Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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lovemeorhateme said:
:thumb: A lot of people would disagree with you, but, hey, I am in full agreement!

You do not believe all life is precious, or you wouldn't idealize or support homo deathstyle.


New member
lovemeorhateme said:
You do seem to have more than enough of it in yourself. :chuckle:

Because I have a backbone and make right decisions, you want to say I have more than enough? :doh: Moron homo pervert.


New member
Granite said:
Quick solution: carry a firearm and nip the potential problem.

Back to the thread: I'm with OF, why don't those who advocate capital punishment for sodomy articulate their position? And why does homosexuality get attention when adultery, for example, which is also a capital offense gets overlooked?

Selective, people.

No, dopey. This thread is specifically about fags. However, since you bring up adultery: yes, those committing adultery should be executed too. God's way is best.


Man, I'm getting well confused. Look:

4 For God commanded, saying, ‘Honor your father and your mother’; and, ‘He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death.’

What if my dad was gay and he came out? This is getting complex! What would I say or do? :D


New member
Turbo said:
Newsflash: At birth, everyone (not just so-called "gay babies") has the potential to go hell when they eventually die.

God: I'm sorry James Dobson, Jr. You're name isn't written in the Book of Life, because you didn't verbally accept Jesus Christ as your Personal Lord and Savior (TM).
Baby: Bob-mah. Gek. Cookie Monstoo.
God: Off to hell with you...
Baby: Mahhh sa. Bye bye.


New member
lovemeorhateme said:
Rimi, please answer this question:

Do you or have you ever advocated the death penalty for a homosexual person?

I've already answered this in another thread, and you were aware of the answer. Why are you asking something you already the answer to?


New member
allsmiles said:
actually i didn't say anything like this, you did. nice, you're putting words in my mouth because the ones i actually speak leave you with no where to go.

listen, 1st) she doesn't know kung fu, she knows tae kwon do, 2nd) if someone were trying to rape her i wouldn't stand for it, i believe rape is wrong, it's hurtful and my philosophy is to be a benefit to all around me and 3rd) i'm not uncertain about rape being absolutely wrong, absolutes do not exist so no uncertainty can exist. it is wrong to me and to the people i surround myself with, but not to everyone. for something to be absolute it must be absolute to everyone, not just ideally IMHO.

Irrelevant what martial art she practices. The laws of physics still apply. F=ma and unless she gets real lucky, she's toast. But nice attempted at obfuscation. As for the rest, before you were born and had an opinion, was it ever absolutely wrong to rape a woman?


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
beanieboy said:
God: I'm sorry James Dobson, Jr. You're name isn't written in the Book of Life, because you didn't verbally accept Jesus Christ as your Personal Lord and Savior (TM).
Baby: Bob-mah. Gek. Cookie Monstoo.
God: Off to hell with you...
Baby: Mahhh sa. Bye bye.

You have no clue, and you prefer it that way.


New member
lovemeorhateme said:
The nerve that annoys me, boyfriend.

No, I didn't eat any of my meds 'all at once'. I am now no longer on those meds.

I don't think hating me is biblical. You show me one place the Bible tells you to hate someone. Bet ya can't!

I am not mocking God. You know very little about me. There are people on TOL who know a lot about me, and they would say the same as me.

Hateme, I know what you've told me in PM and on these boards. Unless you were lying, which would be typical of a homo, I know enough about you. You mock God and support homoism. Very well, then I hate those that hate the Lord: you.


New member
Granite said:
Rimi has found an anonymous way to vent the anger she cannot express in her life. Not the first time I've seen this on TOL.

Granite, assuming for a brief moment that you're correct . . . . and this would be a very big assumption . . . then the same applies to you.

Methinks blockhead protesteth too much, and all that.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
allsmiles said:
but if they grew up to be gay they'd be executed...
Likewise if they grew up to be murderers or kidnappers or adulterers. What's your point?

uh, it's the compassionate merciful thing to do... your god is compassionate and merciful sometimes, right?
What if the person who was killed as a baby in the womb decides he doesn't want to be in Heaven with God?

What's the matter?


New member
reverend said:
Are you suggesting she's territorial when it comes to men being snaffled from under her nose by homosexuals? :devil:

OK, now we know: you're a fag. Thanks!


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Hall of Fame
Turbo said:
For the record, I don't believe that aborted children all go to hell. Nor do I think they'll be forced to go to heaven.

But what's really sickening is the idea that we ought to kill our innocent children in an effort to force them into an eternal relationship with God. Even God put the tree of death in the Garden.

So "some" of them do and "some" of them don't? And if they don't get "forced" to heaven they go where? Limbo?


reverend said:
Man, I'm getting well confused. Look:

4 For God commanded, saying, ‘Honor your father and your mother’; and, ‘He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death.’

What if my dad was gay and he came out? This is getting complex! What would I say or do? :D

No one want to answer?


New member
erinmarie said:
I can't stand the love they neighbor argument when it's so blatantly abused. You're an unrepentant sinner, living a degenerate lifestyle and you think the worse offense is Rimi's anger? No matter where her anger is stemming from, or whether or not she may be a little ardent in her mocking, she is still judging you righteously according to The Word of God.

I often post this link to this article and thread, and offer it as a tool to see what Our Lord and Saviour told us about judging the unrepentant.

Read it, think about it, and realize that you are the the unrepentant sinner, and it's not funny. At all.

Hey, Erin. To set it right, I have only the anger of one who hates seeing people like Hateme mock God. He's been given the Gospel. He and I spent quite a bit of time in PMs. Our discourse was in depth and cordial. Yet now after all that he's confirmed what he is. So, my "anger" is also major disgust at this point at well.