Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Big Mouth Nana said:
You can recognize a brother or sister in the Lord by their fruit. Your tree needs to be's dying.
Gal 5:22 - 23 ~But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
Yes I wonder how that is missed.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Evee said:
Yes I wonder how that is missed.
It is missed because it is a head salvation, and not a heart felt born again experiance. You can't be in Christ and not have a change in your life, and even how you relate to others. The Holy Spirit will convict you of your attitude. Most I have ran across who believe the way that these guys do, evidently have no conscience.


New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
It is missed because it is a head salvation, and not a heart felt born again experiance. You can't be in Christ and not have a change in your life, and even how you relate to others. The Holy Spirit will convict you of your attitude. Most I have ran across who believe the way that these guys do, evidently have no conscience.
I have looked all over this board and this attitude definitely prevails.
I wonder what church these people attend if any at all. :think:
I also wonder if these people are closet atheists, when you quote scriptures they go all radical on you. :sheep:

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Evee said:
I have looked all over this board and this attitude definitely prevails.
I wonder what church these people attend if any at all. :think:
I also wonder if these people are closet atheists, when you quote scriptures they go all radical on you. :sheep:
I noticed that also. I am sure that there are more true Christians on here, we just have to run across them. I thought that I saw a topic Christians only on it. I will have to look.


The Dark Knight
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Hall of Fame
Big Mouth Nana said:
You can recognize a brother or sister in the Lord by their fruit. Your tree needs to be's dying.
Gal 5:22 - 23 ~But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
How have I not shown you any of those things? I was very longsuffering with your heresy. And I still am. I do believe there is hope for you, yet...


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
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Big Mouth Nana said:
Since He fulfilled ALL of the OT laws on the cross, that means all of the old laws that were in the OT. Did not all of the OT laws have to do with being able to be in right standing with God, and it didn't work??? It combined everything, legal, criminal, and governmental. Israel ruled itself, and had their own Judges from every tribe. It started in Exodus 18 when Moses father in law told him that he was going to wear himself out from doing this judging on his own. That is when "able men" of all of the tribes became judges over their own tribes. These people had to go before the Priests to be cleansed with sacrifices for everything.
You have no idea what fulifillment of the OT laws was.:nono:

Christ died so we all could be saved, but not so we could all get away with murder.:nono:

They exist, but were fulfilled in Christ through mercy and grace.

They do not exist with the current laws of this government.:nono:

So, you started reading the bible about 5 or 6, and you were born in 1980?? Keep studying, because you don't have a lot of understanding about the mercy and grace of God at all.
I said "over twenty years." I decided that the Bible was true when I was three. And I know that God's grace is efficacious for all sin. And that those who come to Christ will never lose their salvation. But if someone commits a crime, no matter what it is, they should accept the punishment God has set forth. And that God is the authority on what should be a crime, and what should not. And He's also the authority on what the punishment should be. And if the government ignores God, then people will not be punished righteously, but we, as God's children should still want God's rules to be in place. My dad, a former queer, still believes that he deserves the death penalty for what he did. But, since it is not the current law of the land, he is still alive. And if God's rules were to be set in place, they would not be retroactive, so my dad would not die for his crimes, because they were not crimes [under the government] when he committed them. But if he were to commit any crime under God's rule, then he would accept that punishment, even if it were death.

In this case it could have to do with you lying to the Holy Ghost about where your heart is!!!
What would be the point in lying to the Holy Spirit? He knows my heart. And it is He who testifies with my spirit that I am saved.

Eitehr way, Annanias and Saphirrah have nothing to do with criminal codes. What they did was not a crime, according to God's criminal code. But it was a sin, and God alone reserves the right to punish, with death, those who sin [without committing a crime].

I see that you have your church on your website off of this site. Does your pastor know that? I bet he and the rest of the congregation would be shocked by your hateful, Godless attitude!!! Better hope that someone from the church doesn't come to this site and run across this website where your pictures are and recognize you. Boy, what an embarrassment that would be!!!
Actually, they are searching for a new senior pastor, right now. And one of the former associates knows a lot about my beliefs. But I have taken some of my beliefs to my dad's senior pastor. However, I have not brought this up with him. And I should. Of course, if I had all the necessary things to move to another state, I would move to Colorado, and start going to Denver Bible Church, where the pastor stands with me on this issue. Because I like their pastor, and have met him a couple of times.

