Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Big Mouth Nana

New member
Evee said:
Where did everyone go Nana?
Maybe they finally saw the light and decided to pray.
That would be wonderful, but I kind of have a sneaking suspicion that isn't the case here :D . I pray that the Holy Spirit gets ahold of all of them, and makes it a revelation in their Spirits of just why Christ came!!!!

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Evee said:
Actually you are wrong.
It so happens that we both agree on this matter.
Actually, he and others would follow Clete right into a ditch...Luke 6:39 ~ And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch?


The Dark Knight
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Evee said:
Because I am a very sympathetic person and I believe you feel bad about this.
That was why.
We can't beat ourselves up what someone else does.
I am not saying you do, but that is why I said this.
Well, I don't feel bad about it, nor do I blame myself.


The Dark Knight
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Big Mouth Nana said:
What it is, they want to hang onto their hatered of homosexuals. They refuse to recognize that Christ fulfilled all of the OT laws on the cross, and now there is repentence for ALL who are lost.
What Christ actually said was, [Jesus]"I did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill the law.[/Jesus]

So why do you insist that the law has been abolished? Do you even know how Christ fulfilled the law?

And what makes you think this has anything to do with salvation? Christ took care of that. His death makes it so that all can be saved. But it didn't make it so that we could commit murder, adultery or whatever and get away with it in the here and now. When someone commits a crime God wants them to be punished in the here and now, so they understand it was wrong, and turn from it. And so that many, seeing the punishment will never commit the crime in the first place. And all this so that many might be saved.

They refuse to see that Jesus said that he came NOT to judge the world, but to save it, but yet they want to judge it themselves.

Christ never said that He did not come to judge the world! That is a lie! And you are a liar for telling that lie!

Christ said that He [Jesus]"came not to condemn the world, but that the world, through Him, night be saved."[/Jesus]

And he also said that we should judge, in the here and now. Good Christians judge. They don't judge as hypocrites, or based on outward appearance, but they judge righteously.

They also refuse to recognize that the only ones in the NT that God killed was Aninias and ever you spell it, for lying to the Holy Ghost.
And? What does that have to do with anything? This isn't about who God kills.

And are you suggesting that we kill those who liw to the Holy Spirit? You do realize that though that is a sin, it is not a crime, right? And that if we were to execute those who did that, it would be wrong of us to do, correct? God can kill people for commiting sins, but the government can only execute those guilty of capital crimes. And only God has any say what should be a capital crime.

They refuse to see that these homo's along with all of the other sins listed are going to be judged by God on the last day.
And? That is the last day. This is now. And God's judgment is on whether or not somone goes into the lake of fire, not whether or not they die for committing a capital crime.

They refuse to see that God said to obey the laws of the land, which we have a law for death penalty for murderers.
And?! He actually said that we should obey the law as far as it did not cause us to disobey Him. Abortion is legal, are you going to get one? Of course not! Why? Because you would be disobeying God if you did.

And God never said that we couldn't support the idea of His laws being in place. And that is all we are supporting. No one is supporting that we actually go out and execute homos. Only that the law should make it a capital crime to commit acts of homosexuality, as God said it should be one.

All in all, they are blind as a freaking bat!!!
Bats aren't blind.:nono:

They remind me of the Pharisees who appeared religious on the outside, but outside they were white washed tombs full of dead men's bones...Jesus' own words.
You mean, "inside they are like tombs," correct?

Most of these don't even appear religious on the outside...I don't like that word religious, so I'll use Christ like. Hell is going to be so full of those who Jesus says this to, depart from me ye workers of iniquity, for I never knew you!!! They will be right along side of the unrepentant homo's. They don't want salvation for the homosexual, they want death!!!
Another lie! Is it not possible for someone facing death to turn to Christ? Of course it's possible! And that is exactly what I want to see happen! I want them to be saved before they are executed. And that is what I advocate. They should always be given the chance to turn to Christ. Of course, as it always has been, not eveyone will choose Christ. But all who commit capital crimes would still receive capital punishment. Would I mourn the loss of those who did not accept Christ? Of course I would! Just as I would with murderers, adulterers, kidnappers, child molesters, and who ever else committed a capital crime.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Do you understand that you can pray all you want, but until you confront someone about their sin, you aren't doing very much? You're definitely not doing all that God called you to do. And that makes you a lukewarm Christian.


