Show me the good news


Well-known member
RD said,

Isa 45:4 KJV For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me.

Using the Old Testament word 'elect' to define the New Testament word 'elect' would indicate YOU are the one who doesn't understand simple things. Worse yet, is that you fabricate to change the meaning of the New Testament word.

Maybe a simple study of Romans 11:7 would help you understand simple things...

What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded.

Being surnamed isn't a good thing, That name belongs to the ruling Magistrate/OT God/Lord etc... and makes you a servant like Jacob to who ever is the ruling Bloodline. The letter/legalism of the law is a state of death, 2Cor 3:6 is the only divisional line in life, you are either part of this worlds system and ignorant of the spiritual law of the living/liberty, or in a state of willing dependence on the legal system.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Being surnamed isn't a good thing, That name belongs to the ruling Magistrate/OT God/Lord etc... and makes you a servant like Jacob to who ever is the ruling Bloodline. The letter/legalism of the law is a state of death, 2Cor 3:6 is the only divisional line in life, you are either part of this worlds system and ignorant of the spiritual law of the living/liberty, or in a state of willing dependence on the legal system.

that's not good news

Right Divider

Body part
Like Heir, you don't even bother to read the verses you offer. The "people" Peter is addressing were not even considered a people up until that point and grafting Ex 19 onto the passage doesn't change that. Rather than create some sort of Frankenstein with other books let's stick with 1 Pet shall we?
So you pick ONE verse that you like and IGNORE the rest. Well done.

It is also quite ignorant of you to call my pointing out WHERE Peter is QUOTING FROM as "creating some of Frankenstein.". Just amazingly dumb on your part.

So, if I understand your position correctly, you don't think he's talking to you here. You're not awaiting an inheritance. Faith doesn't have anything to do with your salvation and you're not waiting on "the last time" for it to be revealed ... all because you already got into the Kingdom of God another way ... gotcha.
I am already seated in heavenly places and of course faith has everything do it with my SALVATION from this present evil world.

Paul does not call me to be part of a PEOPLE but of a BODY, the body of Christ. I'm going to go ahead a stick with God's message through Paul and not your confused mixing in the scripture blender.

...but this doesn't apply to you, it's talking about those unfortunant Jews. You're not tempted at any point. Gotcha.
This is just you being stupid again.

... and this isn't talking to you either. Your faith won't be tried because you are much too precious to God to have to endure that. That sort of stuff is reserved for His only begotten Son and those unfortunate Jews. Gotcha.
Just keep on ranting.... if it makes you feel better.

What? Waiting for the END of your faith which is the salvation of our souls? Well, he surely can't be talking to you because you received the reward of your faith the minute you received the proper doctrine, right? Must be some different kind of faith, right?
Once again, you show your total ignorance of God's Word.

... and he must be talking about some different kind of grace, right?
Indeed it is. Just like the grace that Noah found was different. Don't be a 'dictionary theologian'.

This is what really blows my mind; you think Christ died for the Jews only. That's who He was sent to, right?
Nope... more ignorance on your part. You seem to have lots of it.

There's that waiting business again but, he can't be talking about you because you've got much more important things to do than wait. Can't be bothered so, let's adopt a doctrine that gives it all to us right now with no sacrifice. I understand the inclination but ... I don't see a scriptural justification for it.
As long as you refuse to rightly divide the word of truth, you'll just be a confused and ranting lunatic.

Ignorance? Now I know he's not talking about you. You're the smartest guy in the room if your proclamations are to be believed.
Thanks and they are.

Be Holy? Only those unfortunate Jews have to worry about that. They have to do something to receive the reward of their faith but not you. Gotcha.
Looky there.... Another reference to Exodus.

"Without respect of persons"? "Work"? Wait a minute. He's got a special work free, suffer free fate in store for you because He respects you more, right? Therefore he can't be talking to you.
More loony ranting...

I wouldn't bet eternity on it if I were you.
I trust God.

Wanna keep going with 1 Peter?
Only if you actually want to learn something from it.


Well-known member
So you pick ONE verse that you like and IGNORE the rest. Well done.

It is also quite ignorant of you to call my pointing out WHERE Peter is QUOTING FROM as "creating some of Frankenstein.". Just amazingly dumb on your part.

I am already seated in heavenly places and of course faith has everything do it with my SALVATION from this present evil world.

Paul does not call me to be part of a PEOPLE but of a BODY, the body of Christ. I'm going to go ahead a stick with God's message through Paul and not your confused mixing in the scripture blender.

This is just you being stupid again.

