Shooting at First Baptist Church in Texas


I read he was a self described atheist. Clearly, he blamed those "goody goody Christians"....his ex wife's family were church goers. Some men just hate good and love evil. This guy seems to be one of those.
I haven't [seen] a murderer yet who isn't one of those men, including all terrorists.
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This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Well seeing as language needs to mean the same thing for both the speaker and the hearer for it to work we have definitions. Usually held in dictionary's :)


The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

You seem to be wishing to remove that last part from the standard definition. Your reasons maybe laudable and I think well motivated, but I must disagree.

Gary K

New member

I continue to be appalled as to the number of conservative Christians who are the most ardent supporters of the NRA agenda - including the proliferation of assault weapons!

1. An AR-15 which the general public can buy off the shelf is not an assualt rifle. Assault rifles are legal for only law enforcement, intelligence, and military personell.

2. Why shouldn't conservative Christian's be in favor of liberty? To me it seems to be a no-brainer. Our Constitution is the only protection we have to worship as we please, to speak our minds freely, and to follow the dictates of our own consciences. And yet you seemingly advocate that we give all that up, for once the Constitution is invalidated in one area it is much easier to invalidate in another area. It is a very slippery slope once that road is entered.

3. Liberty is only achieved through blood shed. History teaches us that. Ask the Anglo-Saxons. Ask the Dutch. Ask the Belgians. Ask the French. Ask the Finns. Ask Americans. Ask the Poles. Ask any nation or people that has throughout history had to fight to become a free nation. And, liberty is only maintained at the price of blood and suffering too. Even those nations who became free without violence only had that chance because others who came before them had died for their own liberty, and as such passed that liberty on to others when the time came, rather than making them shed blood. The desire to enslave/control others has lived within the hearts of man ever since the fall of Adam and Eve. It is a part of human nature that we cannot escape through wishful thinking. And, it is encouraged by our great enemy, the devil. It is one of the fundamental principles of his kingdom, and he is the prince of this world.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
The main difference is murderers. We've got more murderers than you do.

That's blatantly true, but why?

Are Americans more evil? Is your society more broken? Or does a gun mean that it is more likely that an angry man becomes a killer?

I think its more of the the last one, than the first two


Well seeing as language needs to mean the same thing for both the speaker and the hearer for it to work we have definitions. Usually held in dictionary's :)


The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

You seem to be wishing to remove that last part from the standard definition. Your reasons maybe laudable and I think well motivated, but I must disagree.
Then give me a better word.


Well-known member
I wish we could and life was that simple but its not.

But just because we cant eliminate one evil, does not mean we should ignore what can be done about another.

The UK murder rate is 0.98 per 100,000 population, the US is 4.88 per 100,000 population the main difference is guns.

Obfuscate and insult all you want, but you blindly defend a system that needlessly kills Americans.

When you've first perfected your society, you will have earned the credibility to criticize others.


New member
evil, barbaric, senseless, slaughter, meaningless, vicious, repugnant ... do I need to add more?

Who do you think is inciting the people to act this way?

You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother _ _ _ _ _ _, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the _ _ _ _ _ _ might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.



Well-known member
So, your argument is, as I see it, that we need to destroy the Constitution to protect ourselves. We need to place ourselves within the confines of a totally benevolent dictatorship to be safe, as if such a thing as a completely benevolent dictatorship exists. Ask the Venezualens, Cubans, Chinese, North Koreans, etc... if you don't believe me. My question is, at what cost safety? To me, liberty is worth far, far more than safety. Nothing can ever guarantee us safety, so why give away liberty in an attempt to gain a mirage? To me the tradeoff is simply unacceptable. I know what it's like to live in a dictatorship. I grew up in one in which one person's word was law, and woe betide you if you crossed that will no matter how unintentionally.

Liberty of conscience, liberty of thought, liberty of action, liberty to protect yourself is worth far more than the alternative. It's like comparing diamonds to mud.

How reactive. How is it you see others as diametrically opposed to you if they question what you say? Do you have a big need to brand and pigeon-hole others? I identified myself already as a gun owner,a 22 rifle. I have had a number of other guns as well. 32m handgun was the largest, but I have fired a variety of guns at shooting ranges. Nothing wrong there.

Do you think felons should have guns? They can't vote. Do you think we should not have background checks?

Do you think criminally insane should have a gun?

Do you think a man who spent a year in military jail for beating his wife and her child should own a gun?

How does limiting gun ownership to responsible citizens destroying the Constitution? I am not reading in the 2nd amendment every lunatic and criminal has the right to own a gun.

2nd Amendment said:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I continue to be appalled as to the number of conservative Christians who are the most ardent supporters of the NRA agenda - including the proliferation of assault weapons!
I continue to be appalled as to the number of weenies that always expect someone else to protect them instead of taking some responsibility yourselves.
There is not anything that a law enforcement officer could have done at that church than you could have done yourself.
It only took one neighbor with a gun and willing to use it that sent the murderer on the run.
No telling how many more would have lost their lives if everyone just waited for official responders to show up.
Stop blaming the 2nd amendment for you being such a weenie.


evil, barbaric, senseless, slaughter, meaningless, vicious, repugnant ... do I need to add more?
Sure, murderous, wicked, barbarous, vile, cowardly, wrong, gravely immoral, antisocial, just any word that you could describe abortion on demand with, yes. None of these words is working, as a WORD. TERRORISM as a word does work, because we already know how to think wrt acts of terror, and all we need to do is start thinking in this way, when these acts of terrorism occur. We're stumbling and bumbling around for how to respond to these attacks, and we just have to identify it as terrorism and we'll "figger" it out. But we have to acknowledge it as terrorism so we can make sense of the senseless slaughter (two of your words).

