Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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New member
I'm not even in favor of the execution of homosexuals. But God is.

He is? I think he is in favor of the sinner repenting and coming to salvation through Christ, but everyone is entitled to his own opinion.:sigh:

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9


New member
He is? I think he is in favor of the sinner repenting and coming to salvation through Christ, but everyone is entitled to his own opinion.:sigh:

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9
Wow, you are in the running for the most dense person to ever spam this site.


God wants child murdering rapists to repent, but he also wants those who have evil behavior to be punished.

You and countdown are so blinded by your self-righteousness, that you fail to understand basic biblical context.


IF homosexuality is a capital crime, and someone commits the act, they deserve the same punishment that a murderer, rapist, child molestor or adulteror deserves if they repent or not.

Someone's relationship with God has no bearing on whether or not they should be punished for their crimes.

So you did say Lighthouse's father should be put to death, even though he repented, if you could get a government to go along with your wicked view.

And you and Lighthouse are ignorant to want a government to do your bidding and claim that Moses ordained such, for no place did Moses give authority to "government" to put fornicators or other lawbreakers to death, for it is the citizen who was made responsible to accuse and to cast the first stones.
You are wicked beyond belief. I am very sorry for your children and wife.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame

And thankfully the government disagrees with you.
Thankfully? Are you afraid of being executed if they agreed with God?

Read the Bible for a change and you will see that all sexual immorality is fornication, and if one is married and commits fornication, it is adultery.
Fornication is defined as sexual relations between two unmarried people, in the dictionary and in the Bible. Why else would Paul have listed adultery, homosexuality and fornication together if the two prior acts were fornication already?

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
-1 Corinthians 6:9-10

Jude declares the sin of sodomy is fornication, as the angels who married human being women committed fornication as the men of Sodom and etc did.
Where in Jude?

That is what the Word says, and you need to go read it for yourself and learn. Pornography -visual self stinmulation- is fornication of the same sort as sodomy is. You are as guilty as those you want a tyrannical government to put to death.
Tell me where in Jude it says this, and I'll read it. I read Jude, and didn't find it.

Under Moses, the citizens put the immoral law breakers to death, not the "government", and they did it under the priesthood. so you want a government to take Moses and apply it selectively -but not to yourself, who sinned equally as all sodomites do. You are an ignorant hypocrite.
First off, the government oversaw it all. The civilians were allowed to participate in the execution, but that doesn't mean that they did it free of government.

Secondly, who says it doesn't apply to me? I never said that. I deserve the death penalty for something I did a few years ago. And if it had been the law in this land at the time, and I had still done it, I would be dead.


New member
So you did say Lighthouse's father should be put to death, even though he repented, if you could get a government to go along with your wicked view.
If he commits the crime, you faggot.

After you rape and murder a child, tell the judge that you "repent" and see if he shares your godless view! You stupid pervert!

You are wicked beyond belief. I am very sorry for your children and wife.
You go kill youself, you piece of crap. I hope you freakin' die and go to hell.

Try not to wake your mother when you rollover in bed tonight.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
He is? I think he is in favor of the sinner repenting and coming to salvation through Christ, but everyone is entitled to his own opinion.:sigh:

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9
He can't be in favor of both?


Hall of Fame
Thankfully? Are you afraid of being executed if they agreed with God?

Not at all...however, it is interesting that your arguments are so week that as soon as someone dares to disagree with you that you automatically accuse or imply they are a homosexual.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Thankfully? Are you afraid of being executed if they agreed with God?

Not at all...however, it is interesting that your arguments are so week that as soon as someone dares to disagree with you that you automatically accuse or imply they are a homosexual.
I didn't accuse you of anything. I merely asked a question because you used the word "thankfully." And since I was asking an honest question, I was implying no such thing. You're not a homo. Good for you.

By the way, this has nothing to do with the fact that you disagreed with me. It was about the word you used.


TOL Subscriber
He is? I think he is in favor of the sinner repenting and coming to salvation through Christ, but everyone is entitled to his own opinion.:sigh:

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9

When faced with certain death more people will repent and turn to Christ than if left to themselves or imprisoned.


Because God commanded that the government put them to death. Not civilians.:dunce::duh:
God never did command any such thing, as I said, and why do you not just take the time to read the Word for yourself and stop lying against what it says? Why do you want a system of government to do what Moses said the people were to do? Ignorance of the Word of God is your main downfall.

Deu 17:7 The hands of the witnesses shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterward the hands of all the people. So thou shalt put the evil away from among you.