And, I have told my dad's pastor, and some people from my church, about this site, and the name I post under.

And, just for the record, you are the Godless one on this subject.

God never changes as far as being God. When Jesus came, as God/Man, He was more of a sympathetic Saviour. If He hadn't of come, we would probably all be dead right now.
God's character has never changed. Even when I went to a church that preached tolerance of sinners they told me that. Which, in my opinion, makes them hypocrites. Because they believed that God did not tolerate sin in the OT, but he did in the NT. And then said His character never changed. Even if you disagree with me that homosexuality should be a capital crime, you should at least see that they contradicted themselves...

Yeah, and I could start a new one....The Man Without Fear. I believe that you have a lot of fear, hatred, and depression in your life. You are hiding behind the mask and tough guy attitude.
1] My user title is based soleley on the character in my avatar: Daredevil. If you read comic books you would know that.
2] I have no mask. I speak openly to those who know my full name, and face. And, those on here also know my name: Brandon Allen. I've admitted it before, and I will not deny it. I will not hide.
3] I fear nothing, because God's perfect love has cast out my fear. And I hate sin, so much that I abhor even the souls of the wicked, just as God does...

No I didn't. If you have read this whole topic, I posted that part to Clete.

Not at all. That is why He sent Jesus!!!
Jesus was semt top save us from hell, not to save us from temporal punishments! But God still believes murderers, and child molesters [along with many others] deserve execution [in the here and now] for their crimes!

Shows what you don't know. Here in California, the prison state, the less violent criminals share a cell. I have a friend who is a Correctional Officer at a local prison. He said that you can hear it going on all night. The first thing that the homo's want to do when a newbie arrives is make them their "punk," so you better be tough when going in.
I didn;t say that was not what goes on now. I know it is. Everyone knows it is. The issue is whehter or not it should. And, according to what God wants, those on death row should not be put in with other inmates [even others on death row]. And those on death row would only be ther for a day or two, before they were executed. That is what I was saying.

Yes, he certainly did. Read that list and see if you qualify for at least one of them. 1st Cor 6:9-10 ~ Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
How about Reviler in your case?
v. re·viled, re·vil·ing, re·viles
v. tr.
To assail with abusive language; vituperate.v. vi·tu·per·at·ed, vi·tu·per·at·ing, vi·tu·per·ates vi·tu·per·ate (v-tp-rt, -ty-, v-)
v. tr.
To rebuke or criticize harshly or abusively; berate[/quote
I'm sure that I qualify as any number of those. But I do not see any of the sins that were also capital crimes applying to me, at least no those that should still stand today. And, as I've said before, that refers to those who will not inherit the Kingodm of God [salvation]. Not those who should suffer punishment for crimes on Earth.:nono: And it seems to me that this was in reference to those who revile God. I do not revile God.
Then get out of the OT, because He sure doesn't mention homo killing in the NT. He just says that they will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
When did He ever revoke this law? He revoked the Sabbath in the NT. He revoked circumcision in the NT. But He never revoked the laws against murder, adultery, homosexuality, or many others. Did He?

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Lighthouse said:
You have no idea what fulifillment of the OT laws was.:nono:

Christ died so we all could be saved, but not so we could all get away with murder
You are taking out of context what I have said. Of course Christ died so that we could be saved. That was never an issue!!! I do not believe that those who commit crimes, especially murder should get away with it. I firmly believe that they need to throw their butts on death row, hopefully get saved in prison... and execute them instead of letting them sit there forever!!!!

They do not exist with the current laws of this government.:nono:
True, not all of them. Like I stated before, at least murderers and other heinous crimes are locked up and not roaming the streets. Brandon, until our own government makes it a "law of the land", to execute all of those offenses in the OT, it is never going to happen. God in His infinite wisdom must have known that people in this day and age were not going to execute homo's, adulterers and the like, and I firmly believe for a good reason. He specifically says that all of these will not inherit the kingdom of God and be judged on the last day. Now what is a worse sentence, facing our judges, or facing God the Supreme Judge??