New member
Lighthouse said:
Do you understand that you can pray all you want, but until you confront someone about their sin, you aren't doing very much? You're definitely not doing all that God called you to do. And that makes you a lukewarm Christian.
Well how many Homosexuals have you confronted lately??
I imagine you know a few.
I think you should tell them what a sinner they are or else God will spew you out of his mouth.
How many have you told this week?
Anyone can get on a message board and blow off steam!
That don't count.


Well-known member
Oooh. Street winessing. Can I go with you? I love street witnessing. I love to see people get saved. They're so hungry for The Word of God. I love to buy them a meal and give them warm clothing and talk to them about salvation. :thumb:


New member
Aimiel said:
Oooh. Street winessing. Can I go with you? I love street witnessing. I love to see people get saved. They're so hungry for The Word of God. I love to buy them a meal and give them warm clothing and talk to them about salvation. :thumb:
Sure you could go with me, We will start at my mothers neighbor.
I will let you tell them what a two bit whore *neighbor* she is for selling drugs and her body,and what a disgusting life she is leading.
So where do you tell someone that homosexuality is taking them to hell and destroying them.
Street ministry has its place don't you think.
The easiest thing I have ever did was tell someone over the pc that I have never met.
It is a bit harder face to face.


Well-known member
Evee said:
Sure you could go with me, We will start at my mothers neighbor.
I will let you tell them what a two bit **** *neighbor* she is for selling drugs and her body,and what a disgusting life she is leading.
So where do you tell someone that homosexuality is taking them to hell and destroying them.
Street ministry has its place don't you think.
The easiest thing I have ever did was tell someone over the pc that I have never met.
It is a bit harder face to face.
No, it is a lot harder, face-to-face. But, you'll have to trust me on that, until you go, since I don't believe you've ever been street-witnessing. You don't lie, you don't couch the truth, and you don't call people fags. I say queer, because people who are perverted aren't gay (happy) and they aren't homosexual, they're un-natural and acting out queer behavior. I don't believe in being politically correct, and never will. The homeless and the hoodlums appreciate candor, and the Christians in the neighborhood always join in and love to begin a dialogue with the people they've been too afraid of to talk to, so everybody wins. You really should try it. :thumb:


New member
Aimiel said:
No, it is a lot harder, face-to-face. But, you'll have to trust me on that, until you go, since I don't believe you've ever been street-witnessing. You don't lie, you don't couch the truth, and you don't call people fags. I say queer, because people who are perverted aren't gay (happy) and they aren't homosexual, they're un-natural and acting out queer behavior. I don't believe in being politically correct, and never will. The homeless and the hoodlums appreciate candor, and the Christians in the neighborhood always join in and love to begin a dialogue with the people they've been too afraid of to talk to, so everybody wins. You really should try it. :thumb:
Actually I would love to do it.
I have been with a friend a few years ago but just once.
It was to poor homeless people.
The town I live in is so small no one on the streets here after dark, but the druggies and that is to scarey for me. :shocked:


New member
Lighthouse said:
Well, I don't feel bad about it, nor do I blame myself.
well isn't that wonderful.
I could give you some advice put up another picture you surely have a better one.
Mr bad guy.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Lighthouse said:
What Christ actually said was, [Jesus]"I did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill the law.[/Jesus]

So why do you insist that the law has been abolished? Do you even know how Christ fulfilled the law?
Yes He came to fulfill the law. He fulfilled it on the cross by taking our sins upon His body, because God knew that we would never be able to keep those laws and atone for our sins through those laws and rituals.
And what makes you think this has anything to do with salvation? Christ took care of that. His death makes it so that all can be saved. But it didn't make it so that we could commit murder, adultery or whatever and get away with it in the here and now. When someone commits a crime God wants them to be punished in the here and now, so they understand it was wrong, and turn from it. And so that many, seeing the punishment will never commit the crime in the first place. And all this so that many might be saved.
Who is disagreeing with this??? I sure am not. What did you do pick a few randon posts and try to figure out what everyone said? We are to obey the laws of the land. So far, those who commit murder, rape, child molestation etc, etc., are put into prison, and some murderers are being executed by lethal injection. NO LAWS FOR HOMO'S TO BE EXECUTED!!!


