Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Formerly Shimei!
The fourth commandments says nothing about going to church. If you are asking if you should be put to death for willfully violating the sabbath, God has already answered you in his word.

Heb 10:26-29 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. He that despised Moses’ law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

Fortunately, the sabbath is very easy to keep by resting from legalism, which is done by accepting the only standard of righteousness--love.

Do you keep the food and clothing laws?


New member
God wants us to conform to His ideal because He loves us and that is what is best for us. Example: Heterosexual sex between a married couple produces life. Homo sex produces disease and death.
Except when it doesn't. Your playing fast loose with genralities here. We aren't stupid.
And I can't force anyone to do anything, but that does that mean we should not have a justice system administered by the government.
And it should enforce secular laws only. There are no justifications for executing or even prosecuting homosexuals except religious ones. Your argument about disease is weak and frankly moronic. Not all homosexuals have disease or will ever contract one. Those who do have disease do not all spread it. Those who knowingly spread disease- well, you can have those ones. Or are you willing to start shooting people who develop avian bird flu?


New member
God wants us to conform to His ideal because He loves us and that is what is best for us. Example: Heterosexual sex between a married couple produces life. Homo sex produces disease and death.

And I can't force anyone to do anything, but that does that mean we should not have a justice system administered by the government.

Yes, lets all go back to stoning people right? Shimei, do you think that we should 'encourage' the government to execute adulterers in todays society - yes or no? :think:


Well-known member
Do you keep the food and clothing laws?
I fulfill the entire law by loving my neighbor (Rom 13:9; Gal 5:14; James 2:8).

You appear fixed on specific laws that you think are valid, and reject laws that you think are not valid based on a subjective standard. I am trying to understand your position, while I share my position.


Formerly Shimei!
I fulfill the entire law by loving my neighbor (Rom 13:9; Gal 5:14; James 2:8).

You appear fixed on specific laws that you think are valid, and reject laws that you think are not valid based on a subjective standard. I am trying to understand your position, while I share my position.

I do not keep the symbolic laws written for Israel which include the food laws. So to understand, you do not keep the food laws, correct?


Formerly Shimei!
Yes, lets all go back to stoning people right? Shimei, do you think that we should 'encourage' the government to execute adulterers in todays society - yes or no? :think:

The laws would have to be changed first. In fact, it still may be a law in some states. Adultery used to be a crime in this county.


Well-known member
I do not keep the symbolic laws written for Israel which include the food laws.
What are the symbolic laws? It appears that you are making an artificial distinction in the law.

The sabbath was not a symbolic law, and God sanctified the seventh-day before there was an Israel. Do you keep the sabbath?

It sound like you are saying that there are only nine commandments instead of ten.
So to understand, you do not keep the food laws, correct?
I do not keep any laws in the flesh, but I already answered your question: I fulfill the entire law by loving my neighbor (Rom 13:9; Gal 5:14; James 2:8).


Formerly Shimei!
What are the symbolic laws? It appears that you are making an artificial distinction in the law.

The sabbath was not a symbolic law, and God sanctified the seventh-day before there was an Israel. Do you keep the sabbath?

It sound like you are saying that there are only nine commandments instead of ten.
I do not keep any laws in the flesh, but I already answered your question: I fulfill the entire law by loving my neighbor (Rom 13:9; Gal 5:14; James 2:8).

I don't keep the Sabbath and I don't understand if you keep the food laws or not.

If I said that you don't, would that be correct? Hint: I am looking for a yes or a no, no need to give me those verses again.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I can see more people leaving motor racing than disengaging in homosexual activity. I can't see the sum total of the execution for racing being high compared to the deathtoll at all, year on year.

Was this supposed to be a question?

You're an arrogant, immature young man, with no sense of decorum and an overinflated sense of worth. See how far that (in my eyes, fair) assessment of you got us in the debate? Oh, nowhere...
I'm not conceited. I'm convinced. And the only worth I have is more than I would have ever given myself, and that is the worth of the life of the Living God [see my sig].

Actually, right then I was arguing against 'If the government were to execute people for engaging in homosexual activity, less people would engage in it, for fear of execution, and more lives would be saved, because they would be saved from killing themselves.' being justification to criminalise or execute homosexuals.
And? You failed. God has commanded you have decried. You've lost already.

Really? I've seen them live to a good age before now. and given the manner of their death, there is no reason that it isn't avoidable.
What age would that be?