I said "over twenty years." I decided that the Bible was true when I was three.
WOW, you must have been a child reading prodigy!!! Most kids at that age have just gotten to Noah and a few other bible stories read by the Sunday school teacher or their parents. The bible didn't start coming alive for me until I was about 12, and it is still coming alive.
And I know that God's grace is efficacious for all sin.
Yes, it is, if you repent like the bible says to. No repentance...No forgiveness. If you do not confess your sins and repent, you are no better then the lost. Actually the bible states that you are worse off.
And that those who come to Christ will never lose their salvation.
That's another topic. I don't believe in once saved always saved. A lot of the church say that they are saved, but living like the world.
But if someone commits a crime, no matter what it is, they should accept the punishment God has set forth.
Then you better hope and pray that God suddenly interjects the death sentence in the NT.
And that God is the authority on what should be a crime, and what should not. And He's also the authority on what the punishment should be.
Show me the punishment BY MAN in the NT, except where it says to obey the laws of the land?
And if the government ignores God, then people will not be punished righteously, but we, as God's children should still want God's rules to be in place.
His laws are written in the believers hearts Brandon. The homo's are without excuse because they have heard the truth. Some have even complied, and have accepted Christ. It's a fact that not all of them are going to.
My dad, a former queer, still believes that he deserves the death penalty for what he did. But, since it is not the current law of the land, he is still alive.
It sounds like your dad can't forgive himself, even though if he is saved, God did.
What would be the point in lying to the Holy Spirit? He knows my heart. And it is He who testifies with my spirit that I am saved.
Do you ever feel guilty for the things that you say...even on here? The Holy Spirit will work through a persons conscience also.

Actually, they are searching for a new senior pastor, right now. And one of the former associates knows a lot about my beliefs. But I have taken some of my beliefs to my dad's senior pastor. However, I have not brought this up with him. And I should. Of course, if I had all the necessary things to move to another state, I would move to Colorado, and start going to Denver Bible Church, where the pastor stands with me on this issue. Because I like their pastor, and have met him a couple of times.
Have you prayed about going there? Sometimes things just fall into place, and other times it might not be God's will for us. He knows the plans that He has for our lives.

And, I have told my dad's pastor, and some people from my church, about this site, and the name I post under.
WOW, where is your Christian integrity????

And, just for the record, you are the Godless one on this subject.
No, actually I take the Word of God at face value. I'm with Jesus over in the NT. If He had listed all of those sins as having the death penalty, I would be on the band wagon with you screaming my head off. Murder is in our law of the land, so I follow the laws of the land that God said to.

God's character has never changed. Even when I went to a church that preached tolerance of sinners they told me that. Which, in my opinion, makes them hypocrites. Because they believed that God did not tolerate sin in the OT, but he did in the NT. And then said His character never changed. Even if you disagree with me that homosexuality should be a capital crime, you should at least see that they contradicted themselves.
God's character Himself hasn't changed......but then His Son came that all would repent and accept His Son. God didn't tolerate sin the OT..............but then once again, then came Jesus that all would repent and accept His Son!!! We should not tolerate sin in our own lives, and we are not to judge others as far as what they do. God will take care of that nicely on the last day Phil 2:12 ~ Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

1] My user title is based soleley on the character in my avatar: Daredevil. If you read comic books you would know that.
2] I have no mask. I speak openly to those who know my full name, and face. And, those on here also know my name: Brandon Allen. I've admitted it before, and I will not deny it. I will not hide.
I haven't read a comic book since I was about 12. The bible is much more alive then some fictional characters....but to each his own.
3] I fear nothing, because God's perfect love has cast out my fear.
You fear nothing??? Boy, you must have come out of your flesh and aren't human, lol. I bet if someone came at you with a knife, your little heart would come out of your chest with fear :rotfl: Only God can make you fearless when the need arises. We sure can't do it on our own. There are a lot of things that I widow spiders, heights, not real comfortable with elevators either..just to name a few.
And I hate sin, so much that I abhor even the souls of the wicked, just as God does.
Yes, God does hate sin, but like this verse states...John 3:16 ~For God so loved the world, (sinners) that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish;(ex- sinners) but have everlasting life.