Christ never said that He did not come to judge the world! That is a lie! And you are a liar for telling that lie!

Christ said that He [Jesus]"came not to condemn the world, but that the world, through Him, night be saved.
And you are a liar for saying that I am a liar. Actually this was said twice, but using different wordage, yours in John 3:17 ~ For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. This is the other one...John 12:44-47 ~ Jesus cried and said, He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me.
45 And he that seeth me seeth him that sent me.
46 I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.
47 And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. .
I think that your "mask band" is to tight...or your tights!!! Until you get as many years as some on here in the Word, including myself, don't think that you can post a few verses and think that you are suddenly enlightened. It is a continuing learning experiance, and you are still young and into the "milk" of the Word as Paul referrred to it. The "meat" that he mentioned would blow your socks off.
And he also said that we should judge, in the here and now. Good Christians judge. They don't judge as hypocrites, or based on outward appearance, but they judge righteously.
Not the lost we don't. According to what I read, it says this...1st Cor 4:5 ~ Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God. Matt 7:1 ~ judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

And are you suggesting that we kill those who liw to the Holy Spirit? You do realize that though that is a sin, it is not a crime, right? And that if we were to execute those who did that, it would be wrong of us to do, correct? God can kill people for commiting sins, but the government can only execute those guilty of capital crimes. And only God has any say what should be a capital crime.
Not even close. No understanding of what was said. I was referring to the only ones that God had killed in the NT was Ananias and Sapphira....judgement in other words.

And? That is the last day. This is now. And God's judgment is on whether or not somone goes into the lake of fire, not whether or not they die for committing a capital crime.
Yes, His judgement is upon those who do not repent, but we are also in a the age of grace and mercy for those TO repent. No capital crime for homo's..nor will there ever be!!!

And?! He actually said that we should obey the law as far as it did not cause us to disobey Him. Abortion is legal, are you going to get one? Of course not! Why? Because you would be disobeying God if you did.
OT right?? God's laws are now written in our hearts through His Word and the Holy Spirit. Abortion, LOL!!!!??? If I do, I will be the richest Nana in the world for even being pregnant :rotfl: I would never abort a baby if I was pregant....because those laws that He fulfilled are now written in my heart..thou shalt not kill.

And God never said that we couldn't support the idea of His laws being in place. And that is all we are supporting. No one is supporting that we actually go out and execute homos. Only that the law should make it a capital crime to commit acts of homosexuality, as God said it should be one.
Where is that in the NT???

Bats aren't blind.:nono:
Really????? It's an old saying :doh:

You mean, "inside they are like tombs," correct?
No, Jesus stated that they are like white washed tombs on the outside. On the inside they are full of dead mens bones. Don't ya read the bible?

Another lie! Is it not possible for someone facing death to turn to Christ? Of course it's possible!
I agree with this statement!!
And that is exactly what I want to see happen! I want them to be saved before they are executed.
Bummer!!! I was just beginning to think that you had a heart until I got to this part.
They should always be given the chance to turn to Christ.
Kind of hard if you are thrown in prison where other homo's are burning in lust for each other. That's the same thing as throwing the Fox in the Hen house.
Of course, as it always has been, not eveyone will choose Christ.
Yeah, so instead of having them thrown into prison on death row, go out and witness to them.
But all who commit capital crimes would still receive capital punishment. Would I mourn the loss of those who did not accept Christ? Of course I would! Just as I would with murderers, adulterers, kidnappers, child molesters, and who ever else committed a capital crime.
I do not consider homosexuality a capital crime. It is a SIN. Might want to read these verses and get them in your heart where they belong:
Rom 2:1-6 ~ Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things. 2 But we are sure that the judgement of God is according to truth against them which commit such things.
3 And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?
4 Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? 5 But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgement of God; 6 Who will render to every man according to his deeds:
You homo killers don't have a clue of the goodness, forbearance and long suffering of God. Don't forget that He waited on your sorry sinful butts to accept Him.
Luke 6:36-37 ~ Be ye therefore MERCIFUL, as your Father also is MERCIFUL. 37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:
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Big Mouth Nana

