Shooting Suspect Was on School Rifle Team That Got NRA Grant

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Ban cars:Nearly 1.3 million people die in road crashes each year.

15,549 people were killed by guns in the United States in 2017, excluding most suicides, according to data collected by Gun Violence Archive (GVA).


The Barbarian

Don't like being called out as promoting evil?

I'm not saying you're consciously promoting evil. I have no idea what your actual intentions are.

Is it not evil to promote falsehoods? Lies?

If you are aware that it is, then you are at fault.

Thus far, that is all you have placed in this thread. You intentionally twist and manipulate information, in order to push a false image and agenda. To build it up, you also add in lies and falsehoods, bolstering the false image and agenda.

If you'd like to show me an example, we could talk about it. But I suspect that this isn't about the truth for you. If I'm wrong, feel free to bring something up and we'll take a closer look at it.

There is an issue related to this:

News media have become more negative over time:
Putting aside the wiggles and waves that reflect the crises of the day, we see that the impression that the news has become more negative over time is real. The New York Times got steadily more morose from the early 1960s to the early 1970s, lightened up a bit (but just a bit) in the 1980s and 1990s, and then sank into a progressively worse mood in the first decade of the new century. News outlets in the rest of the world, too, became gloomier and gloomier from the late 1970s to the present day.

The consequences of negative news are themselves negative. Far from being better informed, heavy newswatchers can become miscalibrated. They worry more about crime, even when rates are falling, and sometimes they part company with reality altogether: a 2016 poll found that a large majority of Americans follow news about Isis closely, and 77% agreed that “Islamic militants operating in Syria and Iraq pose a serious threat to the existence or survival of the United States,” a belief that is nothing short of delusional.

Hence, the hysteria about Syrian refugee terrorists. We've yet to see one attack from a Syrian refugee.

Or the notion of a crime wave. Crime of all kinds is much less common than it was a couple of decades ago.

And so on.

The Barbarian


There was an armed officer on duty at the school in Parkland, Florida. How did that work out?

You still think the NRA is right to support arming the mentally ill? Do you still think Trump was right to sign a bill making it easier for this shooter to get a weapon?

Having armed guards at a school is fine. Even better is keeping guns out of the hands of crazy people.



There was an armed officer on duty at the school in Parkland, Florida. How did that work out?

You still think the NRA is right to support arming the mentally ill? Do you still think Trump was right to sign a bill making it easier for this shooter to get a weapon?

Having armed guards at a school is fine. Even better is keeping guns out of the hands of crazy people.

Bring back the firing squad

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The Barbarian

So let's see: The NRA gives grants to teach kids gun safety, safe gun practices and the correct way to use a gun.

And helps a mentally-ill kid, who said he wanted to shoot up schools, become a good shot.

That's a great thing. So far so good.

A lot of people in the high school he shot up would disagree with you. Seventeen of them can't. They're dead.

[quote[Then, one moron goes insane, probably due to the liberal freak show society created by the Left, and he violates everything he was taught and kills people.[/quote]

He remembered very well what he was taught. He killed a lot of people, thanks to his training and Trump's signing a law making it easier for crazy people to get guns.

Conclusion: The NRA did a great thing for kids

Getting shot doesn't sound like a great thing to me.

and in an entirely unrelated event

He was mentally-disturbed. Had threatened to be a school shooter. NRA trained him to be a good shot. And he remembered his training and put it to use.

some freak influenced by Liberalism

If you think the NRA is liberal, we've found the problem.

killed a bunch of people.

Yep. How many others like him will be trained by the NRA, and able to buy guns because Trump made it easy for crazy people to do it?

That about sums up what happened.

The Barbarian

Bring back the firing squad

Happened at Parkland.

Meanwhile, one of Cruz's victims, Anthony Borges, 15, continued his recovery. He's one of four patients who remain hospitalized after Wednesday's massacre in Parkland. He was shot five times, according to the Broward County Sheriff's Office.

On Sunday, the teen remained in a bed, his face swollen and his body tethered to IV and oxygen tubes.

"Fortunately, he is recovering -- but has a long road ahead with more surgeries needed," according to a Broward County Sheriff's Office Facebook post.

Anthony helped protect his classmates, closing and locking a door to a classroom, according to a verified GoFundMe account that, as of late Monday morning, had raised more than $275,000 late Monday. As Anthony blocked the door, Cruz fired through it, hitting Anthony in the back and in both legs, shattering his thigh bone, according to the account's description.