Jesus was semt top save us from hell, not to save us from temporal punishments! But God still believes murderers, and child molesters [along with many others] deserve execution [in the here and now] for their crimes!
I am still waiting for the verse in the NT showing me "the here and now", and man does it?

And it seems to me that this was in reference to those who revile God. I do not revile God.
Doesn't say those that revile God anywhere. It just says that those who do these things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

He revoked the Sabbath in the NT.
He did!!!??? He must have revoked Himself then also....Col 2:16 ~ Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the SABBATH days: Mark 2:27-28 And he said unto them, The SABBATH was made for man, and not man for the SABBATH:
28 Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the SABBATH.
He revoked circumcision in the NT. But He never revoked the laws against murder, adultery, homosexuality, or many others. Did He?
He didn't revoke them. He took all of these sins upon his body, and now it's up to those who do these things to repent and accept Christ. He died for ALL who do these things. He gave the free gift of salvation, it is just waiting there to be accepted.
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The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Big Mouth Nana said:
You are taking out of context what I have said. Of course Christ died so that we could be saved. That was never an issue!!! I do not believe that those who commit crimes, especially murder should get away with it. I firmly believe that they need to throw their butts on death row, hopefully get saved in prison... and execute them instead of letting them sit there forever!!!!
So, why not fags?

True, not all of them. Like I stated before, at least murderers and other heinous crimes are locked up and not roaming the streets. Brandon, until our own government makes it a "law of the land", to execute all of those offenses in the OT, it is never going to happen. God in His infinite wisdom must have known that people in this day and age were not going to execute homo's, adulterers and the like, and I firmly believe for a good reason. He specifically says that all of these will not inherit the kingdom of God and be judged on the last day. Now what is a worse sentence, facing our judges, or facing God the Supreme Judge??
What does it matter what is a worse sentence? That isn't the point.

As for God knowing that man would become this wicked, well it has happened before, so I'm sure He knew it was possible. But it was never, still isn't, and never will be what He wants.

WOW, you must have been a child reading prodigy!!!
Not that early, no.

Most kids at that age have just gotten to Noah and a few other bible stories read by the Sunday school teacher or their parents. The bible didn't start coming alive for me until I was about 12, and it is still coming alive.
It came alive for me, whenever I heard it. And even moreso when I read it for myself. And still, even more when I came to TOL, and heard the answers to all the questions I had. And I was able to feel alive in Christ, instead of just empty inside.

Yes, it is, if you repent like the bible says to. No repentance...No forgiveness. If you do not confess your sins and repent, you are no better then the lost. Actually the bible states that you are worse off.
Wait. Are you saying that as a Christian, if I don't confess all my sins, and turn away from them I'm worse off then one who was never a Christian?

That's another topic. I don't believe in once saved always saved. A lot of the church say that they are saved, but living like the world.
Why don't you believe it? The Bible teaches it. And just because someone says they are saved, it doesn't mean they are. If they truly understand exactly what it is Christ did for them, then sin holds no power over them.

Then you better hope and pray that God suddenly interjects the death sentence in the NT.
Now you're just being stupid.

Show me the punishment BY MAN in the NT, except where it says to obey the laws of the land?
See. This is what I mean. The majority of the NT was written during a time when the government was not ruled by God, because they rejected God [Rome]. So why do you want to see it say that they followed God's laws, when they clearly didn't want to? This was a government full of queers and child molesters. And they reveled in it. Do you think they're going to implement a law that states they whould be executed? DO you expect today's politicians to outlaw adultery?:ha

His laws are written in the believers hearts Brandon. The homo's are without excuse because they have heard the truth. Some have even complied, and have accepted Christ. It's a fact that not all of them are going to.
And? Your point is?