New member
Lighthouse said:
Do you understand that you can pray all you want, but until you confront someone about their sin, you aren't doing very much? You're definitely not doing all that God called you to do. And that makes you a lukewarm Christian.
James 5:16 ~ Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. GET SAVED!!!! You aren't even lukewarm :rolleyes:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Evee said:
Well how many Homosexuals have you confronted lately??
I imagine you know a few.
I think you should tell them what a sinner they are or else God will spew you out of his mouth.
How many have you told this week?
Anyone can get on a message board and blow off steam!
That don't count.
Do you have any suggestions for what I shoudl tell my landlord?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Big Mouth Nana said:
Yes He came to fulfill the law. He fulfilled it on the cross by taking our sins upon His body, because God knew that we would never be able to keep those laws and atone for our sins through those laws and rituals.
And it was for the purposes of what? Legal issues? Criminal code? Whether or not the government dhould punish criminals? No! It was for salvational purposes only.

Who is disagreeing with this??? I sure am not. What did you do pick a few randon posts and try to figure out what everyone said? We are to obey the laws of the land. So far, those who commit murder, rape, child molestation etc, etc., are put into prison, and some murderers are being executed by lethal injection. NO LAWS FOR HOMO'S TO BE EXECUTED!!!
Just because those laws don't exist, that doesn't mean they shouldn't! God wants them to exist!

And you are a liar for saying that I am a liar. Actually this was said twice, but using different wordage, yours in John 3:17 ~ For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. This is the other one...John 12:44-47 ~ Jesus cried and said, He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me.
45 And he that seeth me seeth him that sent me.
46 I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.
47 And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. .
I think that your "mask band" is to tight...or your tights!!! Until you get as many years as some on here in the Word, including myself, don't think that you can post a few verses and think that you are suddenly enlightened. It is a continuing learning experiance, and you are still young and into the "milk" of the Word as Paul referrred to it. The "meat" that he mentioned would blow your socks off. Not the lost we don't. According to what I read, it says this...1st Cor 4:5 ~ Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God. Matt 7:1 ~ judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
I stand corrected.

As for my years in the word, I've been in the word for over twenty years, so don't presume to know me.

Not even close. No understanding of what was said. I was referring to the only ones that God had killed in the NT was Ananias and Sapphira....judgement in other words.
So what does that have to do with this subject?

Yes, His judgement is upon those who do not repent, but we are also in a the age of grace and mercy for those TO repent. No capital crime for homo's..nor will there ever be!!!
You're a Godless pervert.

OT right?? God's laws are now written in our hearts through His Word and the Holy Spirit. Abortion, LOL!!!!??? If I do, I will be the richest Nana in the world for even being pregnant :rotfl: I would never abort a baby if I was pregant....because those laws that He fulfilled are now written in my heart..thou shalt not kill.
Actually, it's "Thou shalt not murder."

Where is that in the NT???
Does it matter?! Do you think God changed between Testaments?

Really????? It's an old saying :doh:
There are a lot of old sayings based on fallacies.

No, Jesus stated that they are like white washed tombs on the outside. On the inside they are full of dead mens bones. Don't ya read the bible?
Yes, I do. But you forgot to say that the dead men's bones were on the inside.

I agree with this statement!!

Bummer!!! I was just beginning to think that you had a heart until I got to this part.
How is that heartless? Do you think God is heartless?

Kind of hard if you are thrown in prison where other homo's are burning in lust for each other. That's the same thing as throwing the Fox in the Hen house.

They are not thrown in together. And when you've only got a day or two, things are put into perspective.

Yeah, so instead of having them thrown into prison on death row, go out and witness to them. I do not consider homosexuality a capital crime. It is a SIN. Might want to read these verses and get them in your heart where they belong:
Rom 2:1-6 ~ Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things. 2 But we are sure that the judgement of God is according to truth against them which commit such things.
3 And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?
4 Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? 5 But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgement of God; 6 Who will render to every man according to his deeds:
You homo killers don't have a clue of the goodness, forbearance and long suffering of God. Don't forget that He waited on your sorry sinful butts to accept Him.
Luke 6:36-37 ~ Be ye therefore MERCIFUL, as your Father also is MERCIFUL. 37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:
I do not judge as a hypocrite! Jesus was talking to the hypocrites, who judged people for doing the same things they did!