Oh, and to remind you of what you said earlier : "When it comes to something that endangers more than a single person who is involving themselves, and is always dangerous, no matter the "precautions" taken, yes, I do."
Be careful not to hit anyone with that stick. It might help if you don't wear the sunglasses.

icilian fenner

New member

For most fans, motor racing isn't as engaging as one's sexuality. No, I don't have any study to point you towards, just my personal encounters with racing fans, and impressions through the media, along with my accumulated knowledge of homosexuals and humans in general.

Was this supposed to be a question?
Shoot, you got me.

I'm not conceited. I'm convinced. And the only worth I have is more than I would have ever given myself, and that is the worth of the life of the Living God [see my sig].
I'm not going to get into an argument over this, my overall point was name calling gets the debate nowhere.

And? You failed. God has commanded you have decried. You've lost already.
Oh you are being silly. Whether or not I believe that God commands the execution of homosexuals has nothing.
to do with whether "'If the government were to execute people for engaging in homosexual activity, less people would engage in it, for fear of execution, and more lives would be saved, because they would be saved from killing themselves.' justifies, fully or partly, criminalising or executing homosexuals.

What age would that be?
Google avails after a quick search:

Be careful not to hit anyone with that stick. It might help if you don't wear the sunglasses.

Ouch, my ego.

Please, just give it a try, answer arguments with actual to the point responses, refuting what you disagree with directly. You're bore the bejesus out of me.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
For most fans, motor racing isn't as engaging as one's sexuality. No, I don't have any study to point you towards, just my personal encounters with racing fans, and impressions through the media, along with my accumulated knowledge of homosexuals and humans in general.
I was referring to the "death toll" you were referring to. Do you have any evidence to show what the death toll is in motor sports.

Shoot, you got me.
If it's a question I'll answer it.

I'm not going to get into an argument over this, my overall point was name calling gets the debate nowhere.
Untrue. I learned that the hard way.

Oh you are being silly. Whether or not I believe that God commands the execution of homosexuals has nothing.
to do with whether "'If the government were to execute people for engaging in homosexual activity, less people would engage in it, for fear of execution, and more lives would be saved, because they would be saved from killing themselves.' justifies, fully or partly, criminalising or executing homosexuals.
But God's commanding it has quite a lot to do with it.


Also, what's the average life span of a homosexual?

Ouch, my ego.
I would think you were more ruled by your id.

Please, just give it a try, answer arguments with actual to the point responses, refuting what you disagree with directly. You're bore the bejesus out of me.
Done, and done. I'm tired of repeating myself.


New member
Simple example:
Murdering someone is worse than stealing a pen from work.

What about having hatred for someone versus telling someone you paid more than you really did in tithes?

Futhermore, Jesus told Pilate that the one who delivered Him had greater sin, because the Pharisees that delivered Him were the ones accusing Jesus, and wanting Him crucified. Pilate was not accusing Jesus. He believes Jesus is innocent, and would have let Him go if not for the crowd forcing him.

icilian fenner

New member
I was referring to the "death toll" you were referring to. Do you have any evidence to show what the death toll is in motor sports.
No, I don't. I have heard of people dying, and conclude that very few would carry on racing after it was made illegal.

If it's a question I'll answer it.
It was.

Untrue. I learned that the hard way.
You mean you actually enhance the search for the ins and outs of an issue by ad homing people when you can't respond to them? :think:

But God's commanding it has quite a lot to do with it.
Would I be wrong if I thought that God commanded the execution of homosexuals

Also, what's the average life span of a homosexual?
No idea. And I'm not saying that STD's aren't more prevalent in homosexuals, though I don't know. What I am saying is that they don't have to end up dead, which is obvious from a cursory investigation as to what it is that kills them.

I would think you were more ruled by your id.
Yea, back to the topic.

Done, and done. I'm tired of repeating myself.

Have you heck.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
No, I don't. I have heard of people dying, and conclude that very few would carry on racing after it was made illegal.
I doubt they'd quit. Just like dogfights, and such. But if you have no idea what the death toll is, you have no basis for your argument.

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You mean you actually enhance the search for the ins and outs of an issue by ad homing people when you can't respond to them? :think:

Would I be wrong if I thought that God commanded the execution of homosexuals

No idea. And I'm not saying that STD's aren't more prevalent in homosexuals, though I don't know. What I am saying is that they don't have to end up dead, which is obvious from a cursory investigation as to what it is that kills them.
No, but most of them do. Of course, those who leave it behind early enough escape that destiny.

Have you heck.
You went to public school didn't you? Your grammar is atrocious!