It sounds like your dad can't forgive himself, even though if he is saved, God did.
Well, I wasn't going to say this, but that's just retarded. My dad knows he's forgiven, and has forgiven himself. Just like I've forgiven myself for the sexual immorality I've committed.

Do you ever feel guilty for the things that you say...even on here? The Holy Spirit will work through a persons conscience also.
I only feel guilty if I was wrong. And I have been wrong before. But the guilt fades, because Christ has forgiven me.

Have you prayed about going there? Sometimes things just fall into place, and other times it might not be God's will for us. He knows the plans that He has for our lives.
Please tell me you didn't just say that.:doh:

WOW, where is your Christian integrity????
How is that not integrity? I am honest, and forthright with them. They want to know what I beleive, it's all right here in the open. And if they have questions, I am more than willing to talk to them.

No, actually I take the Word of God at face value.
Sounds like a personal problem.

I'm with Jesus over in the NT. If He had listed all of those sins as having the death penalty, I would be on the band wagon with you screaming my head off. Murder is in our law of the land, so I follow the laws of the land that God said to.
Who is Jesus? Is He not God?

You are nothing more than a legal positivist. You believe that we should just obey the laws of the land, and not speak up when a law [or lack thereof] is unjust, unfair, or immoral! That is a sad state of affairs, and speaks volumes of you as a person.

God's character Himself hasn't changed......but then His Son came that all would repent and accept His Son. God didn't tolerate sin the OT..............but then once again, then came Jesus that all would repent and accept His Son!!! We should not tolerate sin in our own lives, and we are not to judge others as far as what they do. God will take care of that nicely on the last day Phil 2:12 ~ Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

Stupid paragraph of the day!

Can you tell me what Jesus said in Matthew 7:1-5? Or how about John 7:24?

And do you realize that you have judged me? Not only have you made a judgment call that I am not saved, but that I am wrong to judge others.

I haven't read a comic book since I was about 12. The bible is much more alive then some fictional characters....but to each his own.
And? Do you not read novels? You are a moron.

You fear nothing??? Boy, you must have come out of your flesh and aren't human, lol. I bet if someone came at you with a knife, your little heart would come out of your chest with fear :rotfl: Only God can make you fearless when the need arises. We sure can't do it on our own. There are a lot of things that I widow spiders, heights, not real comfortable with elevators either..just to name a few.
Been there, done that. Nothing to be afraid of.

Yes, God does hate sin, but like this verse states...John 3:16 ~For God so loved the world, (sinners) that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish;(ex- sinners) but have everlasting life.
And what does the rest of it say?

17For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. 18"He that believeth in Him is not condemned; but He that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
[bold mine]

I am still waiting for the verse in the NT showing me "the here and now", and man does it?

Would a verse where Paul says that if he has committed a crime worthy of death then he will accept death, suffice?

Doesn't say those that revile God anywhere. It just says that those who do these things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
[Carlos Mencia]Dee duh dee[/Carlos Mencia]

He did!!!??? He must have revoked Himself then also....Col 2:16 ~ Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the SABBATH days: Mark 2:27-28 And he said unto them, The SABBATH was made for man, and not man for the SABBATH:
28 Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the SABBATH.
He didn't revoke them. He took all of these sins upon his body, and now it's up to those who do these things to repent and accept Christ. He died for ALL who do these things. He gave the free gift of salvation, it is just waiting there to be accepted.[/QUOTE]
No, He revoked the laws concerning the Sabbath. Plus, the Sabbath was never intended for those who were not Israel, anyway. And, circumcision took precedence over the Sabbath as well.

The only thing Christ did is be the end of the law for righteousness, as Paul said. But He taught the law before His death, and after His ressurection. And the apostles did as well. Just see Acts 15 where they discuss with Paul the differences in what he is preaching. He did not preach the law, but they did.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Lighthouse said:
So, why not fags?
Because it is a sin and not a crime. Now if a homo holds a knife to someones throat to molest someone, then it becomes a crime.

What does it matter what is a worse sentence? That isn't the point.
None really I guess. One way or the other they will all stand before God weather sentenced to death now, or when Christ judges.