When faced with certain death more people will repent and turn to Christ than if left to themselves or imprisoned.

Nope! Not since the garden! We all face certain death and many go on sinning with impunity, willfully.
You cannot get rid of sin by law, but only by the Grace of the Salvation brought by One Man.

When His house is full, He'll remove the wicked from the earth, until then, this is the Day of Salvation when the Church is to go into all the world in all the age preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ; who commands all men everywhere to repent and believe the Gospel. Those who rebel will be removed in the end, but till then, Jesus told us to not tear up the tares, lest the good seed be torn up with them.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
God never did command any such thing, as I said, and why do you not just take the time to read the Word for yourself and stop lying against what it says? Why do you want a system of government to do what Moses said the people were to do? Ignorance of the Word of God is your main downfall.

Deu 17:7 The hands of the witnesses shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterward the hands of all the people. So thou shalt put the evil away from among you.
How about you try following what someone meant instead of their wording?

God did not command for civilians to just go out and stone criminals. They had to be convicted and sentenced by the government first. Then the civilians would take part in the execution.

There. Is that better, :troll:?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Nope! Not since the garden! We all face certain death and many go on sinning with impunity, willfully.
You cannot get rid of sin by law, but only by the Grace of the Salvation brought by One Man.
The fact that you didn't understand what CRASH was saying just further proves that you are an idiot.


The fact that you didn't understand what CRASH was saying just further proves that you are an idiot.
You are ignorant of what I said and what history proves. The Law never was about repenting, that was about punishing the crimes to keep the nation of Israel pure -which it never did do, BTW.
The Holy Spirit is the only one who calls a sinner to repentence by the inside work He does on a heart -and if you love with the love of God you pray and intercede for sinners to be saved.
You really should learn the history of the world and see that tyranny is what you are calling for, which the devil would love to accomodate you with, but Jesus Christ came into this world to save sinners and His disciples call sinners to repentence. The disciples of Jesus Christ do not call down fire from heaven on sinners and Jesus did not give the power of the sword to the Church.
It is His goodness which leads men to repentence, and this is the day day of salvation, in which He is calling all men to come to Him freely and be made clean.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
You are ignorant of what I said and what history proves. The Law never was about repenting, that was about punishing the crimes to keep the nation of Israel pure -which it never did do, BTW.
The Holy Spirit is the only one who calls a sinner to repentence by the inside work He does on a heart -and if you love with the love of God you pray and intercede for sinners to be saved.
You really should learn the history of the world and see that tyranny is what you are calling for, which the devil would love to accomodate you with, but Jesus Christ came into this world to save sinners and His disciples call sinners to repentence. The disciples of Jesus Christ do not call down fire from heaven on sinners and Jesus did not give the power of the sword to the Church.
It is His goodness which leads men to repentence, and this is the day day of salvation, in which He is calling all men to come to Him freely and be made clean.


How about you try following what someone meant instead of their wording?

God did not command for civilians to just go out and stone criminals. They had to be convicted and sentenced by the government first. Then the civilians would take part in the execution.

You need to read the Word. The people who were witnesses had to bring their witness against a person to the priest. The people, not some federal power in some far off place, gave witness before other people, and the guilty was put to death by the hands of the witnesses acting first, and all the people entering in.

You are advocating a tyrannical form of government which will do it all for you -but only for that certain type of fornicators, and not for all, not for your friends and for others like yourself who also committed fornication.


New member
You are ignorant of what I said and what history proves. The Law never was about repenting, that was about punishing the crimes to keep the nation of Israel pure -which it never did do, BTW.
The Holy Spirit is the only one who calls a sinner to repentence by the inside work He does on a heart -and if you love with the love of God you pray and intercede for sinners to be saved.
You really should learn the history of the world and see that tyranny is what you are calling for, which the devil would love to accomodate you with, but Jesus Christ came into this world to save sinners and His disciples call sinners to repentence. The disciples of Jesus Christ do not call down fire from heaven on sinners and Jesus did not give the power of the sword to the Church.
It is His goodness which leads men to repentence, and this is the day day of salvation, in which He is calling all men to come to Him freely and be made clean.

According to YOU, Christians are NEVER allowed to abhor evil. They can NEVER tell their children to stay away from perverts like you. They can NEVER tell their neighbor if someone is breaking in their house. They can NEVER stop a rapist who is attacking a woman.

You are sick, pathetic excuse for a human. :vomit: