rep war 3


I believe that is what you are claiming?
I don't feel the need to claim anything.

Yes, I need to claim hypocritical gang attacks which is abundant by trinity followers.

Now, your attacks are aiming at me? That's ok. You are only proving my point.

good day.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Yes, I need to claim hypocritical gang attacks which is abundant by trinity followers.
The Father, Son and Holy Ghost aren't the product of hypocrisy or lie (to note your earlier) and you should stop associating them with negative attacks on members.

See, the only difference between what you did and what you're criticizing would be if one or two other anti trinitarians showed up and said something similar.

Now, your attacks are aiming at me? That's ok. You are only proving my point.
Watch out, meshak, there are a handful of fingers pointing back at you.

Okay, that's enough for today. And I get the feeling you stopped listening a while ago anyway.

Good day. :e4e:


The Father, Son and Holy Ghost aren't the product of hypocrisy or lie (to note your earlier) and you should stop associating them with negative attacks on members.

Jesus does not approve of gang attacks no matter what. It is despicable behavior.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Jesus does not approve of gang attacks no matter what. It is despicable behavior.
Gangs are often just the product of the mind reading. Five people object in a forum it isn't necessarily a gang, unless it was orchestrated. And each individual is responsible for their own voice in any event.

What is or isn't despicable or noble is found in each post. And every "attack" isn't necessarily negative or a good bit of what you post would be, wouldn't it?


Gangs are often just the product of the mind reading. Five people object in a forum it isn't necessarily a gang, unless it was orchestrated. And each individual is responsible for their own voice in any event.

Yes it is gang attack. You can make excuses all you want.

You know teen age bullies do that to a person with multiple helpers?

You have a Phd. you should know better.

good day sweetie.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Jesus does not approve of gang attacks no matter what. It is despicable behavior.

He shows how not to be attacked...judge not that ye be not judged for the measure ye mete will be the measure ye recieve.

Now folks say we are not under the law but under grace, this is so but yet this is a spiritual law that works. It is akin to do unto others as you would have them do unto you...these are the wisdom with which God created the universe. These principles work.

The way to recieve is to give, the way to be loved is to love. Don't wait till you are loved but take the initiative.

When you came back last time from your "holiday" meshak you did seem to make an effort, alas you have slipped back to your bad old ways.

You need the Holy Spirit gal....

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Yes it is gang attack.
No, it isn't necessarily. I shouldn't not be able to give my opinion because someone else has given theirs and if I do someone like you will declare me a part of a gang when I wasn't, wasn't even necessarily aware of the other responses.

You can make excuses all you want.
Rather, you can make associations that only reflect your context. I'm not saying people don't get ganged up on, only that you can't assume that anyone in the minority being spoken to by people from the majority is having that happen.

You know teen age bullies do that to a person with multiple helpers?

You have a Phd. you should know better.
If you respect the level of education you should respect my differing conclusion. If you don't then you shouldn't raise it.

It's like saying, "You're too smart to not see X" without taking into account the problem might not be with me.

good day sweetie.
I pointed out that calling me sweetie is, in context, condescending/insulting.

I know you read it and yet you did it again.

Now how humble and Christ like is that, meshak?
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Yes it is gang attack. You can make excuses all you want.

You know teen age bullies do that to a person with multiple helpers?

You have a Phd. you should know better.

good day sweetie.

the early Christians, the ones who heard Christ preach - how did they respond to gang attacks?

how did Christ respond?



I know you can go on and on once you targeted someone. I will not play your game.

good day, sweetie.


New member
Hall of Fame
looks like lighthouse got advanced notice that the rep system would be turned on
he got a head start
now he has another girl helping him

Lying devil, i negged you once because you said you enjoyed the chaos.

Thanks for the 4 you gave me in return though. What a blessing!

Now go back to whining, troll.


New member
I will not take a bait of enabling gang attacks, sweet.

Jesus spoke for attacked.

In order for there to be a gang attack, there has to be coordination. It just so happens that most of the members on this board are irritated everytime they read one of your posts which are often attacking someone (hypocrite). They respond back to you in the manner you dish it out. Since you are a hypocrite, you don't realize your behavior is worse than those you accuse. You are a jerk to most everyone on this board and it is no surprise that you reap what you sow. This is not a gang attack.


In order for there to be a gang attack, there has to be coordination. It just so happens that most of the members on this board are irritated everytime they read one of your posts which are often attacking someone (hypocrite). They respond back to you in the manner you dish it out. Since you are a hypocrite, you don't realize your behavior is worse than those you accuse. You are a jerk to most everyone on this board and it is no surprise that you reap what you sow. This is not a gang attack.

Suit yourself with your hypocritical and anti-Christ justification.

good day.