As for God knowing that man would become this wicked, well it has happened before, so I'm sure He knew it was possible. But it was never, still isn't, and never will be what He wants.
For someone that can't back up scripture from the NT regarding man executing homo's, you sure seem to know a lot about what God wants :hammer:

Not that early, no.

It came alive for me, whenever I heard it. And even moreso when I read it for myself. And still, even more when I came to TOL, and heard the answers to all the questions I had. And I was able to feel alive in Christ, instead of just empty inside.
Moreso??? Sorry, never heard of that. What is it? You should NEVER base your answers to your questions from an internet site. Was Clete your teacher, lol?? If what they say can't be backed up by the bible, then it is a false gospel that Jesus said to watch out for. Don't even believe me unless I can provide proof. Clete likes to post scripture from the OT. He hasn't totally arrived into the New Covenant yet.

Wait. Are you saying that as a Christian, if I don't confess all my sins, and turn away from them I'm worse off then one who was never a Christian?
That is exactly what I am saying..Heb 6:4-6 ~ For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
6 If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

2nd Pet 2:20-22 ~ For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.
21 For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.
22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.

Why don't you believe it? The Bible teaches it. And just because someone says they are saved, it doesn't mean they are. If they truly understand exactly what it is Christ did for them, then sin holds no power over them.
I don't want to go into that here. That is a whole other matter.

Now you're just being stupid.
Thank you. I am sure that God made a note of that comment.

See. This is what I mean. The majority of the NT was written during a time when the government was not ruled by God, because they rejected God [Rome]. So why do you want to see it say that they followed God's laws, when they clearly didn't want to? This was a government full of queers and child molesters. And they reveled in it. Do you think they're going to implement a law that states they whould be executed? DO you expect today's politicians to outlaw adultery?:ha
Sadly, you are one confused puppy!! The early church is where the NT began. Where do you think that the gospel started, on Krypton? A word that I am sure that you can relate to. Even Jesus stated render unto Caesar what is Caesars, and unto God what is God's.

And? Your point is?
I am going to take a guess at this from our prior conversation. Why don't you include what was said from the prior post??? It makes it so much easier then having to go back and hunt it up. When we became saved, all of those OT laws that Jesus fulfilled on the cross are in our hearts by the Holy Ghost. We don't want to sin, we don't want to murder, we don't want to kill the lost because Jesus took their sins also and is waiting for them to repent.

Well, I wasn't going to say this, but that's just retarded. My dad knows he's forgiven, and has forgiven himself. Just like I've forgiven myself for the sexual immorality I've committed.
You are the one who stated that he said that he should be executed. It's evident that God didn't see it that way since he is now saved and alive!!!

I only feel guilty if I was wrong. And I have been wrong before. But the guilt fades, because Christ has forgiven me.
My guilt doesn't fade unless I repent for what I have said or God can forgive me. He can't forgive you unless you repent.

Please tell me you didn't just say that.:doh:
Say what, have you prayed about it??? What's wrong with that??

How is that not integrity? I am honest, and forthright with them. They want to know what I beleive, it's all right here in the open. And if they have questions, I am more than willing to talk to them.
If I ran across one of my congregation members on this site talking like you do, I would be looking them up the very next Sunday morning.

Sounds like a personal problem.
I see just where you are, and it isn't pretty. Repent Brandon, and ask Jesus to REALLY reveal himself to you. You are a fence foot dangeling in the Kingdom and one inside hell. No true born again Christian acts and talks the way that you do.

And do you realize that you have judged me? Not only have you made a judgment call that I am not saved, but that I am wrong to judge others.
The bible judges you on it's own, so you have no right to judge others. I just see what the bible talks about in you.

And? Do you not read novels? You are a moron.
I have read books from time to time. God just saw this next comment that you made. Keep it up, you might bat a 1,000 here.

And what does the rest of it say?

17For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. 18"He that believeth in Him is not condemned; but He that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
So, you think that gives you free reign to act and say just what you want to eh? James 1:26 If ~ any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.