To America, Anthony is a hero. To the NRA, he's just the cost of doing business.


Hall of Fame
Oh I'm not angry I find it amusing that you are so upest that Trump is president that you blame Trump for everything that happens

Should Trump have made it easier for unbalanced people to purchase/own guns? A simple yes or no will suffice.


New member
How is he unbalanced? Just some psychiatrist said he was? Who are they to say who is sane or insane? Who's to say that he's not the sane one and the pschyc isn't insane? So I don't think Trump it's wrong.

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Hall of Fame
How is he unbalanced?

He went to his high school to murder people. He murdered 17 people. Do you consider such actions as *balanced*? Should individuals who pose a threat to others be allowed to own any type of firearms?

A simple yes or no will suffice.


We need to lynch the shooter this Friday night on cnn for all of us to heal.

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New member
I'm not saying you're consciously promoting evil. I have no idea what your actual intentions are.
This seems like evidence that you did not watch the video I posted.

At the end, Crowder calls out those for gun bans as promoting evil. Thus, my comment of promoting evil was directed at you.

If you'd like to show me an example, we could talk about it. But I suspect that this isn't about the truth for you. If I'm wrong, feel free to bring something up and we'll take a closer look at it.
Challenge accepted. See below.

I don't even have to go far to prove your intolerance for facts that disprove your view. Let's look at one of your recent conversations, in which you spill the same filth that you did earlier in the thread.
Here is your conversation with CatholicCrusader:
So let's see: The NRA gives grants to teach kids gun safety, safe gun practices and the correct way to use a gun.
You: And helps a mentally-ill kid, who said he wanted to shoot up schools, become a good shot.
And false. The school applied for a grant from the NRA. The NRA gave it to the school, for safety glasses, and safety materials for the air-rifle group, which the murderer joined.

Notice it is for safety and an air-rifle team. No training to shoot. No action from the NRA at all except to give grant money for safety promotion. Quite a difference from teaching a murderer to be a good shot.

Crusader: That's a great thing. So far so good.
You: A lot of people in the high school he shot up would disagree with you. Seventeen of them can't. They're dead.
Wow. Really standing on the graves of murdered kids to shout about your campaign and agenda, aren't you.

So kind. So sympathetic. So considerate. So regal.

Crusader: Then, one moron goes insane, probably due to the liberal freak show society created by the Left, and he violates everything he was taught and kills people.
You: He remembered very well what he was taught. He killed a lot of people, thanks to his training and Trump's signing a law making it easier for crazy people to get guns.
Several issues here, which contradict reality.

Again, he wasn't trained on weapons other than air-rifles, by the shooting team. I have never seen a successful air-rifle spree kill humans reported.

And here comes the Trump bashing. So, you blame Trump for the murdered kids, and for the murderer being able to kill kids? Gotcha. Do you blame Obama for the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry? Or how about those at Benghazi? All of which fall under Obama's jurisdiction, and actual responsibilities as Commander in Chief.

Do you also blame Obama for the 49 killed in the Orlando nightclub? After all, it was Obama's decision to allow terrorists to get guns.

Crusader: and in an entirely unrelated event
You: He was mentally-disturbed. Had threatened to be a school shooter. NRA trained him to be a good shot. And he remembered his training and put it to use.
Oh, look, here you are spreading the same falsehood; the NRA trained the shooter.

You keep pushing this falsehood, as if repetition will make it true.

Crusader: some freak influenced by Liberalism
You: If you think the NRA is liberal, we've found the problem.
Again, pushing the falsehood.

Crusader: killed a bunch of people.
You: Yep. How many others like him will be trained by the NRA, and able to buy guns because Trump made it easy for crazy people to do it?
Again. Same promotion of falsehood.

This time though, you did manage to also squeeze a blame of Trump in there as well.

So, now that you have been educated and shown how claiming "the NRA trained the shooter" is a falsehood, you should cease to use that as a claim.

If you want to blame Trump, you should be intellectually consistent, and blame Obama for the Orlando shooting, Benghazi, etc.

Naturally, I doubt that either of these will occur, because you don't care about facts, truth, or reality.

The Barbarian

This seems like evidence that you did not watch the video I posted.

At the end, Crowder calls out those for gun bans as promoting evil. Thus, my comment of promoting evil was directed at you.