And whether or not you think it's a capital crime, God says it should be, and I'd rather listen to Him!


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Big Mouth Nana said:
James 5:16 ~ Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. GET SAVED!!!! You aren't even lukewarm :rolleyes:
Who are you to presume to know the nature of my salvation?

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Lighthouse said:
And it was for the purposes of what? Legal issues? Criminal code? Whether or not the government dhould punish criminals? No! It was for salvational purposes only.
Since He fulfilled ALL of the OT laws on the cross, that means all of the old laws that were in the OT. Did not all of the OT laws have to do with being able to be in right standing with God, and it didn't work??? It combined everything, legal, criminal, and governmental. Israel ruled itself, and had their own Judges from every tribe. It started in Exodus 18 when Moses father in law told him that he was going to wear himself out from doing this judging on his own. That is when "able men" of all of the tribes became judges over their own tribes. These people had to go before the Priests to be cleansed with sacrifices for everything.

Just because those laws don't exist, that doesn't mean they shouldn't! God wants them to exist!
They exist, but were fulfilled in Christ through mercy and grace.

I stand corrected.
It's hard to disagree with what is plainly there.

As for my years in the word, I've been in the word for over twenty years, so don't presume to know me.
So, you started reading the bible about 5 or 6, and you were born in 1980?? Keep studying, because you don't have a lot of understanding about the mercy and grace of God at all.

So what does that have to do with this subject?
In this case it could have to do with you lying to the Holy Ghost about where your heart is!!!

You're a Godless pervert.
I see that you have your church on your website off of this site. Does your pastor know that? I bet he and the rest of the congregation would be shocked by your hateful, Godless attitude!!! Better hope that someone from the church doesn't come to this site and run across this website where your pictures are and recognize you. Boy, what an embarrassment that would be!!!

Does it matter?! Do you think God changed between Testaments?
God never changes as far as being God. When Jesus came, as God/Man, He was more of a sympathetic Saviour. If He hadn't of come, we would probably all be dead right now.

There are a lot of old sayings based on fallacies.
Yeah, and I could start a new one....The Man Without Fear. I believe that you have a lot of fear, hatred, and depression in your life. You are hiding behind the mask and tough guy attitude.

Yes, I do. But you forgot to say that the dead men's bones were on the inside.
No I didn't. If you have read this whole topic, I posted that part to Clete.

How is that heartless? Do you think God is heartless?
Not at all. That is why He sent Jesus!!!

They are not thrown in together. And when you've only got a day or two, things are put into perspective.
Shows what you don't know. Here in California, the prison state, the less violent criminals share a cell. I have a friend who is a Correctional Officer at a local prison. He said that you can hear it going on all night. The first thing that the homo's want to do when a newbie arrives is make them their "punk," so you better be tough when going in.

I do not judge as a hypocrite! Jesus was talking to the hypocrites, who judged people for doing the same things they did!
Yes, he certainly did. Read that list and see if you qualify for at least one of them. 1st Cor 6:9-10 ~ Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
How about Reviler in your case?
v. re·viled, re·vil·ing, re·viles
v. tr.
To assail with abusive language; vituperate.v. vi·tu·per·at·ed, vi·tu·per·at·ing, vi·tu·per·ates vi·tu·per·ate (v-tp-rt, -ty-, v-)
v. tr.
To rebuke or criticize harshly or abusively; berate
And whether or not you think it's a capital crime, God says it should be, and I'd rather listen to Him!
Then get out of the OT, because He sure doesn't mention homo killing in the NT. He just says that they will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
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New member
Hall of Fame
Lighthouse said:
Who are you to presume to know the nature of my salvation?

Considering how arrogant and presumptuous you can act, Brandon, maybe she's just returning the favor. :rolleyes:

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Lighthouse said:
Who are you to presume to know the nature of my salvation?
You can recognize a brother or sister in the Lord by their fruit. Your tree needs to be's dying.
Gal 5:22 - 23 ~But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.