[Carlos Mencia]Dee duh dee[/Carlos Mencia]
You aren't well and have emotional well as Spiritual.
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The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Big Mouth Nana said:
Because it is a sin and not a crime. Now if a homo holds a knife to someones throat to molest someone, then it becomes a crime.
This is not about whether or not it is a crime, but whether or not it should be.

None really I guess. One way or the other they will all stand before God weather sentenced to death now, or when Christ judges.
They will stand before God at the final judgment, regardless.

For someone that can't back up scripture from the NT regarding man executing homo's, you sure seem to know a lot about what God wants :hammer:
Can you back up God wanting murderers executed from the NT?

Moreso??? Sorry, never heard of that. What is it?
It just means "more."

You should NEVER base your answers to your questions from an internet site.
I base them on exactly what the Bible says.

Was Clete your teacher, lol??
Actually, Sozo was the one who got me to look at the verses I always knew were there, but never actually paid attention to.

If what they say can't be backed up by the bible, then it is a false gospel that Jesus said to watch out for. Don't even believe me unless I can provide proof. Clete likes to post scripture from the OT. He hasn't totally arrived into the New Covenant yet.
I know it can be backed up by scripture, I've been there.

Did you say "New Covenant?":doh:

Clete has moved beyond that, into the dispensation of grace, where the law has no part in salvation [except to show people they need it].

That is exactly what I am saying..Heb 6:4-6 ~ For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
6 If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.
Are you saying that they can never be saved again?

I believe that verse states that repentance cannot be renewed, because they have already repented by accepting Christ, the first time.

2nd Pet 2:20-22 ~ For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.
21 For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.
22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.
This is not about those who were once saved, but those who knew the truth, and turned from it.

I don't want to go into that here. That is a whole other matter.

Thank you. I am sure that God made a note of that comment.
Why would He?

Sadly, you are one confused puppy!! The early church is where the NT began. Where do you think that the gospel started, on Krypton? A word that I am sure that you can relate to. Even Jesus stated render unto Caesar what is Caesars, and unto God what is God's.
No, the NT began with the gospels, when everyone still followed the Mosaic law, for the most part. The Romans didn't, of course. And they wouldn't allow the Jews to follow all of it, either. And the Pharisees, and such twisted the law, and made up some of their own rules.

As for what Jesus said, He was referring to taxes and tithes, and trying to get out of a trap, as well.

I am going to take a guess at this from our prior conversation. Why don't you include what was said from the prior post??? It makes it so much easier then having to go back and hunt it up. When we became saved, all of those OT laws that Jesus fulfilled on the cross are in our hearts by the Holy Ghost. We don't want to sin, we don't want to murder, we don't want to kill the lost because Jesus took their sins also and is waiting for them to repent.

You are the one who stated that he said that he should be executed. It's evident that God didn't see it that way since he is now saved and alive!!!

My guilt doesn't fade unless I repent for what I have said or God can forgive me. He can't forgive you unless you repent.
I have repented! My being a Christian is repentance. I live in repentance!

Say what, have you prayed about it??? What's wrong with that??
That it might not be God's will. Do you even understand How God's will works?

If I ran across one of my congregation members on this site talking like you do, I would be looking them up the very next Sunday morning.

I see just where you are, and it isn't pretty. Repent Brandon, and ask Jesus to REALLY reveal himself to you. You are a fence foot dangeling in the Kingdom and one inside hell. No true born again Christian acts and talks the way that you do.
How would you know? I doubt you've ever seen a born again Christian.

God has saved me, and my salvation cannot be revoked, for He will not revoke it, and I can't.

The bible judges you on it's own, so you have no right to judge others. I just see what the bible talks about in you.

I have read books from time to time. God just saw this next comment that you made. Keep it up, you might bat a 1,000 here.

So, you think that gives you free reign to act and say just what you want to eh? James 1:26 If ~ any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.
Yeah, it gives me free reign to act however I please. That's what I've always said.:rolleyes:

You aren't well and have emotional well as Spiritual.
I've never denied having emotional issues, but you're judging me, again.
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New member
{Quote} Lighthouse
Yeah, it gives me free reign to act however I please. That's what I've always said.

You are so wrong and that is extremely arrogant.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Evee said:
Lighthouse said:
Yeah, it gives me free reign to act however I please. That's what I've always said.