I don't see whacked-out conspiracy theorists as being worth listening to. However, if you found any of his comments worth discussing, you could bring them up here. If you're promoting evil, I'd say that was not a good thing. But I don't have any reason to think that you're consciously doing so. I'm just looking at the consequences of your ideas.

Challenge accepted. See below.
And false. The school applied for a grant from the NRA. The NRA gave it to the school, for safety glasses, and safety materials for the air-rifle group, which the murderer joined.

Notice it is for safety and an air-rifle team. No training to shoot. No action from the NRA at all except to give grant money for safety promotion. Quite a difference from teaching a murderer to be a good shot.

So your claim is that they didn't actually send an NRA representative to do this, they just funded the training of the killer, to make him a better shot. It appears that you're arguing with yourself.

And here comes the Trump bashing. So, you blame Trump for the murdered kids, and for the murderer being able to kill kids?

It was unbelievable that Trump signed a law making it easier for crazy people to get guns. How can anyone justify that?

Do you blame Obama for the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry?

If he had signed a law making it easier to kill Border Patrol agents, he'd be just a guilty as Trump.

Or how about those at Benghazi?

While Secretary of State Clinton told the republicans that cutting embassy security was a bad idea, I think Obama should have been more forceful in pressuring them to restore the cuts:

Chaffetz was asked by host Soledad O'Brien if he had voted to cut funding for embassy security in the past during an interview on CNN's "Starting Point."

"Absolutely. Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country," said Chaffetz. "We have ... 15,0000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, a private army, there, for President Obama, in Baghdad. And we’re talking about, can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces? When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things."

All of which fall under Obama's jurisdiction,

No. Congress does not work for the president. The House republicans decided that our embassies did not need increased security, and the rest is history.

Do you also blame Obama for the 49 killed in the Orlando nightclub?

If he had signed a bill making it easier for the mentally-ill to buy guns, I would have.

After all, it was Trump's decision to allow terrorists to get guns.

Oh, look, here you are spreading the same falsehood; the NRA trained the shooter.

Ah, they merely funded the training. Turns out no NRA person actually did the training; they just paid for it.

But since I already pointed that out, you're kinda grasping at straws, um?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I think people should have to qualify a sniper test with a 416 Rigby.:think:

Really, what good is a 223? It is a varmint calbre made to shoot in heavy barreled varmint rifles, or wound, not kill, but wound people. In war, a wound is better than a kill.

223, oh get a 224 magnum and go prairie dog hunting!


He didn't have an eating disorder. He talked about becoming a school shooter. Trump and the NRA made his goal possible.

I have watched the news about it. It is terrible.

He broadcasted similar things many times too. It could easily prevented it.


Well-known member
The troubled teen authorities say killed 17 people at a Florida high school excelled in an air-rifle marksmanship program supported by a grant from the National Rifle Association Foundation, part of a multimillion-dollar effort by the gun group to support youth shooting clubs and other programs.

Nikolas Cruz, 19, was wearing a maroon shirt with the logo from the Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps program at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School when he was arrested Wednesday shortly after the shooting. Former JROTC cadets told The Associated Press that Cruz was a member of the small varsity marksmanship team that trained together after class and traveled to other area schools to compete.

And the NRA successfully paid enough congressmen to repeal a law restricting mentally-ill people from buying guns.

And you know he was mentally ill at the time of his marksmanship class how?

The Barbarian

And you know he was mentally ill at the time of his marksmanship class how?

He claimed that he wanted to be a professional school shooter.

The FBI was tipped off about a YouTube comment from someone using the name “nikolas cruz” who said they were going to "be a professional school shooter” in September - five months before a man with same name allegedly opened fire on pupils in Florida.

The bureau had received information about the comment last year, said Robert Lasky, the special agent in charge of the Miami division.


Well-known member
He claimed that he wanted to be a professional school shooter.

The FBI was tipped off about a YouTube comment from someone using the name “nikolas cruz” who said they were going to "be a professional school shooter” in September - five months before a man with same name allegedly opened fire on pupils in Florida.

The bureau had received information about the comment last year, said Robert Lasky, the special agent in charge of the Miami division.

Hmmmmmm, ok....scouring thru your reply. No NRA...hmmm odd.

Seems you should be upset the FBI (a federal agency) didn't communicate anything to the school or to the JROTC....