Salvation is not cheap it is FREE

Totton Linnet

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If you do not accept God's salvation for FREE you shall not have it. You cannot pay for it neither can you earn it by works of righteousness

Salvation by obedience to commands has been found impossible.

In order to receive God's salvation for FREE you have to humble yourself greatly because we humans do not like to receive things for free, we think if a thing is free it is not worth anything. We like to think we can do our own thank you very much.

Every fibre of our humanity cries out to do something or to give something to God....this is vicious pride. Because we are ashamed to come as beggars to God and throw ourselves upon His goodness and grace.

Any who claim that obedience to commands is the way to salvation is a rank hypocrite because the requirement is too severe, IMPOSSIBLE.

Jesu's command is "thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, with all thy soul and with all thy mind, and then thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."

I here now challenge ANYBODY to stand up and say "yes I qualify, I have met this command"

We have found them to be the greatest hypocrites of all.

There is one group of people who run to Jesus when they hear that salvation is FREE, they are the sinners, sinners who know they are sinners and who know they can never be what God demands they must be.

Of such I am so happy to tell you I am one.
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Salvation by obedience to commands has never been offered to anyone at any time for any reason, and will not be.


Jesus did. Jesus says "if you love Me, keep My commands".

If we don't love Jesus, there is no salvation.

Jesus' word is not honored by many Christians.

That makes it cheap salvation.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
If you do not accept God's salvation for FREE you shall not have it. You cannot pay for it neither can you earn it by works of righteousness

Salvation by obedience to commands has been found impossible.

In order to receive God's salvation for FREE you have to humble yourself greatly because we humans do not like to receive things for free, we think if a thing is free it is not worth anything. We like to think we can do our own thank you very much.

Every fibre of our humanity cries out to do something or to give something to God....this is vicious pride. Because we are ashamed to come as beggars to God and throw ourselves upon His goodness and grace.

Any who claim that obedience to commands is the way to salvation is a rank hypocrite because the requirement is to severe IMPOSSIBLE.

Jesu's command is "thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, with all thy soul and with all thy mind, and then thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."

I here now challenge ANYBODY to stand up and say "yes I qualify, I have met this command"

We have found them to be the greatest hypocrites of all.

There is one group of people who run to Jesus when they hear that salvation is FREE, they are the sinners, sinners who know they are sinners and who know they can never be what God demands they must be.

Of such I am so happy to tell you I am one.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Jesus did. Jesus says "if you love Me, keep My commands".

If we don't love Jesus, there is no salvation.

Jesus' word is not honored by many Christians.

That makes it cheap salvation.

Give us some names of posters who don't honor Jesus words? You're
being a clown again.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Is Meshak the ONLY person on planet earth that is obedient 100% of the time?
According to her, she must be. Yet, she's said, she doesn't KNOW if she's
saved? Now there's a strange dichotomy?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Meshak ONLY trusts in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and sometimes John. She
rejects the rest of the Bible and calls the Apostle Paul an anti-Christ. She
has stated that, "The Jehovah Witnesses are godly people." Which, begs
the question, why doesn't she join their little cult?


Well-known member

If you do not accept God's salvation for FREE you shall not have it. You cannot pay for it neither can you earn it by works of righteousness

False comment and promotes Salvation by works !

Those Christ died for have Salvation from the penalty of sin and are Reconciled to God while they are yet being God hating enemies Rom 5:10

10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

Thats because they received it[reconciliation with God] as a Gift of Gods Grace !

So your comment is a lie against the Truth !

Ben Masada

New member
Salvation is not Cheap; it is free.

Salvation is not Cheap; it is free.

The kind of salvation that is free is the one referred by Jesus as the salvation that comes from the Jews. You may read John 4:22 for that. There are two types of salvation: Universal salvation and personal salvation; universal salvation from universal catastrophes and personal salvation from our personal shortcomings. This salvation has nothing free. We must pay to achieve it. Jesus himself said that the only way to achieve it is by listening to "Moses" aka the Law. The quote is found in Luke 16:29-31.

Ben Masada

New member
Meshak ONLY trusts in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and sometimes John. She rejects the rest of the Bible and calls the Apostle Paul an anti-Christ. She has stated that, "The Jehovah Witnesses are godly people." Which, begs the question, why doesn't she join their little cult?

Perhaps because she goes according to the title. Probably, it doesn't matter how small the cult is; if the members are called "Witnesses of Jehovah" it must be obvious that they must be God's people.

Ben Masada

New member
Meshak believes good works can save you. Yet, the Bible contradicts that?

Well, if you don't believe what Meshak says regarding the good works, try the opposite with evil works aka transgressions of the Law. If you get arrest for transgressing the Law, then you will see that Meshak was right. If you ask me, I believe her.

Ben Masada

New member
Is Meshak the ONLY person on planet earth that is obedient 100% of the time? According to her, she must be. Yet, she's said, she doesn't KNOW if she's saved? Now there's a strange dichotomy?

Now, Meshak is wrong because, according to Eccles. 7:20, "There has never been a man upon earth to have done only good and never sinned."

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber

False comment and promotes Salvation by works !

Those Christ died for have Salvation from the penalty of sin and are Reconciled to God while they are yet being God hating enemies Rom 5:10

10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

Thats because they received it[reconciliation with God] as a Gift of Gods Grace !

So your comment is a lie against the Truth !

You misunderstand the truth in this matter

I totally believe we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, while we were yet dead in trespasses and sins Christ died for the ungodly.


First God quickens our souls, that is to say He brings our souls ALIVE, this He does by His word in the gospel as it is preached to us, then He imparts faith to our hearts....

,,,,this is the shady, misty area which nobody can adequately understand or explain

How that having brought our souls alive and imparting faith we do cry to Him, we do reach out and grab that which He has already done.

We consent, we agree, we RECIEVE, we believe and we close the deal.

You can argue it until you are blue in the face...and you will, but God demands our consent and He gets it.

He SUBDUES, CONQUERS our will. People don't like that but that is what He does....and He is IRRESISTIBLE when He is doing this work of the new birth.

TECHNICALLY, in THEORY He can be resisted, but nobody ever does and nobody ever will...When God decides to save someone [and He decided it before the world was founded] that someone WILL get saved.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Well, if you don't believe what Meshak says regarding the good works, try the opposite with evil works aka transgressions of the Law. If you get arrest for transgressing the Law, then you will see that Meshak was right. If you ask me, I believe her.

You are a Jew so you know that the law never saved anybody, shackles is as far wrong as the Jews were, stiffnecked and rebellious.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Well, if you don't believe what Meshak says regarding the good works, try the opposite with evil works aka transgressions of the Law. If you get arrest for transgressing the Law, then you will see that Meshak was right. If you ask me, I believe her.

No. She's wrong all the way around. However, I won't argue about
it any further. I have respect for the Jewish people and will not
disrespect them.