You are so wrong and that is extremely arrogant.
You are an idiot if you don't realize I was being sarcastic. What do you think the :rolleyes: smilie means?


New member
Lighthouse said:
You are an idiot if you don't realize I was being sarcastic. What do you think the :rolleyes: smilie means?
Ok Good!
You really should try and not call people names though.:yawn:

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Lighthouse said:
This is not whether or not it is a crime, but whether or not it should be.
Only God can judge that. So far in the NT, they all get hell if they do not repent.

They will stand before God at the final judgment, regardless.

Can you back up God wanting murderers executed from the NT?
I'll take Him at His word where he says to obey the laws of the land...NT.

Actually, Sozo was the one who got me to look at the verses I always knew were there, but never actually paid attention to.
Did you get your attitude from him also? I have read his posts before.

Did you say "New Covenant?":doh:
Did I finger stutter, lol? What's wrong with the New Covenant?

Clete has moved beyond that, into the dispensation of grace, where the law has no part in salvation [except to show people they need it.
That is why then he wants those that God came to save executed eh....just like you? If you can see Jesus on that cross taking all of those homo's sins...waiting for them to repent, you might have a clearer idea of the mercy and grace toward sinners.

Are you saying that they can never be saved again?
I didn't say it, God did.

I believe that verse states that repentance cannot be renewed, because they have already repented by accepting Christ, the first time.
It says what it says Brandon, and it is pretty plain. Here it is in the Amplified bible...2 Pet 2:20 For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through [the full, personal] knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they again become entangled in them and are overcome, their last condition is worse [for them] than the first.2 Pet 2:21 For never to have obtained a [full, personal] knowledge of the way of righteousness would have been better for them than, having obtained [such knowledge], to turn back from the holy commandment which was [verbally] delivered to them.
2 Pet 2:22 There has befallen them the thing spoken of in the true proverb, The dog turns back to his own vomit, and, The sow is washed only to wallow again in the mire.

This is not about those who were once saved, but those who knew the truth, and turned from it.
Look at the words that I bolded....Full personal knowledge. They knew the Lord and were saved.

Why would He?
Because you haven't learned yet to bridle your tongue, that's why. He had a reason for putting that in His word.

No, the NT began with the gospels, when everyone still followed the Mosaic law, for the most part. The Romans didn't, of course. And they wouldn't allow the Jews to follow all of it, either. And the Pharisees, and such twisted the law, and made up some of their own rules.

As for what Jesus said, He was referring to taxes and tithes, and trying to get out of a trap, as well.
I have repented! My being a Christian is repentance. I live in repentance!
Not unless you open your mouth..1st John 2:1-3 ~ My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:
2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for our's only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
Rev 3:3 ~ Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and REPENT. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.
You just can't keep sinning even though you have accepted Christ. You have to repent so He can cleanse you of all unrighteousness.

That it might not be God's will. Do you even understand How God's will works?
More then you will ever know!!! God can and does say NO if it is not for our good.

Asking them why they are acting and talking like a child of Satan, lol.

How would you know? I doubt you've ever seen a born again Christian.
Now you are talking like a child!!! Grow up Brandon. I know that from what I am seeing in you, you sure don't appear to be born again. I see none of the qualities of Christ....just your big mouth sounding off.

God has saved me, and my salvation cannot be revoked, for He will not revoke it, and I can't.
It may be hard to revoke something that was never there to begin with.

Yeah, it gives me free reign to act however I please. That's what I've always said.:rolleyes:
That's evident.

I've never denied having emotional issues, but you're judging me, again.
No, I see them Brandon. God has given me the gift of discernment in the body of Christ. I don't expect you to understand that...since you don't see and understand a lot of things.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Evee said:
Well you ain't Jesus far from it brother.
That is pretty arrogant to put yourself up there with him. :mad:
I was not putting myself up there with Jesus! I'm just saying that I think you would tell Jesus what you told me. You would judge Him, and tell Him that He shouldn't call people names. Would you?

And don't try to tell me Jesus never called anyone names.