Salvation is not cheap it is FREE


Well-known member
Are you saying that you love God with all your heart, soul and mind?

Are you saying you are not a brazen liar?

Even if it were possible you would not be saved because obeying laws do not produce salvation....salvation is by faith.

You have not achieved salvation yet so it is not likely that you will be able to achieve it before you will die in your sin.

Yall both alike, teaching Salvation by works, by what a person does !

Totton Linnet

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False Teaching, Christ closed the deal. Those Christ died for are reconciled to God [saved from the penalty of their sins] while they are enemies. That closed the deal. You deny Christ and promote Salvation by what a person does !

That is not the scripture

First it is Foreknowledge then Predestiny then Election then the call

Salvation is effected when we receive the call, the call comes when we hear the gospel. you can argue until you are blue in the face [and you will] but everyone who is called answers that call.

Paul is the example, when he was floored he cried "who art Thou Lord?" and the Lord directed him to Damascas "and it shall be shown you what you must do"

You would immediately denounce the Lord for preaching works wouldn't you. Just like you say faith is not necessary but er ah well God says we are saved by grace through faith.

Believing is not work, calling upon the Lord is not work. Both believing and calling are the work of the Holy Spirit in us...."God has sent His Spirit into our hearts crying "Abba Father"

Totton Linnet

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No one says we can keep without help of the HS.
Jesus' standards are super high, there is no way we can keep without the help of the HS.

Jesus says anything is possible with God's help. He is talking about the HS obviously.

Christ does not say obey and be saved He says BELIEVE and be you start off from a position of disobedience.

Nobody receives the Holy Spirit until they are have testified that you are not saved.


Well-known member
Pay attention we our saved by what the Holy Ghost does IN US, that includes our believing and calling.
Those Christ died for are reconciled saved by what Christ did for them, His Death alone made them Righteous, Rom 5:10,19! You teach salvation by works, a false gospel!


Well-known member
Christ does not say obey and be saved He says BELIEVE and be you start off from a position of disobedience.

Nobody receives the Holy Spirit until they are have testified that you are not saved.
You teach salvation by works, by what a person does, that is a false gospel!


New member
. . .

Believing is not work, calling upon the Lord is not work. Both believing and calling are the work of the Holy Spirit in us...."God has sent His Spirit into our hearts crying "Abba Father"
so you were still spiritually dead when the HS did the believing and calling for you?

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
so you were still spiritually dead when the HS did the believing and calling for you?

Did YOU see the Holy Ghost when you first heard the gospel? neither did I, He is like the wind who blows where He listeth...but you hear the sound of Him.

You don't hear the Holy Spirit you hear the noise He makes IN PEOPLE.

Paul said sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts crying Abba Father, and no [pay attention] I was not spiritually dead I was brought ALIVE, that is the first thing God does. Then we believe on Him, then we cry to Him

Ben Masada

New member
Eternal life cannot be earned, bought, or worked for. It is given as a free gift from God. You cannot be a Christian by name only. You must become a member of the Body of Christ. You must be indwelt and sealed by the Holy Spirit. You must receive freely the righteousness of Christ through faith in His death and

I must not and I would not because we belong in the same category of Faith and owe our duty to the same God. We can't believe by faith but by sight aka understanding. (II Cor. 5:7)

Ben Masada

New member
Eternal life cannot be earned, bought, or worked for. It is given as a free gift from God. You cannot be a Christian by name only. You must become a member of the Body of Christ. You must be indwelt and sealed by the Holy Spirit. You must receive freely the righteousness of Christ through faith in His death and resurrection.

Eternal life cannot be earned, bought, or worked for. Neither given as a free gift from God. The Lord forbade eternal life from the very beginning in the Garden of Eden if you read Genesis 3:22. To believe that Jesus died we need no faith. That he experienced resurrection yes, Christians need a lot of faith. As the Jews are concerned, even faith is not necessary because we don't believe by faith but by sight aka understanding.


Well-known member
Eternal life cannot be earned, bought, or worked for. Neither given as a free gift from God. The Lord forbade eternal life from the very beginning in the Garden of Eden if you read Genesis 3:22. To believe that Jesus died we need no faith. That he experienced resurrection yes, Christians need a lot of faith. As the Jews are concerned, even faith is not necessary because we don't believe by faith but by sight aka understanding.

You don't believe the scripture, how could you since you don't believe Paul's Epistles to be the scripture of truth.

Ben Masada

New member
You are a Jew so you know that the law never saved anybody, shackles is as far wrong as the Jews were, stiffnecked and rebellious.

Were not for the Law, we would all be in big troubles. No one can be justified on the excuse that he or she did not know. Especially under the New Covenant, no one will be let go scot-free under the excuse that he did not know.


New member
Salvation by obedience to commands has never been offered to anyone at any time for any reason, and will not be.


But the point has been completely missed by you!

I don't think anyone is saying that a person can be saved by his own works and nothing else. What is being said is: A person must have BOTH---faith in the saving power of Jesus' sacrifice AND deeds to go hand-in-hand WITH our faith.

There are many scriptures that call on us to do good works. But this is AFTER we have accepted Jesus as our Savior.

"Faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself." (James 2:17, NASB)

"Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven." (Matt.5:16, NASB)

"...that they should repent and turn to God, performing deeds appropriate to repentance." (Acts 26:20, NASB)

"[God] will render to each person according to his deeds." (Romans 2:6)

"Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share." (I Timothy 6:18)

"[Christ] gave himself for us to redeem us from every lawless deed, and to purify for himself a people for his own possession, zealous for good deeds." (Titus 2:14)

"This is a trustworthy statement; and concerning these things I want you to speak confidently, so that those who have believed God will be careful to engage in good deeds." (Titus 3:8)

There are so many more I can't post them all here. Some others: Titus 3:14; Hebrews 10:24; James 2:18; I Peter 2:12.



New member

Whew! Humility?

BTW...."Hallelujah" means Praise Jehovah.