Just keep on ranting.... if it makes you feel better.

Once again, you show your total ignorance of God's Word.

Indeed it is. Just like the grace that Noah found was different. Don't be a 'dictionary theologian'.

Nope... more ignorance on your part. You seem to have lots of it.

As long as you refuse to rightly divide the word of truth, you'll just be a confused and ranting lunatic.

Thanks and they are.

Looky there.... Another reference to Exodus.

More loony ranting...

I trust God.

Only if you actually want to learn something from it.

Having no scriptural response to me addressing Peter' offerings one verse at a time you respond by calling me names. This is the ultimate condemnation of your doctrine and it comes from your own lips.

Mat 12: 34 “O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.”

Right Divider

Body part
Having no scriptural response to me addressing Peter' offerings one verse at a time you respond by calling me names. This is the ultimate condemnation of your doctrine and it comes from your own lips.

Mat 12: 34 “O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.”
Scripture must be understood at a broader level. One favorite verse here and there prove nothing (especially when you ignore Peter's OT references).

Peter is addressing the TWELVE tribes scattered aboard, just like James.

It seems like you think that Peter's addressing "the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia," is some sort of "to whom it may concern". It is not.


Well-known member
Scripture must be understood at a broader level. One favorite verse here and there prove nothing (especially when you ignore Peter's OT references).

Peter is addressing the TWELVE tribes scattered aboard, just like James.

It seems like you think that Peter's addressing "the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia," is some sort of "to whom it may concern". It is not.

I addressed 1 Peter 1 one verse at a time. I did not cherry pick verses. Your failure to acknowledge this only speaks of your own myopia.

Indeed, Peter was specific in that he was addressing strangers.
A point your doctrine won't let you ceed. So tell me, what do you make of this verse?

Romans 11:7 What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded

In your mind, who are the elect?


I threw Calvinism out the window in 1973. It wasn't difficult to do.

Here are some of Calvin's abominations.

Calvin believed that executing unrepentant heretics was justified.

Under Calvin...
Heresy was punished by death. I'm surprised he didn't commit suicide.

In one year, 14 alleged witches were burned to death.

Fornication was punished by exile or drowning.

Adultery, blasphemy, and idolatry was punished with death.

In the year 1558-1559, there were 414 prosecutions for moral offenses.

Calvin’s own step-daughter and son-in-law were among those condemned for adultery and executed.

In one case, a child was beheaded for striking his parents.

During a period of 17 years when Calvin was leading Geneva, there were 139 recorded executions in the city.

You can read about Calvin's other abominations here...

Makes you wonder why anybody would follow Calvin instead of Jesus Christ.


TOL Subscriber
I threw Calvinism out the window in 1973. It wasn't difficult to do.

Here are some of Calvin's abominations.

Calvin believed that executing unrepentant heretics was justified.

Under Calvin...
Heresy was punished by death. I'm surprised he didn't commit suicide.

In one year, 14 alleged witches were burned to death.

Fornication was punished by exile or drowning.

Adultery, blasphemy, and idolatry was punished with death.

In the year 1558-1559, there were 414 prosecutions for moral offenses.

Calvin’s own step-daughter and son-in-law were among those condemned for adultery and executed.

In one case, a child was beheaded for striking his parents.

During a period of 17 years when Calvin was leading Geneva, there were 139 recorded executions in the city.

You can read about Calvin's other abominations here...


it is not as easy as you make it out to be

And that really is true. Protestants would like people to believe that since we are saved by grace, all you have to do is believe. I will never understand HOW a mental declaration of belief saves anyone. You can't separate grace, faith, and works. All three work together. Grace is what God did by sending His Son. Faith, better translated 'living faith' is our trust in God's Word and commandmentS. Works is THE EVIDENCE that something significant ocured in a believers life.!

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
And that really is true. Protestants would like people to believe that since we are saved by grace, all you have to do is believe. I will never understand HOW a mental declaration of belief saves anyone. You can't separate grace, faith, and works. All three work together. Grace is what God did by sending His Son. Faith, better translated 'living faith' is our trust in God's Word and commandmentS. Works is THE EVIDENCE that something significant ocured in a believers life.!

What works are required to prove that I have believed this?,

1 Cor 15:1-4 (KJV)


What works are required to prove that I have believed this?,

1 Cor 15:1-4 (KJV)

The verse you quoted actually answers your question.

Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

The word works is "that which any one is occupied". Isn't that what Christ should find us doing when he returns?

We should be occupied doing the Lords work. I imagine you know what that is.