You mock Messiah and His word.

You do not have what you think you do. You finally understood the false Calvinism doctrines and had an ah ha moment.


New member
Just like Saul of Tarsus...

Paul was deceived and thinking he was doing God's work when he was converted. The Holy Spirit was also convicting him terribly as Jesus' reference to him kicking against the pricks. So we see that conversion far from the zapping experience of the Clavinist is in fact a long chain of events where God leads people to conversion. Truster was led to conversion as well like a lamb to the slaughter.


New member
Paul was deceived and thinking he was doing God's work when he was converted. The Holy Spirit was also convicting him terribly as Jesus' reference to him kicking against the pricks. So we see that conversion far from the zapping experience of the Clavinist is in fact a long chain of events where God leads people to conversion. Truster was led to conversion as well like a lamb to the slaughter.

I was led to conversion over many, many years and very many experiences. I was converted at 10:30 am on July 17th 1999. Justification, conversion and regeneration are all one off experiences and occur simultaneously.

patrick jane

I was led to conversion over many, many years and very many experiences. I was converted at 10:30 am on July 17th 1999. Justification, conversion and regeneration are all one off experiences and occur simultaneously.
It's a good thing you had the presence of mind to look at the clock and note the date and time during your glorious conversion :rotfl:


New member
It's a good thing you had the presence of mind to look at the clock and note the date and time during your glorious conversion :rotfl:

There are a number of occurrences in life that even the world understands that you will always remember where you were when you heard the news that...

Conversion, regeneration and trusting are life giving. If you are ever converted you will know where, when and also why. The why will come as a shock.


New member
It's a good thing you had the presence of mind to look at the clock and note the date and time during your glorious conversion :rotfl:

The date was my mother's 80th birthday and it was a Saturday. I remember each and every step I took that day and can play it in my minds eye like a dvd. I have never had an experience of such vivid recollection about any other day or event in my life.

To the praise of the glory of His grace and amen.

God's Truth

New member
The date was my mother's 80th birthday and it was a Saturday. I remember each and every step I took that day and can play it in my minds eye like a dvd. I have never had an experience of such vivid recollection about any other day or event in my life.

To the praise of the glory of His grace and amen.

So then, it was your mother's birthday that really is being counted. lol


New member
The date was my mother's 80th birthday and it was a Saturday. I remember each and every step I took that day and can play it in my minds eye like a dvd. I have never had an experience of such vivid recollection about any other day or event in my life.

To the praise of the glory of His grace and amen.

Unrequested, unexpected, unimaginable and unforgettable.


New member
One of the first measurements I was shown to use is simple. If the world loves it then it needs careful consideration, because there is enmity between Elohim and the world.
The world loves celebrations and they actually invent opportunities to celebrate. Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, anniversaries mothers day and fathers day etc.

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with Elohim? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of Elohim.

Those that call themselves Christians not only practise these idolatries they also teach their children to do the same. Not only condemning themselves but the next generation as well.

patrick jane

The world loves celebrations and they actually invent opportunities to celebrate. Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, anniversaries mothers day and fathers day etc.
So we can't celebrate on earth? According to you, no fun can be had, no celebrations, no enjoyment of life. We are created to do nothing but worship God?