Unfortunately, we know they will continue, it's not right now reasonable to believe the terror attacks will stop, because we're in the middle of a war with terrorists of all stripes. This is the most frightening enemy army we've ever faced, because they're like drones, zombies, unorganized, no purpose, no moral limits, impossible to detect right now, and they are among US.

You people have made your choice in your own war with this walking dead army. You caved, to make them stop attacking you. You gave in, and they've definitely taken a break, because you caved, and now you're stripped of freedom that your forbears possessed. I estimate that you'll reverse that choice, and that when you do, it will be too little too late, and a very sad day indeed for your home kingdom. So I hope you don't wait that long, for all of your sakes.

You don't think the terrorists went away, do you? They're still there with you. They'll kill you just as soon as look at you, we know, tragically, from experience.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
So, your argument is, as I see it, that we need to destroy the Constitution to protect ourselves. We need to place ourselves within the confines of a totally benevolent dictatorship to be safe, as if such a thing as a completely benevolent dictatorship exists. Ask the Venezualens, Cubans, Chinese, North Koreans, etc... if you don't believe me. My question is, at what cost safety? To me, liberty is worth far, far more than safety. Nothing can ever guarantee us safety, so why give away liberty in an attempt to gain a mirage? To me the tradeoff is simply unacceptable. I know what it's like to live in a dictatorship. I grew up in one in which one person's word was law, and woe betide you if you crossed that will no matter how unintentionally.

Liberty of conscience, liberty of thought, liberty of action, liberty to protect yourself is worth far more than the alternative. It's like comparing diamonds to mud.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Really is that the tone of someone 'Mature in the Lord'?

Texas has highest rates of gun ownership and some of the least restrictive gun laws in the world. Yet 26 people including women and children were murdered before the armed citizens were able to respond. Were they weenies?

This is hardly a month after 58 people were gunned down at a country music show in Vegas. Were they weenies for not taking assault rifles to a music concert?

Maybe the answer is less guns not more guns, maybe im wrong but cant we debate whhtout insulting each other ?

We both profess a faith which has a tradition of not responding to violence with violence.

Was Stephen a weenie? Or Peter? or Paul? or James? or any of those other unnamed martyrs of first century who refused to defend themselves?

What about Jesus, what would you call him? Should he not of have defended himself? Was he being a weenie when he tells us to turn the other cheek?

I continue to be appalled as to the number of weenies that always expect someone else to protect them instead of taking some responsibility yourselves.
There is not anything that a law enforcement officer could have done at that church than you could have done yourself.
It only took one neighbor with a gun and willing to use it that sent the murderer on the run.
No telling how many more would have lost their lives if everyone just waited for official responders to show up.
Stop blaming the 2nd amendment for you being such a weenie.


1. An AR-15 which the general public can buy off the shelf is not an assualt rifle. Assault rifles are legal for only law enforcement, intelligence, and military personell.

2. Why shouldn't conservative Christian's be in favor of liberty? To me it seems to be a no-brainer. Our Constitution is the only protection we have to worship as we please, to speak our minds freely, and to follow the dictates of our own consciences. And yet you seemingly advocate that we give all that up, for once the Constitution is invalidated in one area it is much easier to invalidate in another area. It is a very slippery slope once that road is entered.

3. Liberty is only achieved through blood shed. History teaches us that. Ask the Anglo-Saxons. Ask the Dutch. Ask the Belgians. Ask the French. Ask the Finns. Ask Americans. Ask the Poles. Ask any nation or people that has throughout history had to fight to become a free nation. And, liberty is only maintained at the price of blood and suffering too. Even those nations who became free without violence only had that chance because others who came before them had died for their own liberty, and as such passed that liberty on to others when the time came, rather than making them shed blood. The desire to enslave/control others has lived within the hearts of man ever since the fall of Adam and Eve. It is a part of human nature that we cannot escape through wishful thinking. And, it is encouraged by our great enemy, the devil. It is one of the fundamental principles of his kingdom, and he is the prince of this world.


The NRA's version of Creation!


I continue to be appalled as to the number of weenies that always expect someone else to protect them instead of taking some responsibility yourselves.
There is not anything that a law enforcement officer could have done at that church than you could have done yourself.
It only took one neighbor with a gun and willing to use it that sent the murderer on the run.
No telling how many more would have lost their lives if everyone just waited for official responders to show up.
Stop blaming the 2nd amendment for you being such a weenie.
You could have done it yourself especially with a rifle; it's much easier to shoot accurately (the only just reason for gun control) with a rifle than with any handgun, even while under the influence of epinephrine/adrenaline. Plus any rifle is easily accurate out to 100 yards, and most people can hit a person from 150 yards or more with a decent site and a little patience and discipline, and many people can be accurate out to 500 yards or more with good optics and a good gauge of the wind. Handguns can be accurate only in the hands of the very best shooters at those ranges, trick shot type shooters, while most people couldn't rely upon it to stop a person from much beyond 50 yards, and within 20 yards is really where most people would need to be aiming to hit a person reliably.


I feel safe at every church I attend because I know there is virtually no chance that man will burst in with evil intent armed with an assault rifle and dressed in body armour.

In a country with 300,000,000 guns in personal possession, I understand the feeling of wanting good men round with guns to keep you safe.

But I feel and stats show i am safer in a country with virtually no guns in public ownership.
Have you ever borne arms? Have you ever been armed? Military, police? As a civilian?